JAN 2012

New Internationalist Shop

Calendar & Diary Sale!

50% of


50% of

50% of

One World Calendar Down from £14.95 to £7.45 Code 12CAL

One World Almanac Down from £12.95 to £6.45 Code 12ALM

➜ ➜ ➜

50% of

One World Special Offer! Calendar, Almanac and cards

One World Greetings Cards Down from £5.95 to £2.95 Code 12CRD

50% of

Year Planner Down from £9.95 to £4.95 Code 12YP

Calendar, Almanac and cards Down from £33.85 to £13.90 Code 12SET3

People Diary Down from £9.95 to £4.95 Code 12DY

50% of

50% of

World In Your Kitchen Calendar Down from £9.95 to £4.95 Code 12KIT

One World Family Calendar Down from £9.95 to £4.95 Code 12FAM

50% OFF in our New Year Sale! And there’s still FREE P&P for orders over £60!

65% of

One World Birthday Calendar Down from £5.99 to £2.00 Code BYCAL

Visit the apple store to download our FREE New Internationalist shop app shop.newint.org Tel: 01709 513999