Issue 6 • st quarter




4 From the editor 6 NewsEvilutilitarians

9 Obituaries 11 MediawatchPhilosophyandphilosophers in the mass media

12 ThreadsNaturalismas dogma

14 Feature: Philosophy in schools Julian Baggini on why kids actually can be reasoned with

18 Word of Mouse Faster than light?

59 Getting to know Wittgenstein Ray Monk catches his tone

66 Messy lives Revel in the details, says Sarah Bakewell

70 The time of our lives David Edmonds shows how context matters

75 Know thyself James Miller explores the long history of philosophical biography

81 The emotions behind the ideas Nigel Rodgers and Mel Thompson on hidden motivations

87 Damage control Do philosophers meet their own standards, asks

Annette C Baier


90 Dying a philosophical death Simon Critchley faces the final curtain

20 The Interview Elliott Sober’s take on atheism and evolution

28 Sci-PhiMonkeyminds

31 TPM Essay Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone on metaphor

42 What is a shadow? Roy Sorensen’s dark materials

47 Letter from … Hans-Johann Glock in Zurich

51 Sensing God’s presence Stephen Law against psychics and theists tpm 1ST QUARTER 2012