Agenda Making the news this month
8 Johnson & Johnson turns its back on poor people with HIV 9 Is India’s anti-graft push off-target? 10 The Occupy movement goes viral
11 Zambia vs China? 12 Time to explode myths of the Eurozone crisis
P H o t o l i/A P
J a m a
H a s a n
The Unreported Year
44 Stories and photos that didn’t make the mainstream media in 2011.
R e u t e r s
Analysis Special feature: the Arms Trade 14 Anxieties of influence The arms industry tends to have government’s ear. Why, wonders Dinyar Godrej, when it is so counter-productive?
sinister pictures / Demotix/Demotix/ Press Association Images
17 Arms trades – THE FACTS 18 Washington’s white elephant William D Hartung on the world’s most expensive
(pretty obsolete) combat aircraft and the unholy battle to keep producing it
20 The shadow world Andrew Feinstein examines the corrupt networks of arms deals. His own political career got choked in one.
22 Rise of the drones The Terminator tendency to the fore as countries rush to acquire weapons that can be steered from half a world away. Chris Cole reports.
B r i t o d e i a
D e
Also in Analysis 24 God is my alarm clock
Meet Dona Maria Brás – a hero of the streets and one of the founders of a movement spreading across Brazil, giving the country’s waste-pickers back their dignity. By Deia de Brito.
/D em lez
G onzá
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