
Agenda Making the news this month


8 Citizen auditors challenge euro-debt 9 Depleted uranium: dirty secrets, dirty weapons 10 Daniel Ortega – yesterday’s man? 11 Lebanon recognizes ‘honour’ killing is murder 12 The Maldives calls for global climate commitment 13 Ivorians still suffering after post-election violence

Analysis Special feature: Banking on hunger



26 Anatomy of hunger

When children stop growing... Stéphane Doyon describes the lasting damage wrought by malnutrition.



28 City of vertical farms Kenyan slum dwellers are using urban agriculture to supplement diets and incomes. Danielle Nierenberg and Jesse Chang report from Kibera.


29 Freedom harvest

Rami Zurayk on how Egypt, which depends on food imports, is working to bring its wheat production back in-house.

/P a n o s lO s t e r g a a r d i k k e


14 The food rush Maize and wheat are hot assets, right up there with gold.

But since investors piled into food markets, the poorest can no longer afford to eat. Hazel Healy gets to grips with the commodity speculators.

17 Meet the food speculators 20 Speculation – THE FACTS 22 Meet the new farmers Next up, land. Why financiers are buying up African

Savannah. Anuradha Mittal investigates a Mozambican land deal.

i s l l i n g v a g / D a g e n sN a r i n g s l i v/C o r b


r j a n


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