>> CONTENTS June 2007

Issue No 307 www.artmonthly.co.uk

COVER Yael Bartana Trembling Time 2001 video still, detail

01 FEATURES Wall of Silence Anna Dezeuze on art and the climate of censorship that bedevils relations between the US, Israel and the Palestinians 07 You cannot be serious: Art Politics Idiocy by Dean Kenning






EXHIBITIONS WACK! Mike Sperlinger 23 Matthew Buckingham John Slyce 24 Le Nouveau Réalisme Deke Dusinberre 26 The Real Thing: Contemporary Art from China Sally Lai 27 Martin Creed Martin Herbert 28 Anya Gallaccio Maria Walsh 29 Stay forever and ever and ever David Barrett 31 Simon Bedwell John Russell Andrew Hunt 32 Roderick Buchanan James Clegg 33 Rosalind Nashashibi Melissa Gronlund 34 Roni Horn Gill Perry 35 New York Round-up Morgan Falconer

38 BOOKS Women Artists at the Millennium Joan Key 39 Zoo and Frieze Lisa Le Feuvre

40 SOUND Sonia Boyce David Ryan

41 ARTLAW Anticipating Future Uses of Work Henry Lydiate



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ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year

Editor Patricia Bickers Managing Editor Letty Mooring Deputy Editor Ian Hunt Assistant Editor Events Coordinator Frederika Whitehead Listings Chris McCormack listings@artmonthly.co.uk Advertising Matt Hale Chris McCormack ads@artmonthly.co.uk Subscriptions Brendan Fan subs@artmonthly.co.uk Distribution Brendan Fan Publisher Jack Wendler Design bird






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