phi los o phers’ the
reporter 4news hound news, plus straw poll and mediawatch
12Darwin wars Dennett v Ruse in a sort-of public spat
15omnivore Scott McLemee on Benjamin Franklin
16let’s do Berlin! the philosopher’s guide to the German city
19word of mouse Luciano Floridi on words and images
thoughts 20success Robert Solomon asks what it means
27sci-phi can starlings grasp basic grammar?
29censorship when words stop us from acting
33provocations is policing the web a good thing?
35dress formal how to love formal philosophy
issue 35 • 3rd quarter 2006
forum 40think positive Andy Higgins looks at the growth of positive psychology
44happy warriors Richard Schoch learns from military suicides in Iraq
48Buddhist Mill Wendy Donner sees a surprising EastWest link
53crayon bliss Mark Kingwell takes lessons from Homer J Simpson
58hands off Neera Badhwar asks if happiness is the business of politicians
62good choices Dan Haybron wonders if we know what’s good for us
discussion 66my philosophy David Edmonds and John Eidinow on brainy brawls
the lowdown 79the directory listings for UK and North America
80snapshot the lowdown on Simone Weil
82conceptual carvery objective explanations of the subjective
83theory of knowledge the last in the series sees off the radical sceptic
review 85new books Shelby, Dennett, O’Hear, Appiah and fi lm as philosophy
last words 92Bertrand’s break fun and games
94letters you set us straight
70open debate readers take on Peter Fosl’s defence of blasphemy
96the skeptic Wendy Grossman arranges her intellectual autobiography
subscriptions & TPM shop page 34
The Philosophers' Magazine /3rd quarter 2006