T HIS MONTH ’ S PULPIT is written by Kathryn Hughes, author of George Eliot: The Last Victorian and The Victorian Governess. Her most recent book, The Short Life and Long Times of Mrs Beeton, is published by 4th Estate.
J OHN G RAY is Professor of European Thought at the London School of Economics.
A NDREW R OBERTS ’s most recent book, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900, was published in September by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Asked by George Stephanapoulos on ABC’s This Weekprogramme what was the latest book that he’d read, President George W Bush said: ‘I’m reading A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900.It’s a great book.’
D IANA A THILL is the author of Stet and Yesterday Morning: A Very English Childhood, both published by Granta.
J OHN B REWER teaches in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the California Institute of Technology.
C HRISTOPHER C OKER is Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and author of several books on international security.
R ICHARD O VERY ’s The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia was awarded the Wolfson Prize for History 2005 (Penguin).
D AVID P ROFUMO ’s Bringing the House Down: A Family Memoir is published by John Murray.
J AMES D ELINGPOLE spent the Eighties wishing he could be the next Rupert Everett. Sadly being neither beautiful enough nor sufficiently gay, he had to become a hack instead. His next book, a compendium of rants called How To Be Right, is published in March by Headline.
B LAIR W ORDEN is Research Professor of History at the University of London.
E LISABETH L UARD has been writing about food for twenty years. Her latest book, Truffles, is published by Frances Lincoln.
D ANIEL J OHNSON Betrayal: France, the Arabs, and the Jews David Pryce-Jones A NDREW R OBERTS Dangerous Nation: America and the World 1600–1898Robert Kagan J ONATHAN M IRSKY The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama Thomas Laird Beyond Seven Years in Tibet: My Life Before, During, and After Heinrich Harrer V ICTOR S EBESTYEN Revolution in Hungary: The 1956 Budapest Uprising Erich Lessing A Good Comrade: János Kádar, Communism and Hungary Roger Gough J USTIN C ARTWRIGHT Portrait with Keys: The City of Johannesburg Unlocked IvanVladislavic H AZHIR T EIMOURIAN The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End Peter W Galbraith
1155 1177 1188 2200 2211
J OHN G RAY Alexis de Tocqueville: Prophet of Democracy in the Age of Revolution Hugh Brogan P AUL J OHNSON Mellon: An American Life David Cannadine D IANA A THILL Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature Linda Lear J OHN B REWER Edmund Curll, Bookseller Paul Baines & Pat Rogers C HRISTOPHER C OKER Dean Acheson Robert L Beisner P AUL A DDISON Churchill’s Man of Mystery: Desmond Morton and the World of Intelligence Gill Bennett A NDREW T AYLOR Amerigo: The Man Who Gave His Name to AmericaFelipe Fernández-Armesto
M AGGIE G EE Ring-barking
R ICHARD O VERY Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939–1953 Geoffrey Roberts R ALEIGH T REVELYAN Anzio: The Friction of War – Italy and the Battle for Rome 1944 Lloyd Clark G ILES M ILTON Breaking the Chains: The Royal Navy’s War Against White Slavery Tom Pocock F RANK M C L YNN Why Alfred Burned the Cakes: A King and his Eleven-Hundred-Year AfterlifeDavid Horspool P IERS B RENDON Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez and Decolonisation Wm Roger Louis B LAIR W ORDEN The Last Revolution: 1688 amd the Creation of the Modern World Patrick Dillon J ONATHAN K EATES The War of Wars: The Epic Struggle between Britain and France, 1793–1815 Robert Harvey
M ICHAEL B ARBER Point to Point Navigation: A Memoir Gore Vidal
Editor:N ANCY S LADEK Deputy Editor: T OM F LEMING Editor-at-Large: J EREMY L EWIS Editorial Assistant: P HILIP W OMACK
Contributing Editors: A LAN R AFFERTY , S EBASTIAN S HAKESPEARE Business Manager: R OBERT P OSNER Advertising Manager: T ERRY F INNEGAN Classified Advertising: D AVID S TURGE Founding Editor:D R A NNE S MITH Founding Father: A UBERON W AUGH Cover illustration by Chris Riddell Issue no. 339
LITERARY REVIEW Dec 2006 / Jan 2007