Covert / Handmade / Made by Hand

Contributors: Amy Zamarripa Solis, Asha Krishna, Barsa Ray, Be Manzini, Clare Serugo, Dean Atta, Elaine Chiew, Hannah Collisson, Heather Pearson, Hongwei Bao, Jasmine Sharif, Jenny Arach, Joyoti Grech Cato, Lesa Ng, Marina Murphy, Natalia Equihua, Niharika Jain, Nina Bhirangi-Bishop, Sean Wai Keung, Seema Kapila, Shabnam Shabazi, Shasta Hanif Ali, Sheyna Zaid Lam, Snehal Amembal, S. D. Chatterjee, Sunita Crowley, Teji Dhaliwal, Titilayo Farukuoye, Umi Sinha, Zara Masood, Zita Holbourne Guest Editors: Sean Wai Keung, Titilayo Farukuoye, Elaine Chiew Editorial Team: Zita Holbourne FRSA, Tammye Huf, Akila M. Richards, Alessandra Duse, Amy Zamarripa Solis Production Assistant: Alessandra Duse This issue is suppor ted by Arts Council England. Writing Our Legacy is an ACE National Por tfolio Organisation for 2023-2026. Copyright © 2024 by Writing Our Legacy CIC. Printed in London, UK. Individual contributors own their own copyright. All r ights reser ved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced, distr ibuted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in cr it ical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Writing Our Legacy CIC is an ar ts and heritage organisation that enables Black, Asian and ethnically diverse/BPOC people to tell

their stor ies through writing and the creative ar ts. We were established in 2012 . We give writers and other creatives a platform and community to feel suppor ted, nur tured and evolve their work through the creative pipeline, f rom star t to publication. We share stor ies and the heritage of diaspora communities and bring them to life through various ar t forms for audiences to learn and take par t in cultural heritage. Printed by Print Big Limited. Design by Adventure Stories. Front cover: Sewing book cover provided by Shasta Hanif Ali.