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September/October 2024 Contents
40 Tessa Boshoff, VP of HR at education provider Wall Street English, on her
business transformation journey
22 AI mythbusting must try to see pa and assess the te
22 AI mythbusting: leaders must try to see past the hype and assess the technology’s
real-world b
real-world benefits
32 Frontline workers are bearing
the brunt of a rise in abuse and harassment. HR must do
more to protect them
48 Getting people’s names
wrong is hurtful and unnecessary.Take a little time
to get them right
Contents September/ October 2024
News and analysis 4 Leader article
Never stop learning: every day is a school day 6 HR news briefing
The four- day work week, Sky Sports pundit loses IR35 case, dress codes reassessed, and more 10 News analysis
The summer’s civil unrest put HR’s responsibilities in the spotlight. How did the sector measure up? 12 Hot topic
Should employers be able to dictate their workers’ physical appearance? 14 People moves
Who’s gone where
Comment 16 Academic view
What HR can earn from the improv scene 18 The HR hot seat
The impact of menopause on ADHD 19 Have your say
The right to switch of f, suicidal feelings, four-day work weeks and more 21 Legal ease
Sexual harassment protections updated
Strategic HR
22 Technology
Don’t believe the hype: separating the AI bunkum from the business benefits
26 Cover story
HR’s public image is in need of rescuing. Can internal comms step up and save the day? 32 Health and wellbeing
With abuse aimed at frontline workers on the up, what more can HR do to protect employees?
Operational efficiency 36 A different slant
How to ensure hybrid employees can stay happy and healthy 40 Profile
Tessa Boshoff of Wall Street English on helping the ‘sleeping giant’ achieve its potential 44 Case study
Lloyd’s looks to a brighter, more diverse future after assessing its dark history
Personal development 46 Lessons from the C-suite
JC Townend, CEO UK and Ireland, LHH 48 Resources
Business books and HR’s D&I clinic 49 Future leader
What the HRD of tomorrow thinks 50 How I got here
Faye Longhurst, regional people lead Europe, Canva
Human Resources (HR) is published bi-monthly by MA Business Ltd. Editorial, production, advertising and events:
St Jude’s Church, Dulwich Road,
London SE24 0PB. The content of this publication is
protected by copyright. Full details are available from the publisher. © MA Business Ltd, 2024. All rights reserved. No part of HR may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
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September/October 2024 HR 3