EDITORIAL 4 / Personhood and personality Ashley Beck

TOWARDS PART TWO OF THE SYNOD 6 / Building relationships of communion – the synodal mission of the people of God John Wilson 11 / The Synod of Bishops – Some Anglican observations Martin Warner 16 / The second Instrument of Work Ashley Beck

CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN PRACTICE 21 / Somehow implicated: Ref lections on researching the abuse crisis in the Church Pat Jones 26 / Catholic social thought and prison ministry: Research and resources Elizabeth Phillips and Férdia J. Stone-Davis 31 / A theological classic: Jürgen Moltmann, 1926–2024 Michael Kirwan SJ 36 / The courage of the white f lag? Rob Esdaile SUPPORTING LEADERSHIP AND MINISTRY 41 / Setting hearts on fire: Reawakening the passion of the preacher in today’s Church Duncan Macpherson and Dominic Robinson SJ

DIACONATE MATTERS 45 / The permanent deacon in a synodal church Sean Hall 50 / Diaconate, chieftaincy and charity Seán Murphy 54 / Up the creek in a barbed wire canoe, then slowly crossing the Tiber Paul Jensen

SPIRITUALITY, THE BIBLE AND THE ARTS 59 / The legacy of Ignacio Ellacuría SJ and Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ, Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador Stephen J. McKinney 63 / Cultural Resistance: Creative student voices in the struggle for international peace Iris Beck 66 / A Catholic Bible? The Holy Bible: English Standard Version Catholic Edition Adrian Graffy

REVIEWS 70 / Book reviews

BREAKING THE WORD 77 / Sundays Kevin McGinnell 84 / Prayer and Social Justice Calendar Raymond Friel 87 / Weekdays Gerald O'Collins SJ

October/November/December 2024 | Pastoral Review Vol. 20 Issue 4 | 3