A refugee camp in Juba, South Sudan, where Sudanese bishops met to demand an end to civil war 24
Christopher Howse’s Notebook ‘My new mop came from a chain hardware shop with stocks of baffling light bulbs’ / 5
Anne Booth ‘As a Catholic, I have been brought up to pray, to talk to and listen to God’ / 11
REGULARS Word from the Cloisters 15 Puzzles 15 Letters 16 The Living Spirit 17
CONTENTS 3 AUGUST 2024 // VOL. 278 NO. 9564
4 / The pride of Wigan
Catholics in Wigan are fighting plans to close a historic church, amid dismay that a
lifeline offered by a traditionalist group has been rejected / BY ELENA CURTI
7 / Who’s afraid of a pot-bellied smurf? The real sin of the parody of Michelangelo’s Last Supper in the opening ceremony
of the Paris Olympics was not mockery but banality / BY JACOB PHILLIPS
8 / Strait is the gate
A divorced Anglican who sought to be married in the Catholic Church was saddened to find the process less than straightforward / BY JEREMY TREGLOWN
10 / Where Frodo meets Francis The fourth in our summer series of pilgrimages takes us to Spain, where God speaks through nature on a Lord of the Rings camino / BY BESS TWISTON DAVIES
13 / Mother Teresa’s twin pillar Little-known outside the community in Kolkata, Sr Frederick, who died in May aged 107, was one of the most influential British Catholics of her era / BY TOM HINEY
24 / The Church in the World / News briefing 25 / Paris ceremony offends Christians around world
27 / View from Rome 28 / News from Britain and Ireland / News briefing
29 / Assisted dying bill introduced in the Lords
ARTS / PAGE 18 Summer treats Joanna Moorhead, Mark Lawson, Lucy Lethbridge, D.J. Taylor and Benjamin Poore recommend the best forthcoming theatre, films, concerts, television and radio
Christopher Bray The Searchers: Five Rebels, Their Dream of a Different Britain, and Their Many Enemies ANDY BECKETT Ian Bradley Passion Partners: The Piety of George Mackay Brown & Gerard Manley Hopkins ALISON GRAY Theo Hobson Generous Faith: Creating Vibrant Christian Communities GILES GODDARD Noonie Minogue In Pursuit of Love: The Search for Victor Hugo’s Daughter MARK BOSTRIDGE
For more features, news, analysis and comment, visit
3 AUGUST 2024 | THE TABLET | 3