Editor-In-Chief Si Truss, simon.truss@futurenet.com Reviews Editor, Music Technology Simon Arblaster, simon.arblaster@futurenet.com Tech Editor, MusicRadar.com Matt Mullen, matt.mullen@futurenet.com Managing Editor Kate Puttick, kate.puttick@futurenet.com Production Editor Stan Bull, stanley.bull@futurenet.com Design Philip Cheesbrough, Meg Culliford, Mark White

CONTRIBUTORS Bruce Aisher, Phil Barker, Oli Bell, Olly Curtis, Richard Ecclestone, Simon Fellows, Andy Jones, Adam Lee, Jon Musgrave, Rob Redman, James Russell, Roy Spencer, Robbie Stamp, Danny Turner ADVERTISING For Ad enquiries: Kyle Phillips, kyle.phillips@futurenet.com MARKETING Direct Marketing Executive: Will Hardy PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION Production Controller: Fran Twentyman Production Manager: Mark Constance​ Printed in the UK by: Buxton Press on behalf of Future Distributed in the UK by:​ Marketforce (UK), 2nd Floor, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU Tel: +44 (0) 203 787 9001 CIRCULATION Head of Newstrade: Tim Mathers SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK ISSUES How to order and access back issues: If you are an active subscriber, you have instant access to back issues through your iOS or Android device/s. Your digital magazine entitlement is available at no additional cost and no further action is required. You will only be able to access the digital back issues as long as you are an active subscriber. To purchase single back issues (print format only) visit: www.magazinesdirect.com (click on ‘Single issues’ tab) Or email: help@magazinesdirect.com For further help call: +44(0)330 333 1113. Lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30am-7pm and Sat 10am-3pm, UK time. Magazinesdirect.com is owned and operated by Future Publishing Limited. Subscription prices: £93.60 for UK, €183 for Europe, $207 for USA, £159 for the Rest of World INTERNATIONAL LICENSING AND SYNDICATION Future Music is available for licensing and syndication. Contact the Licensing team. Head of Print Licensing: Rachel Shaw, licensing@futurenet.com MANAGEMENT Brand Director, Music: Stuart Williams Content Director: Scott Rowley Global Head of Design: Rodney Dive Head of Design (Music): Brad Merrett Group Art Editor: Graham Dalzell

Future Music, ISSN 0967-0378, is published monthly with an extra issue in December by Future Publishing, Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA, UK. The US annual subscription price is $197.60. Airfreight and mailing in the USA by agent named World Container Inc, c/o BBT, 150-15 183rd St, Jamaica, NY 11413, USA. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at Brooklyn NY 11256. US POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Future Music, World Container Inc, c/o BBT, 150-15 183rd St, Jamaica, NY 11413, USA Subscription records are maintained at Future Publishing, c/o Air Business Subscriptions, Rockwood House, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3DH, UK


In the atmosphere Ambient music tends to divide opinion – to some, it’s mind-bending and hypnotic, to others it’s nothing more than dull wallpaper music. Whatever your thoughts on the genre as a whole though, when it comes to sound design, ambient is home to some of the most interesting and evocative synth patches out there.

There’s a lot you can learn from these sorts of patches whether you’re making ambient music or not. Whether it’s the backbone of your track, something to add texture to a breakdown or part of a dramatic cinematic piece, evolving and atmospheric synth sounds are one of those staple techniques that all electronic music makers should understand. This issue, we’ll guide you through the basics of making epic, atmospheric patches, whether you’re working with hardware, software or a modular system. We hope you enjoy the issue.

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Si Truss, Editor-In-Chief simon.truss@futurenet.com