THE LADY established 1885 • No 6450

ContentsJUNE Features 12 Diana’s True Love

Throughout her shor t

life the princess always loved to dance 26 Mr & Mrs Write Kate and Greg Mosse tell

us about their lives as a literar y power couple 30 Unknown Heroines

The brave women who worked in intelligence during the world wars 34 Strictly Influential Helen Budworth meets

24 Liz Hodgkinson Why holidays have

become so stressful 42 Gardener’s Diary

Ciar Byrne 48 Ivo Uncorked Tasteful big brands 58 Fashion A day at the races 60 The Stylist

Armand Beasley 66 Case Notes Dr Sue Hyde 79 Weight of the World

one of Britain’s social media influencers 38 Down to Earth

The gardeners who are on a mission to make us love the soil 44 Teatime Treats Delicious recipes to

help you make the most of af ternoon tea 50 Walking the Walk Highlights from the

King Charles III England Coast Path 63 Pass the Eye Test Looking af ter your eyes

and vision is even more important in later life 69 Retirement Property

Great options if you want to downsize when you have retired 72 Care for Carers

Help suppor t the army of unpaid workers who look after loved ones Regulars 6 The Lady Loves...

Summery style 8 Her Indoors

Mary Killen 10 Letters 18 The Lady Remembers Britain’s governorship

of Hong Kong 20 Modern Manners

Thomas Blaikie 22 The Debate

Are wheeled suitcases a help or a hindrance?

Ivo Dawnay 100 Horoscopes

Victor Olliver 114 First Impressions Hannah Dolby

Reviews 76 Bookshelf The best new novels

and non-fiction 80 Art

Roderick Conway Morris celebrates the genius of Caspar David Friedrich 84 Theatre Georgina Brown 85 TV

Emily Ross 86 Films Larushka Ivan-Zadeh 87 Radio

Louis Barfe

Puzzles 101 Word Fill and Codebreaker 102 The Ladygram

Challenge Win an Aether & Light hand-made candle 104 Archive Ladygrams 106 Cryptic Crosswords,

Wordsearch, Sudoku 108 Giant Crossword 110 Spot the Difference 111 Bridge 112 Solutions

Classifieds 88 Holiday lets, positions

vacant and much more

50 38






Subscriptions 49 Subscribe and receive

a Helen Round linen glasses case

JUNE 2024 TH E L A DY 3