The story of the debut recording of Handel’s choral masterpiece TICK TOCK TRAILBLAZER HALLELUJAH! THE FIRST MESSIAH
The maverick inventor behind the metronome
The world’s best-selling classical music magazine The world’s best selling classical music magazineagazine
Maria Callas How the iconic Greek diva transformed opera
in the 20th century
Kirill Karabits A farewell to Bournemouth
Richard Morrison The origins of diva fever
Lucy Crowe Her f inest recordings
Full December listings inside
See p100
Also in this issue… The brief and colour ful life
of Vincenzo Bellini Soprano Lise Davidsen on her childhood favourites
The orchestra making symphonic waves in India
and much more…
100 reviews by the world’s f inest critics Recordings & books – see p66