ISSUE 3.49

Bad Feelings

7 Faith Paré / Selections from tabula rasa 11 Asher Ghaffar / Two Poems 16 “The complexities coexist”: a conversation with Paneet Singh,

Andy Kalirai, and Jastej Luddu 23 Kaitlyn Purcell / Moon Study 27 Poonam Dhir / Two Poems 29 Alexis Pooley / Love You Like an Animal 31 D. A. Lockhart / Three Poems 34 Dora Prieto / Choosing Avocados 36 Beni Xiao / Eight Poems 45 Megan Feheley / Selections from sunrise part 1 and 2 and

môla: consent tarp 58 Samantha Jones / Two Poems 61 Scott Jackshaw / 95 theses on the body 67 kurickaaa / (s i c) 71 Nura Ali / black and blue 76 “You can still see it lingering”: a conversation on

institutionalization with Megan Q. Linton and Jastej Luddu 83 MICHAEL CHANG / Eight Poems 92 Gage Karahkwí:io Diabo / Listening for Futurity Against the

Grain of Absence: Porcupines and China Dolls 98 Claire Miller-Harder / As Blue as This 105 bailey macabre / The Anxiety Handbook: A Pocket Guide from a

Lifelong Sufferer 113 Contributors Throughout Kyla Boan-Mitchell / Inside Creatures

Cover: Megan Feheley, sunrise par t 2 (ehe, asay ati-kisikaw), 2021, orange tarpaulin, installation on roadside in Dufferin County, Ontario, 304.8 × 365.76 cm. Commissioned by the Groundswell Climate Collective. Photo by Megan Feheley.