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Scars and stripes

In one of the richest countries in the world, poverty is normal Tom Clark Snippets of history

A book of fabric swatches offers a window on Victorian Britain Lucy Lethbridge Our longstanding sentinels

Ancient trees are witness to the convulsions of global history Cal Flyn New elites…

Can a Brexit coalition lead the UK into a bright future? David Willetts … and tired, old arguments

The “lukewarmers” have a new bible to support their faith Bob Ward ‡ Books in brief ‡ Film: Male gaze into the abyss

Peter Hoskin ‡ TV: The physicality

of Succession Imogen West-Knights ‡ Stage: Revivals revived

Kate Maltby ‡ Pop: Sheer Sheeran

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Cover by Sara Morris, post-production by the Retouching Shed