april 2023 • issue 517

Editor Nancy Sladek

Deputy Editor Tom Fleming

Assistant Editor David Gelber

Contributing Editors Jonathan Beckman

Michael Burleigh • Sara Wheeler • Philip Womack

Editorial & Marketing Assistant Michael Delgado

Marketing Manager Constance Watson

Advertising Manager Terry Finnegan

Classied Advertising David Sturge

Founding Editor Dr Anne Smith

Cover Illustration Chris Riddell

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  •  Dennis Duncan


 Richard Vinen

Killing atcher: e IRA, the Manhunt and the Long War on the Crown Rory Carroll

 John Kampfner Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949–1990 Katja Hoyer

 Mike Rapport

Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848–1849 Christopher Clark

 John Foot

Architects of Terror: Paranoia, Conspiracy and Anti-Semitism in Franco’s Spain Paul Preston

 Rana Mitter

China and Russia: Four Centuries of Conict and Concord Philip Snow

  •  Malise Ruthven e Caliph and the Imam: e Making of Sunnism and Shiism Toby Matthiesen

 Jonathan Rée

e French Resistance and Its Legacy Rod Kedward

stage & screen

  •  Kirsten Tambling Searching for Juliet: e Lives and Deaths of Shakespeare’s First Tragic Heroine Sophie Duncan

 Simon Heer

Masquerade: e Lives of Noël Coward Oliver Soden

art & photography

 Norma Clarke

Women Artists in the Reign of Catherine the Great Rosalind P Blakesley

  •  James Cahill Anities Brian Dillon

 Salley Vickers

e Other Side: A Journey into Women, Art and the Spirit World Jennifer Higgie

the state we’re in

  •  Alan Ryan

Free and Equal: What Would a Fair Society Look Like? Daniel Chandler

 Howard Davies

We Need to Talk About Ination: 14 Urgent Lessons from the Last 2,000 Years Stephen D King