Aurtocar rDrroR Maurlce A. Smith D.F.c. 3PoRT3 EDtroR Peter Garnler AaataraNT EDlroRg Leonard A. Ayton, Ronald Barker mtDLAITo EDtroB Edward Evet ART EDt?on Howard Vyse


uANAorNo DtFEoroF H. N. Prlaulx m3.E.

" There lt Was, Gone " T TNTIL one's oqm car is stobn the'possibility of I I such a happening seems rernote' But it sud- \,/ 6er1y beccinies verfo7 real and worrying when the realization f,as finalty sun[ in that the car has gone. If ordinary beinp allowed themselves to realize that the awful things ihat happen every day to oths people could also iappen to th-em, life would scarcely be worth livine; but car owners ought to give more thought to the iossibilitv that their cats might be stolen, aod also to tlieir own -responsibilities toqrards preventing this.

Each month two to three thousand cars are stolen in London alone. Many are recovered quite soon but as often as not they havL been damaged or stripped of equipment. The inconveoience and cost to the owners and -to insurance companies are Sxeat and the police can ill afford the time wnicU tUey have to spend oo investigating thefts.

FJw motorists are as careful and responsible as they should be in this respect. The majority 9-f sneakthieves will not bothei wittr a car which is difficult to enter or does not surt readily. They do not have to, becausc a}oost every glouP of parked cars indudes a few which are neithei locked nor immobilized. One or two may even have their ignition keys left in thernMotor maiufacturers and owners should take car theft more seriously. Qliminals neatly always use stole,n cars for their cou?s,' kids involved io serious road accidents have usually * taken the car without permission." Yet a simple hidden master sx'itch (provided it is used) would usually be enough to stop a car being "borrowed," and one of the steering or gear levcr locks now available would stop even the 'professionals."

Ve appeal to motorists to lock ttreir cars carefully, to cover up tempting bclongings left in them, or $ecure belongingC in the boot, and to remove the keys even whenlars are left for ooly a few minutes outside their own houses or in private drives. We also commend to them the several anti-tneft devices now available, which even though they may not stop a determincd thief, -wi[ at least put otr i nigl p€rcentagp of the unauthorized borrowerg.

What a Bore

WE DO NOT share in the rejoicing over last week's decision, in principle, to build a Channel railway tunnel. To select an underground (or underwater) railway ferry in 1964 for use by road vehicles in, prhaps, 1974, is surely to build yesterdafs uansport system for tomotrortr,

Of course, a " fitu " connectioo between England and

France across the Q[qnn6l is needed Its red iustification is not iust to uansfer tourists and motorists, wUo alreadv haG aa increasing number of good ferry senrices to choose fmmJerries which do not conceau"t" tl. trafrc at two terminal points. The growin-g

"".a ir for quick, direct connectionr betnrcen the UJ( ,"a g*p"'for all classes of traffic including tUg bl-g tr"kr "f -i"a"ttty. What kind of railway tunnd will carrv these: anA irith what delays and internrptions to trriii iourn6ysl There is anoth& quesdon !9 tr pofd , of the t atute of the Channel link: wbat rolat-n""" we to carry heavy trafrc frm the indusuial f"fiat*a. -*a f.Iotth -to the Keot coast? Can the M roacl network be ertended to the Dover area in l0 vears?'-W. tr"re seen estimates of the time it will take to foaa

"ifrictes-f00 cars in each batch was suggested- *t o h"tott, with the trains leaving at five-minute intervals. heiumably occupants would bave to get out oi tU"it cars. Perhapithe whole fumily would trip down the oladorm via ticket office and collector, through cu.tdros and into carriages. At the rate of one car and its Dassensers a second? - V; .''rt i-igio" it all down to the, curling sand- wiches in the b-uffet; though presumably there would oot b" ro-y sidings in a mnnet in which to lose a truck i"aa of ihristmas-mail bags or a few dozeo cars. And i" thi"t that vehicles, regardless of size, can simply dtir" oo"t bridges without pause or even noticing a change of road.


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FOU|aDEO t!r3, Publlsh.d by IUtr. Aruport PublbatloDs Ltd., DoEet goer 9^t39!94-8tnct, LndoD' a'E'l' (?cteP'rorc" Estcrloo 133)' (TclGr ta7.\ < Tetestomr: attgt., rbidDr., Tct@.t BR.aNcE orfriBicil'ri*"r, rlro cotpontlo" 'etHt' (raephotrc" covertrv 35illo)' Buncu' Klnc Edvard r{ous, Nry stret' BlrBiDs}M 2 (Tclcat@te: mir""?a ziSii'-iii*io"rtt'-.zso--6ccnsgatc' uracliesre t ' (TdeDhN: Blscklrlsr8 4413' Desaar4 3595). c!^8@w,62 Bucb&m stmr, clssor, cilili"iiii;, c'"it.ii izss-sl.- srr";"] rf MsEb tttr*t, Brlstol l' lralee,@re: Btrstol 21491.2). Thc uuBl sberiptlm)s: u.K. f4 5s od, ",*"";:.;"ia-il." *a'oo. seoDd clss priY["srs autborBcd 3l !|{ Yqt n.y- @ illfle Truport r,llbltcstioB Ltd., 1964. pero.lston ts ii^ifiril'iri*uiu*-*a rcitcipres iD t'hlt tounal c.0 b' araut'd oolv udE rtttcl vo..uxE rr0 asccim!. Brier erue"tcir'&fi;ft ";;;;-ilia -riu'ario sc''illGdsEcnt' t'urBER l6lt B