- Forum: Body Politics Introduction
- The Meaning of Bodies Marilynn Johnson
- Against Ectogenesis as Liberation Suki Finn and Sasha Isaac
- Facial Recognition As Oppressive Technology Woodrow Harzig and Evan Selinger
- The Objectification of Women’s Bodies Zoë Cunliffe
- On the Possibility of Penetrable Being Jane Clare Jones
- Just Say Sex Russell Blackford
- Reviews Introduction
- What We Owe The Future reviewed by Jean Kazez
- Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy reviewed by Evan Selinger
- Seen and not Heard: Why Children’s Voices Matter reviewed by Anca Gheaus
- Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Adventures in Philosophy with My Kids reviewed by Emma Swinn
- Overthink Q and A with David Peña-Guzmán and Ellie Anderson