CONEN FEBA 




 E       B D

Professor John Hatcher answers key questions about the devastating disease that decimated the medieval world

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After arising in Asia in the mid-1340s, the Black Death went on to consume most of Europe

 L   B D

Discover how medieval society reacted to the plague  from widespread panic to the desertion of loved ones

 G  

Quarantine was just one of many measures deployed in an attempt to restrict the spread of the deadly disease

 D 

Medieval physicians recommended a range of preventative measures and cures  some more appetising than others

 P   

An unshakeable conviction that the plague was a punishment from God had terrible consequences

 O

Professor John Hatcher examines the legacy of the Black Death and the questions that remain unanswered

 G 

Take your knowledge further with our pick of books, podcasts and radio programmes

G H   B D         O     


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The secrets behind a dramatic watercolour by JMW Turner

 F N

Archive photographs charting

Newcastles rich history

   H   

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