DrcsMrrr 29rH, 1906

ThIE AUTOCAR B 3ournat publiebeD in tbe intereets of tbe mecbsnicatt? propelleD roaD carrtage.


No. 584. Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2grr, 19o6. [Pntce 3o


(Published Weekly. )

Rrgidcrrd .r a n.wspapcr fot trssison ln thc Unitcd Krngdom'

Ent.rcd rs sccond-cla$ matier in the Ncw York (N.Y.) Post Officc'






NorEs: THE LeNptulpt-IueaovlNc THE FRoNr

A.C.G.B.I. I.ourpBn IUEuBERS' DINNER . ..

1m -cos" oi D^rur"c z3,4oo Mlrrs-ExPERtMENrs wIrH A NEiv

AERoPL NE ,. ..


- " 94r

" 94r

Ui"r"" Uinis^*r'frps : ON AccuMULlros Culnolxc (illustrated) 942-943 A THREE MrlEs MoroR CouRsE " 944'945 C^" SoDv Corrouns (illustrated) .. ,. " " 949 TRYTNG AN 18 H.P. REGENT .. .. " 946 fHE RaDNc oF PETRoL ENGTNES .. " 947 Wi^. ino rVooo \tHEELs (illustrated) 9+8-95' ON TBE RoAD. Ilv OweN JoHN .. 952-953 SoME DErArLs or rse Brexcsr CARS (illustrated) 954-955 A REvrsED SPRTNGTNG SysrEM (illustrated) " " 955 co""^"i"rur CENsus oF THE PARrs SBow " " 956 io**"J"oN"er"t: llnlrlsH \'. !'oREIcN CARS-IsLD oF I\IAN AND

,ts trug Steru Rorrtn 'lvREs-UNDERsTATED HoRsE-Po-wER HoRsE-powER-ATTENTIoN'ro DETAILS-'fHE CoRSETED rYRE- 'fHE AurouoBllE Crua's CtnttnrcerE-TAKlNc A cAR To fR-{NcE lNp Btrotuu-MoroBs lN THE MALAY STATES-Stx-cYLINDER C^RS

-EFrEcr oF CARBoNIC ActD CAs oN TYRES-THE INFLUENCE or PAaRIo.sM 9571b9 'l'HE Orr^Lrry oF PETRoL -'l'HE NIoroR UNIoN MEETING " " 96r .,r Coiu.:^ro, otro Cvcru ENGINE (illustrated). . t62-963 nruu"" iJro Crrrs (illustrutcd) .. .. .. .. q6: 't'us MrcHeirr'l'vnu iNrrrroe (illustratect) " 96+'g6S A NEw NoN-sKrD ArrAcBMuNr (illustrated) . ' . .,, 995 It""ro"i"i" i"" ANIMAL H.P CouplnBp .. 966-997 ,q. Sr^i*C Cusuron Tvne (illushated) " 962 .{N ADJusTAtsLE JotNt ron SCREENS (illustrated) " 99? 'IHu Hini iceivreNu SEARoHLIcHT (illustrated) " 968 CLUTcE LEATHERs: MATERIAL AND -IREAaMENT 'r 968 lfresurs ., .. ., 969'970 AMATEUR lNvENToRs .. . . '. " 97r 'IHE NEw YoRK AuroMotslLE ExHIBlrloN ,, " 9?2 CLuB l)orNcs-REvlEws " 972

..THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tsrirish Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin Paper edition), :2s.8d. per annum

The\ Landaulet Notes. 'I'he covered motor (rar of the f uture is the Iandaulet. We do rlot mean that no one u-ill use limousines or l'ullmans. Still less do rve infer that the Cape cart hood will fall into clesuetudq' Spgaking broarlli. covered cars nla) be divided into three classes: iri-c'ii.-*iih C'rp" hdocls, (:) cars with landaulet t\Jai"r, and (3) cirs rvith limousines or other fi\e(l boclies. We dd'not mention the canop), as in the mairr it is an unsatisfactory form o[ cover, Partaking of th.g disadvantages of twb patterns, and giving tho full advantages of neither.

'I'he Cape cart hood is the most satisfactory. coverine for a elr which is used almost entirely for pleasure JrTu"r, and rarely, if ever, as a mere conveyance' In other ivorJs, as ioon as the car is used to replace the irain, or, for the matter of that, a horse brougham, rorn"it inl{ affortling better protection than the Cape < 'art hooi is rc"quir"ecl. 'l'he Cape hood is the motor ,,quivalent for a carriagc umbrella, and there is nothing ,ntre satisfactory in itJway. When the car is. wanted for regular work, ii it is onli two or three miles between a ?ourrtry hrtuse and the nearest town or station, it rvill be ftuncl that, if it is to be entirely satisfactory in all weathers and at all hours of the day or night, as such a carriage shoulcl be, it must have-a covering s'hich afforcls niore Protection than the Cape hood' 'l'he charm oi the hood is that it leaves the car almost as airv as an open carriage; it merelr'.keeps out wet, lrut irr rcallr cirl rveathei. it is exceeclilrgly draughtl'' In fact. if lto rairr is frrllirrg. rve alwars think a car is urorc corttfortablc with the hootl rlown than with it up, lrs thert' is plentl of air ill either case' but no drarluht u'hcrr the ioc.,tl'is rlown' Incidentalll'. too. the hoori acts as rL rnagtlillcettt dust-screen, rvhether up or tlou,u. as it keeps'nearl\ all the ciust out of the car'

'lhc objectic,n tn , ctivering rvhich gives more comlrlete proti'ctior.r thatr the Oape hood is th-at it ma1' rob tn" .i. o[ its t:harm in frne- rveather anc] at all times uhen tro specitl < 'rtverittg is require,l. art'l -the device lvhich is ftt:t'st front ttlese objectit-,lts tttlrler all con- ditions is thc lanrlaulet. A properly clesigned landaulet can lre ntarlc. so that uherr it is closetl the back part ol thr: r:ar is its srtrtg fls the verl snuggest brougham, entl uhett fultr'optn<ttl as fret: as all) rlncovered car' .{. pertcctll collapslblc Ialttlaulct rrot onll' has the utuul ntrni',g"trr",,i. f.,t ltrltling tlorvtl the horrd at the trat:k, lrut tiie rvintlorvs are matle to slir-le right dowrr insirlt.'the rloors. ltrtl thc frolrt glass is so ciesignecl that it rlisapperrrs in the santc wai int,, the hollow back of the f'rilrt st'ats. rvhich at* -ail" with a suitable pocket or rectptat'le to receive it. 'l'herl the two corner posts t,f the lar.rdatrlet in their turn hinge down on the top of the front lvindow frame, and the carriage is per- fectll < -rpen for use in Iine weather. 'fhis, however, onlv'applies to the back seats. The landaulet, so far as ihe- iront seats are concerllecl. is not satisfactory, and comparativell little attempt has been made to develop i[ to a saiisfactorl stage at Prescr]t. Ingenuit-r' has b&n alntost entirelv lavishe.l on the back part of the car. iurtl tto trouble has beerr takell to make the carriage as a rvhole a comfortable one, rvhich the olvncr himself cart clrive rvith pleasure.

Improving the Front. 'fhere should be no great difficultf in making thc front part of a landaulei as comfortable as thc back' We mil take side doors to the footboard and a good folding'screen as accePted. We rvill assume that the seats, lnstead of being of the usual rather uncomfortable undivided sort, are really well upholstered bucl<e'ts, and then thsre is nothinR to eornplain about in tho \yorst of rveather, except that there is no overhead