DTEyBER l?ND, 1906,
THT AL]TOCAR B 3ourrral publigbeD in tbe interegts of tbe mecbnnicatlp propelteD roaD carriage.
No. 583. Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, DECtrI,IBER z2ND, 19o6. [Pnrcr 3o
(Published Weekly.)
Rcglstarcd li i newspaper for trosmisslon rn the United Krngdom.
Entcrcd .! second-class mat',er rn the New York (N.Y.) Post Office.
I'A G tI
Nores: PenerrrN CARBURETTERs-"Trre AuroceR" Cxnlsrues
USEFUL HINTS lro'frps: Pureor Lsrrs-A Sruerp Wanurxc
.. 9o3
.'l,RRANGEMENT-AN OBscuRE CAUSE or PowER F'ArLuRE-CARDAN AND PRopELLER-SHAFa DRtvE .. .. 9o4 Tre Assocrlrror FoR PRouortoN or Frrcrrt .. . . . . .. 9o5 Tur: Lrrr:sr Mnuoslrv C^Rs (illustrxted) .. go6-9oj IN TEE HousE oF CoMuoNS .. .. .. go7 Av Auerern eyo I Secoxo-nero Clr 9o8-9o9 WIaB euo WooD WIEELS (illustratc(l) 9ro-9r2 HEATTNG MoToR HoUsES .. 9r3 Ilorons rxo SHoorlNG grl-9r 5 A NEw PHASE oa MoroR RActNc . . .. .. .. 9ro A Tntc op ELAsrES.. .. 916 REvrEw oF ruu Plnts MoroR SBow (illustrated) 9r7-9zo Costtxevrer NorEs AND NEws ., 921-g2z A Usr:FuL Accessory (illtrstrrted) .. 92? CoRREspoNDE!cE : UNDERsTATED HoRsE-powER-TyRES-llRrrrsH
CARs-Srx-cyLrxDER C.rRS-'Io AvorD TEE LANcAsHIRE IILAc( CouNTRy-!IoroRrNc tr,{usTRALrA (illustratcd)-}IoroR CAR llATERrAL CoupETrrtoy -STEEL roR IIoroR Cens-)ioron Vorux- TEERs-CaRBURErtr:ns -'fte AuroMortLE AssoctATrox's CHRIST- nAS ARRANGEMExTs-Hr(;lr r. Lorv'leysroN [IAGxEro-l)rREca IJRIvE-llloToR CARS AND rrrc Puslrc-SrtoDlNG ExpERTENCEs- Portcr Coutr 'I'nearut:xr-SuuvAny oF otuen Cotnespoxp- ENCE .. .. ..923-927 A lIlNrAruRE ]IoroR CAR (illustrilted) . . - grlt .{x Easrrv F-rrrED.rtuxrlrAR\' .{rR I!LEt (illustratcd) .. .. . . 92.) 'fse Pensols NEw NoN-sKrr) . . .. 9?g 'l'uc Sulpry or Purnor Eguer ro rBE D!:MAND. . . . 93o -ls ()TilERs Sr:r: Us . . .. 9i3 'fue Nuw r9o7 I)UCI:LLIER (;rjNErAToR (illust.atcd) .. .. . . t)32 Alo'ruER NoN-sKrD (illustrtrtcd) .. .. 933 A -\ow Rnvovaar,a Rru (illrrstratcrl) .. .. ., 933 A fnrr-rrre AcouuulrroH (illustraterl) .. ,. ., 933 !'LAsHEs ., .. . 9-l+-935 CLUB l)r)rNGs: CLUts [.'rx-rurEs-Mlucucsrus A.C.-Melcuesrrn i\1.C.-IpiwrcH ero liesr Surrolx A C.-Yorrsrrrrn A.C 'l'IiE TwrN Llp Moror CoAT (illustrntcd) .. .. SorE QuEr{rEs axo Rtilrrus..
936 ,t'i6 t)]7-t) l5
..THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: llririrh Islr:s, I6r. ,\irro.r,l ltlrirr 1r;r1x,r c(lition), .lls. Srl. pr r irrrnLrrrr
Notes. Paraffin Carburetters. F rorri time to tir-r-rc pi,rus rrpirriuns iuc erpressetl abr.rtrt the desirability o,l trying to use lraraftin iltstr.rl(l ol petrol ln [at't, it is harrlly too much to say that the sentiment is prrl.rli<:ly erllresserl somen'here or other in the n:otor rvorlcl once l u'eek, aurl here tlte muttrr ('()nr(.s ver\ ne:rr to entling. It is trtre u'e ltelrr ol one or t\\'o lirrlfiirr < :,rrl,urt,fters ulrich ure r,'lrrinrerl to sork rvell, arttl oI o,nt: or trv<-r ungines n'hir'[r bv irrtcrnal morlilicntio,ns are enablctl t() use parafhr). lttrt, a.s a ru holc., the trse rif the trrel mirkes no lteurlrvar'. I t is so mllch easier to go on using petrol. u'hii'h is ls
Ilur'h easier to usr ls it is lrlclsltrttt'r ttlrl ttt,rL't'lt'allly than pantflin. .\t tltr' srrrtrc tirnc the tparttitv of lretrol cortsumerl gocs rrp stcarlilr', rttrtl t,r s:tt'lht'r'try 1t'lst oi' it tlr,'r',' is rrot likt'lr to lrt' itttt rtrlttctiorl irt its prict: rvl-rile this is tltc ,'rtsc. ll ,,rilv llr,' inrlLrstrial scctiru.t of the rtrotor rv,rt'lrl r'nulrl use lrlrallirt tl great step lorrvlrrl uoulrl lltvc lrt:ett tllrlc as tltt'r'ollsump' tion uotrlrl lrt: srr grcalll rt',lttct'rl thlt lhc,rtvtters of privatt: r'nrs uorrlrl not Irrve t() l)il)'so higli lI Irtit'u'as tht:t' rlo norv ultilc thr rlt'trtlttrl is goirtg ttlr sttrarlilv.
'l'he Automolrile ('lrrlr, ts l srN'ietv rll' ctrcrntritgenrr^nt, uoulrl, rrt'tlrink. l;t'u't'll ltrlvist'rl trt orglrtise l trial of paraffin curlrurtttr:rs. Wc sltrrtrl,l rrot Irc lrt lll srrrl;riserl il'thc Ilrst trinl u'as lr ctull;ltrlttive I'liltrre rlu,ing to the ver\' sntall ttrtttilrt:r ol't'tttrit:s ultir'lt u'rrul<l be secrtrcrl. 'I'his, ho,lvcvt.r. nt(r(l ttrrt lrt'rcgartlerl as rliscourlging. 'l'lrt'r't,: is rro tlut'stiot.t u ltatt'r't'r ls to the rlesirlrlrilitv Lrl tlte cotrsttrupticrr ,l llrtrrflirr lttel le,,'iving en.,rt,ragei,,.,rrt in cvt'rr' pr;ssilrlt' tvlr', uttrl tlt.rL' is tto bctter uav o,f enco,uraging it tlrlrrr t)r,','rgrrtisirtg of competitions. l')r'en on tht:tsstrnrl;tirut tltltt tltc lirst co,mpetitio,rt u'as lrocrrIr' sttl:1;crttrl itrttrt'st rvott]rl tlrl arottserl in lutrl ltttt'nlirrn rlirr,'tlrl tou:trrls thl strlrjttt. atrrl as tinre u'etrt otr thc crrmpttitio,tts tt ottlrl ltccrlmtr more lnrl m()re su(-('('ssful. lt cattttot lrt trp,'r'ttrl that so, r'o,mplcr anrl rliffir'rrlt rt sttlrjtct u'ill lrL' slttisf ar'torilv solr-erl intmt'rliatelv. tlrrrtrgh. il all rrt'ltcrr lrt'trtte. at It'est trro r.r thrtc init:ttlors lrrtt,r stt,'t't','tlt'r'l in Ltsitlg yrarallin tt ithout att\- ('()lltrtr'Ilrllart,'ittg o'lrjtctiott rrlher than those irtseplrralrlt' l'rrnt tltt' ltt,'l lts stl,'ll, attrl these ,rbjt'r'tions llrc m()rc tluttt clttrrtcrlralltttr't',1 lrv tht' lrrwer y:rice an,l grcat('r's:rl'etl ol'llrt'I't:r'1 . \\'t: lll look foruarrl t,r tlre tirne \\'lt('rl \\('sltrtll lrar',':r rlittioltitl l'rtel, lrut in thc nrcatrtirle tlte lirre rrl ltrtst rt'sistitttt'e is to tal<e cverr'possilrle st('l) t() ('rt('()tlrag('tllc rtse rrf the cheltper ftrels, lrrrrl ttt' l<tt,ttt' ()l ll() ll)rtrr: ilullortant ru,rrk to u[-iich tlr,'.{.('.(; l].l. t'otrlrl ,lt'r',rtt'itsr'lf.
()n tlrt' Irrel tlrl'stiott tlrt' r'ltrlr ltlts I t't'rt lrslt'tlp. 'l'lrt' \I,rt,rl Utti,rtt ltrts slt'pplrl ittto tltt' lrt't'ltclt, ltrlrl is rloirrg uork tlr:rt shoulrl ltltvt' l,r't'tt tttttlt'rt:tkt'tt lrl thc ,'lul,,'llri,'lr. llrr rt':tsotts u't' rlo ttttt itll('llt])t 1o ,'r1,1;rin, Iuts ttt'r't'r tltlien lrtt' itttt't't'sl irr llrt' l'trt'l tlttt'stiott. It is rrot too llrtt,to rrtottl f',rr its lt'tlralgr', rttt,l il it slrrtulr.l irrstitutt'a lrrtrtflitt r':u'lrttrt'1tct llirrl it rnight uell inclttrlt'a s(.1)lrr;rt('r'lltss l'r;r'r'r1rtt'itttt'tttltl t'ttt'ls of rttty kin,l. 'l'lrt'rt' uls rr tintt u'lrt'tt tlrt' r.lttlr lt',1 tltt vatr .l ;tIr,1rlis.:ttr,l tt, ylt,,trl,l lr,',1,'liqltt,',1 lrr:n','il r('sttme its,,1,1 l,,,siti,,tt. V " The Autocar " Christmas Number.
'l'ht C'hristnrrts \tttnlx'r rl'7'hc ^.ltrtrtrr.r, trlrit'lt rvas lrulrIislit'rl 1;rst ut'r'k. lrlrs rtt,'t rlitlt lt vlt'r t'rtlhttsilstic rt'r'r'1ttion, :rttrl ut'It;rvt'lta,l rltltttl l('tt('rs,rf lr1,1,rer'ilt- tion 1r'onr ()ur l'(,it(li,rs cortr't.rning it. 'l'lrt'r su'ttr to l)llrti('Lllllrl\'\\'('l('()r'!r(i tlrt irltlr of lrn lltogt'tlrt'r st-1lltratr' rruntlrr'r provirling tlrrt' r,f lr stas,rnllrlt' natur('. It is inrlrossilrle to rrcknoslt'rlgc tlrtsl kirtrllv rxlrr,'ssions iurlir irluallv. s() \\'r' usk tlrr. uritt'rs to lccr:pt this as an ackrroult'rlgnrent. lrrrrl \\'(" tlrkt' thr r)l)l)()rttlrlit\ of s'ishinq all orrr rt'a,k'rs thr'(',inrplirntttts of tht" St'ason.