Novrrrgrn l7r[, 1906,

THE AT]TOCAR E 3ournat publtelleD in tbe lnterest6 of the mecbanlcaltu propetleD rosD crrrtaoe.


No.578. Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, NOVDMBER r7rH, 19o6. [PnIcr 3o


(Published Weekly,)

RegiFtercd.s a newspapc! for trcnsmission in the United Kingdom,

Entcrsd as *cond-class mattcr in the Ncw Yotk (N.Y,) Post Ofhce.







NorEs: TrrE Auroc^Rs oF t9o7-THE Coususrlox oF HvDRo-

cARBoNs-TaE Uulrlv or ADVANCED PApEes


UsErsL HrNTs AND Ttes: Op DTAGNosINc Frurrs (continued) .. 687 CHAssrJ ELEVATToN op 25 lI.P. SPEEDIYELL CAa ,. .. 687 TouRrBT TRoPHY ParRoL .. 688 TEN YE^RS Aco (illustrated).. .. 689-693 BrlNcrpa?roNDay,NovEuBER rqru, 1896. A REpRINT rnox "Tue

AurocAB " o, NoVEMBER zrsr, 1896

SorE RErrNrscENcEs (illustrated) ,. ..


TRE NEWSUNBEAT C^Rs (illustrated)


A NBw RErovaaLE Rrf, (illustrat6d)

TEE NEw DATMLER CARS (illustrated)


RACE rN t9o7 .. ..


.. 697-700

.. 7oo





. . 7o7

TEE 16.20 E.p. CHENARD-WArcKER CAR (iltustrated) .. .. Zo8-7og TEEENpTBLDNEwMoDELs(illustrated).. .. ?to-7tr TEE AurocaRs oF r9o7 ,. 7rt Txr 3o-lo H.p. J. AND B. VERTEX C^R (illustrated) 7r2-7r4 A.C. RArlNc poR PETRoL ENGTNES .. .. .. .. 7r1 CoRrusroNDaxcE: Barrrsu Crns-CourrrtuoN REsuLTs-THE

AxNrvERsARy: Trx Yerns, AND AprER-FtRtxc Sreeu Crns wrrE PARAFTTN-RUNNTNG oN BENzoLENE-Alcouot FuBu ron MotoR CNs-NBw STNGER cARs-MoroR Cle lxsuuucpBNTERTNG rnr Moton INDUsaRy-Cosr oF UpKEEP-STEEL FoR MooRClRs .. .. zr5-7t8 FLAsBrs .. ,t9-72o

Owing to the largc amount o/ sfare tahcn uf by rcministtnces o/ " 'I'tn

Years Ago," &e /ryret that we haae fuet cotnpellcd to curtuil,and ir some cascs holil otnr, sone of the rsual fcatures o/ the lafer. A large atmbtr of inkresting leltels arc also unaaoitlably withheld fron lublication this tt,cch.

..THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Brirish Isles, I6s. Abroad lthin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annunr.

, Notes. v' The Autocars of 1907. Last week we published the list rvhich we had compiled of all ,the cars upon the market or which are at present in a su.fficiently advanced stage to have their Jnices 6nally settled bl the m:lnufacturers. The demand for this issue has beerr so great that n'e have clecided to reprint the list in the current number of Thc Autocar, particularly for the convenienoe of visitors to Olvmpia.. It embodies a fery alterations and atlditions o,f rvhich we h,ave be€n adviseci by manufacturers and a ierv minor corrections. 'lhe corrections, horvevt'r, rre so ferv and so unimportant that thel need no further reference. It may be interesting to arlcl that the list shows th.a;t at the present time there are some 544 models on the market o", r4z rlifferent makes. l'herefore it uill be seen that there are roughlr an averag,e o,f four models of each seprrrrtc mlke. l'his seenrs rather a large number at first sight, but rvhen it is borne in mind that se'reral fir'nrs are making two. four, and six-cylinder mo<lels, ivhile almost all are making at least three separlrte l)o\vers, it rvill be seen thtt these alone qLrickl!' put up anv particrtlar nraker's number of separate models. In addition to this. it is neoessa,ry to bear in minrl that manv crars are made with rwo ler-rrrths of rvheelb,ase, ancl .several rvith three lengths. Above and bevonrl all this are the various types of bodies. Taking the modqls separatelr', rve finrl that z8o are British, r74 Frenfh, ri German, zz Belgtotr,, r8 Italian, 2o Americ[n, and 4 DLrtch. The remainder are hvbrids. .,{

The Combustion of Hydrocarbons. Under this title last rveek a masterly paper \vas delivered by Prolessor William A. Bone, D.Sc., F.R.S., of Leeds University, before the Ins'titution of Autom,obile Engineers. We do no{t propo,se to print the paper, becarrse u.e tluestiorr rvhether it could Lre followed by more than on'e per cent. of our readers, dealing as it does in the main with chemistrv of a far more advance'd nature than could be follorved by most auto.mobilists, even tho,se who may be intimately oonoerned in the designing a,nd making of motor cars. The paper commenced with a" itom possutnus and finished rvith an equation. It must n,ot be imagined from this that we are speaking disparagingly of the utterances of one of the recognised authoriti,es of the day upon the combustion of hlrlrocarbon fuels. under rvhich heading we may tell those who do not already know it that petrol is includer.l.

When an auth,ority like Dr. Bone deals rvith subjects of this kind he is apt to talk over he h'eads of the vast majority of his audience, and from the discussion which followed his pap,er it was perfectly obvious that this was the case the other dav. Despite this fact, we think the paper rvas a valu,able one, because there is n,othing like making people feel their igno,rance, as it acrts as a sJ)rlr to tho,se q'ho regard these matters in the right light.

There is no question thrat some of the most skill,ed motcrr ensineers and designers rvho have a knowledge of chemistry ahove the averalqe know very little about the complex problems rvhich arise ufien the eombustion of the mixture of petrol and air which drives their engines is consid.ered. Sh,orn of its intricacies, Professor Bone's paDer was an erhortation to all concerned in the making of petrol engines to studv the chemieal aetion and reaetion rvithin the erlinder more carefullv thran thev have hitherto done. To all intents and purposes the ialented lecturer said to his audience,