Novrlragr I0rll, 1906.

THE AL]TOCAR B 3ournal publtgbeD in tbe interestg of tbe mecbantcatt! propelleD roBD cBrrlaoe.


No.577.Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, NOVEMBDR rorH, 19o6. fPnrcr 3o.


(Published Weekly.)

Reglstered as a newspapcr for transmission ir. the United Kingdom.

Entcrcd as second-class matter in the Ncw York (N,Y.) Post Ofice.








Ex NcrpATroN Dev : ArrrtertoN oF PRo0RAMME

THE AurocARs or rgoT: A REcoRD oF MoroR VEHIoLES Metretso


THE AusrrN C^R (illustrated)

IN THE HousE or CoMvoNs.. ..


.. 6.13-6.1.i

.. 6.14

.. 645-660

.. 66L-662

.. 662

.. 663

DETAcHABLE WHEELS LTGHTER TUAN DETAoHABLE RrMs ,. .. 663 CoNTTNENTAL Notes rup Nsws ,. .. 66+ THE 12-16 H.p VAUXHALL Clr (illustrated) .. 665-667 A NEw HooD (illustrated) .. .. .. 667 A NEw REMovaaLE RrM-SouND TRATNTNG FoR DRrvERs . . . . 668 I:SEFUL HrNTs exo Trps : Ol I)rerixosrxc F'AULTS (continucd) ., 669 TrrE NEw 2o-3o tr.p. HuvsEN CaR (illustratcd) 67o-67t Tue Spe eo on rHs Vrro WTTEEL .. .. .. .. 67r TsE NEw SUNaEAM CARS (illustratc-l) 672-674 I,'LASHES ., .. . . .. 675 Tus z8 s p. Lexcursrsa 'fouRrNG CAR (illustratioo).. .. .. 676 'flrE N.E.C. C^R (illustrated) .. 677'67.) A \ovrcE's Exrrrrrxces wrrH AN 8 H.p. RovER C.:i. . . .. oza F'unrsrr l)ererls or aHE I)EAsy CAR (ilhrstrated) ,. .. 680-68r CoRREspoNDENcE: HBeusc i\trrron Houses-IMpREsstoNs oF THE

VANDERBILT Cup RAcE-C rupETIrIoN REtuLrs-THE OLyMprA SHow: PATENT PRorEcrlo', - -NTERING TEE MoaoR Iluusrevl'rRrNG STE^M CARs wrrs l'r. ,FtsrN-'frrE T owN CaRRTAGE CoMr!:TIrtoN CoMpLATNT AcAr\ . MoloR 'llusEs-SuMuARy oF OTHER CoRREspoNDElcE .. .. 682-68-+

Otiry to thelargc amount o/ slace taheil ul by the listof'fhc Autoctr o/ 1907, @e regret that wc lraue becn comlellcd to ctrldil Ltill i,t sotnc cases hokl ouev, sonte oJ the usual fcatures o/ lhc lultr, -'l Ltrge number of intLrcsting lctters tve also unauoiLl,tbly uithheld fton fublication this u'tch.

"THE AUTOCAR '' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Brilish Islts, I6s Abror(l lthin paper c(lirion), 22s. ud. per annurr.

i Notes. hen Years Ago. Before (xrr next issue is pulrlished the tenth anni- versary of th,e com,ing into tio,rce of the L,ocomotives ,rn Flighrvavs At:t, r896, rvilI have been celebraterl. \\'e mav Ire forgiven lor nrentiorring the fact that ol) that auspiciorrs cLLte was lrulrlished the fift\ -llfth rrrrrnlrer rrf T/tc ltrtotttr, whit:h \yils frrurtr]erl in Novemlrer, r895. When u,e look lra<'k orr the lrrogrrss l'hich has lrt.ett mirrle rluring those ten veilrs \\'c cannot irellr feeling gratified at the rlevt,lr)llntent of the arrto- rnolrile m()vement, anrl rve feel tenrllted to ntake corr- trasts lretrveen lhen and torllrr'. lnrt, aftt:r all, srrch ('()ntrasts are llnnecessar\', ils we h:tve said elervthirrg ivherr rve have sairl that up till the r.1th \ovcmlrtr. 1896, it \\'as unlawful to use a mot()r car in thjs country ex(--el)t rrnrler re,strictions rvhich were so lrurtlensome as to be pro,hibitory. In other rvo,rds, the la.rv rrlr till thar drrte regarded the motor car as a traction engirrt, anrl placed it rtn.der prccisely similar restrictir'lns as to s1 >eerl antl other thirrgs.

'I'o turn to the cars themsetves as thev existed in r896, it might alrnost lre srrid tha't the cars uhit'h took part in ttr,e run tti }Jrightorr on l)nrarrcilration Dar rrere all that li,ere &t that tinre ir-r this t:ountri. 'lhere \\cru 11. felr,m,<;re. l.rut n,rt man\', s() that the m()vemeltt ntltl lrc saitl to have gr,,,rvn 1i,,nr, at the orrtsirle, roo ('ars t() a totl.l approaching As to the niachirres of that tlate contprrerl u'ith the < :ars of to-tlar', thet'rvere th,e veriest rattletraps. As our nt'xt issue rvill lre pulrlishecl or-r the ne:rrest date to the anniversarv of l.)nr:4rciPrtir,n Dav rve reserve till thert a few rcnriniscenr,'Cs airrl special articles lrr :rrrto- mrrhilt' piotteers. /

" The Autocar "t Christmas Number. I.ast vear thc numltcr of The .l trtorrt r u hich was publisherl in (lhristmas rvttk < 'ontainerl setr.ral colrtrilrtrtions ol a scasr.rrr:rlrlt charactt'r. 'l'his lvas so much appreciatcrl that u'e have rkr<:irlerl to publish a s1x'r'ial Christntas \unrlrt'r this rcar. It s.ill [re issued irr nrirl-l)et't.nrlrt,r. anrl rtill l,t,- an altrrgcther tlistir-rct lrrorluction from our usLral rveeklv issue. Its nucleus, so to s1rcak, is lrr our r.alurrl < 'ontrilrtrtor. " Ou,t:rr Johrr.'' u ho hus surpasstrl hirrst'lf in a strit's ol rlisrlrrisiti,,lrs rupon the motor u,orlrl, its inhalritants. artrl tht'ir little \\'a\s. His nranuscript has lret'rr illrrstratt.rl lrv N,lr. lLa'r't.rr Hill. r,r,hrrse rvrlrk is too rvt,ll knon n tt,' nrtrtl arrr t'rrcomiurns from us. It lvill sulilt'e to sar that ht' has caught " Orren Johrr's spirit. a.rtrl u.ri rlo not h,tsitntt, to that nrarrr of his rlrarvirrgs lr.ill be trrlasrrerl. for all time; each of them is a ntaste"rpiece. In arlrlition to these large full-page clrawings, Mr. I{aven Hill has exec'uterl a nurnlrer of -s.mallei rlrarv- ings, rvhich are inte,rsperst,rl tl'rrough the text.

N{r. Max Pemlrerton, our leacling romantir: no,velist, r-ontrilrrrtes an cntirciv original motor st{rr\., ivhich rve lentrrn: to think ii tht, lrest short sirrrv he has ever rvritten. \Irs. ]l arv Kcrrrr.rrtl has -y >rclducerl

( !nc r >f her ch,arming ;( )nlnr(.r,s, rvith i breerv motr >r underctrrrcnt rvhit.h will not fail to lx. appre- ciaterl ; anrl other tvriters have contrilnrterl to u.hai.'lr.e think, will be a most interesting production. Although its mair-r intent is to amuse, we .scarcelv tlrink riirr Christmas Number can fail to instrrrct iome of the rnotorists-whos<: failings are so mthlesslv shorvn up, lt.y ll Qrw:n _J9hn.1' anll Mr. Rar-en Hiil. - Sp..akinr oi " Orycrr John " reminds lrs. too. that he hai rvritt.n a ma/i. which is amtrngst h:s m()srt humororrs anrl hryfrtrt efforts. and this will also be includerl in the pfrlts ,rf the Christmas \rrmher.

{ 'Silent Traf fic.

Ifotorists h.avt' verv feu, r'auses of r-o,mp,laint against th,e lxrlice of LonrJrlt. rvho. a,s a u,,hole, set a"go,od exantltle to mAn\.. o,f the corrntrv police so, far aJ the Jir()ller treatment of automolrilists is concerned. At the same time. there is rinl ser.tion ol the ntotor u.orlr_l -the mcvtor 'bu.q s36{i6,11-1yli6'[ rlepenris upon