XovrMBta 3RD,1906

THE AI-]TOCAR B 3ournal pubttsbeD tn tbe intereets of tbe mecbanicalt! propelleD roaD carrtage.


No. 576. Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3no, 19o6

fPntcn 3o.


(Published WeeklY.)

Rcgistercd as a ocwspaPer for trusmission in the United Kingdom'

Entercd as seconC-class matter in the Ncw York (N'Y') Post Officc'






Norrs: Lrc$ Ltrsrrtttrs ron Srpesrtp-SuMMER SPEED IV ^'"etrr"*--C* 'iusrluc- lsp NEcESSITY rot Tpsrlxo ' ' 605-601 u."lii'i,"it AND TIPs: oN DracNosING Frurts (contiltued) " 607 i;;^Nil'Si;;"; C^RS (illustrated) ':. ' 608-610 itol.'i^r^i e.uit'"tri cnt Gerenrron (illustrated) ' ' ' ' 610 i;;;-M;;;; bi.oto." Courerrrrov (illustrated) 6tr-6r3 i;;';;&;.". METALLIIRGTQUE Cen (ilhrstrated) 6r'l-915 i;; F;;; H,.r-te Ns,oN flIaorero (illustrated) 616-617 tiii -rs-r.,i.".-t;EAR-DRrvEN AusrIN CAR " ' 617 uoiJ*" cn* INSURANoE " 617 A"i;;;;i;;; nuN AcRoss AMERIcA (illustratel) " " 618'619 fr;1;;; li;;"EY cARS .. .. " 620 d;'."r;J;i,r;;N-.;s irp News: 'rEE (;ArLLoN HrLL-cLruB (illus-

lrated)-BrrrorlNc FoR TEE SALoI-THE CoMING RACE' ' 62r-622 c"*-"i-*-olperc", ENTERING TEE MoroR INDUSTRY-TSE CoRSET!:D --ir""-N^""t"A AS FuEL-TEE DIREcT DRIvE-THE TouRIsr ii,ii"t'i{itt-st.icrr cvrrtpr:n cARs-TYREs Bunsrtro Is- wi*"" - CARBURETTERS - FIRING Wutre Srelv CAls wlrtl iji*^i"r*-tot""rIrloN RESuLrs-BALL BEARINGS wraH I)ISTANcE S"*ini-ltoaoa CaRS FoR DocroRs-'l EE DESIGN or Rlotetons 1iJ"ir,.u Crns-Tse I'uer Qursrtor-Vloeues oF DIFF-ERENT Eltrups-FtnINc Wnrru Sreau CARS wlrH PaRTFFIN-IJENIAL

""" i-i{r"o"-*-'rgE SEcRET oF F-LYTNG (illustrated)-THE SrEER- in-o-o"'erio"o.ires-Suu*^nv or oTHER Connrsrouo el ce 6 2 3' 628 e,i'i-rii^iii Urtvenser JorNr (illtrstrilte'l) ' ' " 6r'' t";'i';;;;;;" on Motoe Cets " 630-63r iiii ri ".".-itti**ELL CAR (illustlated) .. " " 632 on-.iri iio^- llY owEN J oHN . . " 633 .f LASHES .. ' 34-9)?. IN THE HousE or Couvors ' " ' ul, TirJ'i{".i,'-C-^-ir*- T".e Non-s*,o (illustrated) " q7 'i;; !i;;";;; siiornc Derecu^BLE BoDv " " 6tz ni^ir.ru*,n" sEvERlrY " 6lz e;;"D;;;;;:1';"Mtron urroN " 638 ilfr-"* l{""it""s CARBURETTER (illustrated) " .-' " " 63t [r;;;-;6-;;;.p. Csrrrno-Wer.cKER (illustrite(l) .. . . 64o l;;""Cir;"i;;*r Ri""'u' -- ' ' 64r iJ"r.i"toriF.tJUDIcE A NE$' SMALL cAR " " 642 iYii;;;;;;;"is t''"e P"'ssuru RE..RDER " 642


British Istes, I6s Abrorrd lthin paper edition)' 22s' lJ(l' per annurrr

/ Lega

Ndtes. I Liabilities for{Sideslip. One or trvo at:tio'tts fcrr damages having lreen brought recentlv uga.inst mt,rtor omnibus co'mpallies on &ccount Li -tr,"i, iehicles t't.r'lliding rvith o'thers thro'ugh the former skidding on greas]' roatls. ottr collteml)()rar)' Witri Tructiori, has"taken cortrlsel's opiniotl as to'the iiuUititu of moto'r omnibtrs proprietors utrcler st'rr'h cir- cumstances. The counsel before rvhom the r'ase rvas uut bv our co,ntemporary's solicitors was l\{r' Dougl-as i.".h'*"n, a bariister, who, l'hile possessing tl'" firai"irl mind c-r'f his p'rofessio'u, certainlv crnno't lre charged u'ith any prejudir'e against motor vehicles' It is alithe mote regietiable, thirefore, that,. rvhile po'intinn ort that eacti case will depend up'on its p'articular ciicumstances, cotrnsel is of opinion that if the pro" p,rieto,r of a motor ormnibus choo'ses to drive it over a greasy surface he does so at his own risk' He is not in t(e position o[ the < ]river whose horse suddenly refuses to be contro,lled, cir of the o'wner o'f a' thing the use of rvhich in a particular manner is authorised-by imperative powers granted by the l,'egislature' The ."ie is *rrd lik" thit of a steamer in a, fog-the vessel must pro(eecl so slowly that an object can be seen in time to avo,id it, and, if necessary, the vessel must be brought to anchor at the first o'pp'orrtunity.

Now, tho,ugh Mr. Leechman's o'p'inio'n is o'nly. concerned with motor omnibuses, we fear there can be'no doubt that u'hat is sauce fo'r the goose is sauce for the gander, and that the law of the ho'tor omnibus is, in tlhis reipect, the larv of the motor car in its lighter fo,rms. ^Indeed, the latter is in a way in a worse position ; for rvhile no form of non-skir.lrler has yet been fo,und really satisfactory fo'r mo'to'r 'buses, the same cannot be iairt in respect of pleasure t'ars, and the absence of such a safeguard lvoulrl rlrrubtless tell against a private o,wner in cise of a smash due to' skidding' We canno,t, therefore, too stronglv urge our readers to see that the'ir cars are 6tted with efficient non-slippers, and, whether theY are o'r not, to rlrive uith all cir- cumspectio,n or-, g.e"sy roads, .stopping altogether for a time, if necessiry, if ttey wish to' avoid claims fo'r injuries rrising from slip-collisio'ns. '.Iit. tiu,tititl""s o,f the owner for the consequences of, side-slip, if it co,uld be proved that side-slip-might have been avoide,l by reasonable p'recaution, afford a very po*urffl argument in favour 6'f insu.ance against such risks.ttSummer Speed in Autumn.

'['h,ere have been tu'o' or three verl serious accidents latell, and thcre seems to, be no doubt that they have lrccn causecl lrl the fact that the drivers concerned do n()[ se'etn to hive realisetl that srtmmer is over. The roads have been so, good o'f late that once out in the open country it has tGt'rt possible to drive sith freedom ,rir,1 rvithoui fear of sirle.slip for manv miles, but it is necessarv to remember that goocl - as the auttlmn roacls maf i,e, gr.a*r' sl)o,ts arc often found.rvhere the road is sireltere"d from-the rvind or where it i's badly rlrair-recl, and in nine cases out o'f ten these treacherous spots a.re oftcn hirlclen till orre is r:lose rlp'on them. 'I"herefore on this rI(fcoullt alotle extra care and vigil- an('e arc rerlttirerl.

At'tother lioint to lre lrorrle in mind is the fact that lt night bv the light of an acetylene lamp-it is often imyio,ssible to clistirrguish hetween a grcas-v- bit of road

",',il n,," rvhit'h is trot treacherotts. Goorl as l)o$'erful acetilette lights arc, ther. clo llo't in manl cases enalrle thl ilriver io distirrquish between srease ancl mtlcl ()r lretu'een grea.se and a roatl that is onlv .:lightlv affected ln' u,et nnd perfeetlv safe. 'l'o,o m,nv rlrivers place undue reliance lrJx)lt their trrrrt skid I ,pliances What- ever form non-skirl rtltTrliattct's nlav teke, or hollever