OcroBrr 27rH,l90o
THE AU E 3ourttat publrebeD in tbe interetl? rrl ,]f.. TOCARmectranicalt[ propelteD roaD carrlage. TER STANER.
No.575.Vor-. XVII.I SATURDAY, OCTOIIER 27rH, 19o6. fPntcr 3o
TITE AUTOCAR. cn<luiries respet'ting the list fron't
'rrari,,,rn r,'lrs h;tr',i I,,tttt,l it ex''cerli
(Published WeeklY.)
"i,l .to th.'nr in making their final s
[oy'rcxt r ear's dri'r.flrg.
rearlers rvho in nglr trselrrl as an ,election of a car
Registered as a oewsPaper for transmission io the United Kingdom'
Entered as seconC-class matte! in the New York (N'Y') Post Office'
/Entering the f,lotor IndustrY.
In another part of the current issue lve glve some u"n r-rs"ftrl alr'd mttch needed infiormation upon this ."iii."i. Mar.rv of our readers may ask whv we should gl,'d tfri. informatiorr, as'they do rtot lvant to enter the industrr'. We hltle ortlr to slv that one dar''s tenttre zo, TUDOR STREET, LONDON, E'C', ENGLAND'
Norrs : Tra AurocaRs oF r9o7-Exrenrlc rHE trloroR IxDUSTRY-
FulutB eNo SuccEss-REMovING 1)ELUSIoNS-'{ Pte-suw- -.o Rrltlgtrltv TeIlr. ' )u/-)uo USEFUL HINTS AND TlPs: ON DtAGNosING Frurrs (continucd) " 569 Errenrrc rse MoroR INDUSTRY : TsE ADvIcE AND OPINIoNS oF SoME -o" r*" I-t^"r*o MANUFACTURERS 570'577 A NEw TypE oF MErAL ro IIETAL CLUTCH (illustrated) .. .. 577 THE 40 H.p.'WEIGEL GEAR-DRIvEN CAR (illustiated) " " 578-58o SEoCKABSoRaERS ' '' 58r CoNTINENTAL NorEs AND NEws: THE l)ounoeN MEDTING (lllus- "ii"'t,iarftinii,^'" Srfox-e RAcE rN rgoT ' ' s82-584 coRRESpotDENCE: MEDIcALMEN AND TtrETAXATIoN oFMoroR CARS "Yi;.-" F;;;b;si,rn -'ru u TouRrst TRoPEv RAcE-H AN.DCRoss Ii";:it.r;- a;;i ron Docrors-wrRE wHEELs-AxD l)..usr- 'P';;--*r;; ;; T; ;u"-lt *" Srze e'- p Te eet usx r-F t rt N G. wH Ir E
i;;;;'c-^ii -wirn Panenrtr-uNrtoR-v FoR DRI\'.:RS-STEPN FY Wseurs-:f s. LuBRIcATIoN oF CARs-WrcK CARauRETTERS--THE toar--C^""r^at ColtI'ETlrloN-ToualNG lN ScorleNo-Toun- ;;'i; G;;;;t-NAPHTHA As A MoroR FuEL-lJRrrIsH CARS- $;"';'";f ffi;;; ci *i--s,""^*" oF orHER coRRESPoN DEN.E s8s'5 8e
"i-it "- editorial chair uiould be more than sufficient tcr, shol them that rvhile the strl'ject ma) llot interest them persot-tatli, it is none the less interesting to' an inrmet-tse ttltmlrer of 1rcople n'ho, for one reason or ;;;ih;t. regard the ^moior industrv as a means of iitlelif,<rncl tii n'hich thev shoulrl tuin their attentiort' il'he ,',,n.tant ettqttrries ile receive are often made on lrehalf of otherithrrt is to sar, a malr ivho has no desire to cottrtect Ilimself s'ith the inrlustrf in an! wav enrluires on behalf of his son, his n'epherv, o'r some ot-h,ei ,elative. \{anr people seem to think that if a boi hls made a motiel'enfiine or ttvo arltl knorvs the ,ru-ir,,., or names of a ferl dozen maitt line loco- motives he is a nlet'hanicrrl genitts, antl m.ttst be put into the n'rotor inrlttstry. 'l-he motor indtrstry is lrreferred, lreclrtse it is bclieverl that he rvill make ir,,.o ,'rr,,n"t that lal than he rvould if seltt to a firm rvhir:h t'onstructed riilrvay locomotives or stetmships'
HeerrNo Moron HousEs (illustrated) ..
ALcoHoL as A MoroR t"uEL. tsY A. J. IICKINNEY
" 590-591
TowN CARRIAGE CouPETlrIoN (illustration)
THE C"S B. CAR 4,ooo MIrss Ttler
A Nsw DuPLEx ACETYLENE llslortont" "
" 597
' ' sl8
" Sq8
THr 4o u.e SIX-cYLINDER Mrxseve (illustrated(
CLUB DoINGS: CLUB FlxruRES-SHEFFIELD -{ND Dtsr-RIcr A'C'- -1{;";;'w;;A.C.-trloto^ Yrisr cru e--{nYsaAL PALAcE A'c' 6;;,i1";;r-;;;Iiu"'iiit"at .. 600-60r THE VrEo WHEEL Trr[. " Tae AurocAR HANDBooK " ' ' ' ' 602
" 599
6o3 6o4
,, THE AUTocen'Gs;cnIPTIoN RATES : British Isles, I6s. Abroir(l (thin Paper edition)' 2:s' ud' per aDnunr'
/ Nofes. T The Autocars of 1907. Follorving o'ttr usual ctlstom on the eve of the .rrin.irr,,t m'otor shotv o[ thc 1elr, we shal] pul'lish orr tf"". Irift a list giving the l-eading details of all thr' ur"rior.,t'*rt'.s of #oto'r"cars' \\'ith iviert to nrrking this i*t ; complete as possilrle n'e have rvritten to all iiiu *ut .., :rnd agenti asking them- for the nect'ssarr' i"rri*,iti"". 'I'h"e great btrlk of them have alreail-v supl >lic<1 the necessarr'lrartictrlars' art'l s'e mttsl lsl< ;;.v';h; have not .lone io 16r xccept this ls-a remirtrler Itlt tf,.i. form has not been lilled in and retrtrtrerl' ilih" rvork o'f compilation of this list is verl healv ;; .';;r.;; aeal rvith'information unle'ss it is received ,i on.". We are alrearlY receiving a ntrmber of
Nearll all our contributors ('xl)ress the vierv that ma,,r ti,ttttg fellou's are keetl rln- getting^ into' the mot,rr-incluitrt lrecrtuse of the charm of driving' 'lhere is no rlortbt alrorrt this. We knou nttmbers of \'oLlng men tvhri ortght to be rloing mtrt:h letter than ther' 'are, at'ting meielv as test or rvorks clrivers, and ,,uri i,r,{ irtrrnino'i ,r.g,,* ot tlo rvitges at all' Well- Irorn anrl u'ell-educaietl Lror.s are c()ntent to fritter their lives arlrtr for the mere pleasttre of being allos'ed to drive. tfhev have an allon'anr:e from home, antl this, rvith the small strm receivecl from the works, e,,airles; them trr go merrilt on. The driving and testing periotl is i,nt throdgh u'hich all rvho rvoultl thoroiighl)' Iearrt tht irr,ltrstir shotrld pass, but there i. ,,,, ii,,,il,t that nranr of the premium lrtrlrils sperld 'practicallr the u'hole of their time of pro:lration in llriui,rg airottt upott tvorks tlars ltncl test car' instead of rvorking in the .shops lnd technical schools' This is a poini rvhich is too seldom realised. 'lhe- parent aun.g"a after mttr:h tro'rrble to fintl some manufacturer u,ho ivill take his son either as premittm pupil or aprlrentice, anti he imagines that if he keeps him for tir'ee or four vears he-rvill be self-supporting at the enrl of that time. He should be, and in manv cases he is, lrtrt \\'e are afraid in m'anl more cases he is r'ot' This is simply rltre to rvant of al4rlication on the part of th,e hov- or to' his failrrre to realise things as thev are.
Failure and Success. Manv of the failtrres of voung fellows in the motor industri are due to the fact that their parents knorv nothin[ of its conditions, antl are reallv unable to