Ocrostr .,l0rH, 19061

THE ATJTOCAR B 3ougral publrsbeD in tlre irrterest:i of rbe mechanicallp propetleD roaD carriage.


No. 5z+ Vol. XVII.I SATURDAY, OCTOIJI'R zorr, 19o6. lPnlce 3o.


(Published WeeklY.)

Registered at a oewspapcr lor transmission in thc Unitcd Kingdom

Eotcrcd as second-class mattcr in the New York (N'Y') Post Offrcc'






NorEs: 'lHE l)tttrrox Fonu tl rltls IssL'e-THr l)Ro(;REss oF THE


U"""r"-fi,n.r AND TIPS: oN l)!Ac)-osl\G FAULTS. [,r'MaRcus W'


Tse Brrcrlo.r MoroR R-\cr: M!:!:rlNC (illustrated) .. ' 533-539 iowl Moror CecRtAGE CoMPt:rlrloN {illustrated) 540-54r THE ao H.p Srx-cvutNoln [lRowN CAR (illusttated) 542-5'13 A le; Aneus-HrwrrT CaR . . . . .. 543 A.l,oooMrlrsRrrtrsIrlrv'IRIAL(illllstrated) .. 5'l'1-545 A New Errtr:lo Car " ' -545 Soui r,'*tr*o,t oF rHE l)EAsv CAR . ' 54r) e*i"rr,ro I)RrvrNc LrcExsES (ilhrstrated) -. 547-5+tj ll"rri*.-ri^i NorEs AND Nr:us (illlstrated) : Nlixr Ylln's Pro -

"*ir"nr-t)""n^TllNtrlEs rr)R RAclNc LIMITED-I)!:cLlNE oF RAcINo i*i"",

"a,* votruRETTEs-'fllti Furuco oF RaclNc Rlctxo elo a*"-I"ri^otot"""t oF CaRs ()RcANIsATIoN-TH!: (;RAND PRIx iri -M^*qr,t l)E DIoN's l)EFttNcE-TRIAls oF Suow CARS- " L'Auro" Cup ' 549-55I Co**se,xt o,uco, 'f HE 'fouRlsr'l'RopHv Rlce-Att'ct)olING P!:TRoL - -p"oir r. Tountxc rs G!:RMAN v-'f HE F'uEL QuEST! oN-TRAL\ INc

5 11

" 532

o" no*rr*t - a STEERING (;liAR AccIDENT (illustrated) -'IsE SHAP i{ouru-lrr:cuuret trlurHol)s oF I)()ING BusINtsss-}*APHTHA As A lini"* t-0t,, A cooD llIcH!:Ll^- REcoRD -I'Hti llLAc(tooL Racl: iiuiiini'rro Srrcress SPEED'rRr-{LS {oRSLr!r) l'\'RECot'ERS lT*" Hnr"**,ts CaR lN Tx!: VA'-DERBILT Ra(lE wIcK CAR- BuRlrrrt:Rs - MoroRlsrs rNl) TllE PoLlcE SUMMARY oF orHER coRR!:s!()ND!:Ncu " 552_5511 e Eiii" cio*,"oE oF r86lJ. []\' J oHN HENRY IiNI(irIr ' 557-5511 Htcs-srtntp I)RocEEDINcs. . .. 55tJ EMANctpATtoN l)Ar'-'l'ouRtsT 'l'R()rtrY IIULE 29 . , . . 559 A Mtru,*u^ llHoucuru l)EsI(;N (illustrrted) " 559 ITLASHES .. .. " 560'562 lloii" ;" Ttsr Sr!:ERINc oI'.q urortoalLES (illustrattd) " 563-561 ,1, t";i* ft*nt (illustrated) ' ' 56'+ THE Dusr ()uEsrroN .. 5!5 ,: i". eri,i.^*'t PErrrlor 1r I'ARLrAMtiNr . . . . 5{'5 eiti.i"",, Ilfnu,nE ENqTNE (illustrated)., .. .. 56r)

..THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES' Rritish I3les, I6s. Abroad (thin p3per editioD),226' Ed per annunr'

The (" Notes, rition Form in this Issue Comyrarerl rvith the ttttnrlrer of atttotnobilists, thc nllmbei oI nranufactrtrers i,ttt'l ntenllrers of the motor business is small, antl as all of thern lrho u'ant more fnrms have rvritten to tls f()r them, ive see I'l() t.le,'tssity tt, repulrlish the rvorktnetl's Petition, lrrtt for the t.rttt- venience of Private ntotrtrists u'e hltve incluclerl a petition form in each (]ol)Y of 'rttr < 'ttrrctrL isstte' We ivant all our readers u ho have n()t )'et signed thc' rretiti,,n to rlo so, ltll,l t,, see thht all their m,t('rilli{ trientls sigrt ttro, all,l, rvliat is mtrre. \\'e \1'allt it < lorte, if possillle, at ollce, anrl the signed forn'r sent back by retirrll, srr that lve ('alr' 'rs we hav('txPlaitlerl otl it former tx'r'asiotr, have tht'petition reatlv rtttl rtaitirrg trr launr:h lIt the m()sL favouralrle junt:tttre. One of the rlirer'tors ol' the Dainrler (lo. has llla(ie an excellent suggestiou. u'hir-h tht ('()rrrlllln\ - has .atlopttrl, thrrt lll lraiers. tt httt I'ttrreslx,rrtlilrg rrith their t'lielrts, shall ertclose iI ('()l)-\ of the atttontotrilists prtition,.srr that il lri att\','hari,je thei have ttot alreit.rlr sigrrt'tl it, thev ,','rtr ,li, s,,. 'lhe \i,,lscle\ ('r). flre llso takirrg siniilar actiort. Wc ttiink this ii an ..xcelllttt strg{tstion. atlcl rve t'ttmtttettrl it to othe r In:rttuf at'trtrers atltl tlremlrer"s tlt the irtrltrstrr. \\'c shall lrt 1 >leaserl to settrl them as m:rnr f,rrnts rs thr'\' rt'rlttirt' l'oi the l)tlrlx)se il ther s ill kinrllv Iet rrs knirrr'. ()rrr eagerlrt'ss frtr signatttrt's irrcreases rvith even ottc thltt ('(lln'es ill, lttrtl ue lvant to make the ntovemt'rlt t'\r{'l) m()re re[]res('lltative thall it is, so:rs to t'onvintte th()se irl authority that there is a rlecirlcrl olrittiott ()n the l)art ()f all thrrse interestetl aglrin,st anv I'ttrther lrrtrtL'rts ()f taxatioll lreirlg irlat'erl rliier:tlr trpirn their shotrlrlers. simplv lrecattse thev otttt, rrr inrllretltlv lrecause thtrt a.re ellgagerl itt the marttt l:l('ture r rt , ntotor r'xrs.

The Progress of the Petitions. '['here is vcry Iittle to relx)rL this u eek iIr connection u ith the tu'o petiti()rts excel)t to sav* lrr,.,th are going N'ell. rs sigllatures are t:omit]g in lry every mail. What u'e particularly u'ish to say this rveek takes the firrm of an ayrlogf for ottr sheer inalrility to reply t'r the irttrtten.se nttmlrer ol kirlrlly letters rvhir:h ottr rearlers foru'rrrl us rvith their signerl petition forms. \othinL{ tvortlrl give lts (relttcr l}leasure thatl to answer cach letter, itntl to sAy hou verv nlttt'h \1'e apl)reciate the herrtv nlrllrrler in rlhich the uriters have ltorked tul;.,'t,r.l the si(natures ol their sltcker ttr less enthusiastic rttotorinlI lriertrls. We ntttst Ireg them, one anrl all, to ltct'e1;t tltis ttote as an a<:kntttvledgment anrl an llrllret'iation of the goorl rvork thev have rlone Ior autorttirlrilisnr, arr,l also for their ven'gratifving ('()ntnlcnts {rll our actiort ilt the matter. 'l'he separa.te l)etiti( llt fr, rrll lhtlse er-rg1ge1l in the inr'lustrv merits the iame ren-lLrk"s frrl,m rts, attd we must tharlk principals, rnanagers, llrrettiett, atttl nte tt I'or the rvaf in rvhich th.ey har.e llrkerr, nttr'! are takirrg, the nrattcr rtp. Despite the large rrurrtlrer ()l l()rms re<:eilerl, therc are still nranv tnttrrlrerls ttot let set)t in. allrl rle shall lre glatl to havr tlrt'se as soon as possilrle, srl that tt't' ntav havt: the petitions t'omplete tltrl reatlY for preselrtltiotr to the iforrse tt the lrslt'l'rologit'ltl ntontt-'ttt. When that rvill lre n() ()nu kttrrus :tt l)rcsellt. It rtlar lre ltlnlost ar ()nce, or it mat'lre rleetrterl rlesiralrle to keep lrat'k tl-re petitions l'or sonle little tinre, s() that l hen IaLrncherl their leight .shall lre felt a,t the most opllortune tir-ne. Itt other ttorrls, lr-ll rt'ho have signetl the lrtition,:rttrl tvho hltve lrttsicrl thenrselves irl set'ttring signattrres, ntttv rest assrtrerl that those menlllers rvhtt uill l,reserrt th,'petiti,rtts rlill rl,! sr) ill the jtrnctrrre u'hen their ittfltrence u-ill lre the grt'atest. Ther ,r'ilI l'ork in utrsott rvith, rrs thev are a lrart of, u hat \\'L' mav call tht' atttomol rile lrarti irt the Hrittse. \\''e mentirm this lrecause fears hrve lreen exllresserl that the 1:etitions rnight Ir,(: lrrt'serltetl lrrtv'iDitalclr', arttl lrefore thcir ma,ximum effet't coLrld tre felt.