OcaoatR 131I,1906
THE AL]TOCAR E 3ourtta[ puDttsbeD tn tbe interests of rbe rnccllarrrcattp propeltcD roaD caruiage.
No.573.Vor. XVII.I SATUITDAY, CCTOBER r3ru, 19o6. lPnrcn 3o
(Published Weekly.)
Rcgrslcrod as a ocwspapcr for transmisston ln the Unrtcd Kingdom.
Entcr.d as s.cond-class matte! in the New York (N.Y.) Post Office,
li{)'rES : PETIlroNs .{(;ArNsr IN(:R!:AS!:r)'l dxarroN -'f ur: VANDER BIL I RAcE .. .195-490 -fEN YEARS Aco: IlnANclpATtoN I)Ay CEL!:tsRATr()Ns .. .. 496 USEFuL HTNTS AND'I'rps: CL!:ANsrNc CvLINDEts jfytr ero Rru
SrzEs-A'fyRE 'l're-Brolvr._r; NolsES " llxplostoN " oF aN ELEc-
TRIC WtRE A MoroB RAcTNG'frecx rN rur ttln*,nr (itiurt."t"a) .. :: 'IBE PETITIoNs AGAINsr INcREASED TlxetloN . , .. 'fHE RAcE ron rsc Vertrrnatlr Ct'p 'fsr Bracxrool RacE MEETINc.. ., TEE LuqRrcarroN oF CaRS. Bv H: o. I)u".,cel .. .. Tounrsr Tnopqv l)RrvERs' ExpERrE.-cES (illustrated) .. .. ON THE RoAD. IJY owEN JonN 'lHE rqoT LoNGUEMARE CARBURETTER (ilhritrated) .{FTER 23.ooo MILLS .. CoNTINENTAL NotEs AND NEws: THE VArDr:RBTLT Cup RACE
FRENCH AND SPIED CONTESTS-NExT YEAR.S VANDERBILT CARs-PARrs-BIARRITz TRrAL-THE VorruRETTri Cur, r9o6 C.{R CoNTEST-THE AuruMN'I'RIAt.s (JccAsroNAL (iossrp: llv " TnE ArrrocRAr " THE FUEL QuESTlol: A Succr:srro*_ REcoRDs oF ENcTNE VrtsRATroN (illustrate.l) Eesv TYrs INFLATToN (illustratc l). .
PETrTloNs'ro PART,TAMENT Il()kDr:k N'lr)ToRrsrs (illustrated) CoRREspor_r)Er-cE: l'rrE Dusr Pnosr-uu--'frrr SEcRE'r oF l'rr'rlr, -.
FRo\T WHEEL IIRAKEs-1u!:'fouRrsr'lNoptrv Rrcu-l)lsr;rx SroNr()srs -PRrNc!:ss CIRrsrrAJ's Cer l'rrr Srur;scss Srruu Tnrrr-s Tse -fornnrDct R^\.) AccTDDNT PR()Mprrrur)H rN REparRs -IHE (;riARr,r:ss Pr uc-UNFATkNESS tN OoMpEarrloN\ Texartol or Ntoron CARS CHTLDRFT\ oN TrIE RoADS-A !'Ew CARBt,!trrrER ExpFrRryENTs-T()uRr\(; r! Scorl.r.-o Tnc,{rro- \rotsu.!r CLrrB's CriRTItslcATE Ourns Surrvlnr ()f ()rHER Cr)&-
1t)7 +9ll
.. 49<t .5oo-5or .. 50r 5or-5o3 5o,+- 5o6
I H!l Ortr I-l(;HT
507 5o8 5oB
509-5 ro .. 5II
; .i l {
RESPONDENCE.. A HrLL-cLrMBrNG FoRMULA. tlv Crlnr,r:s iVgEriue t'ulssus .. . .
As Oflr!Rs SLE Us CLUa f)orNGs (illurtratcd) 'fHE TowN IUoroR CARRTAGE Couperrrrox SoME QuERlEs rro RrnLres.. ..
5r5-5lo 52r-522 5 2 3-5 2.+
526-5:7 .. 528 5?9-530
'With each copy of " The Autocar " this week is presented qpictorial supplement, "Aulocars driving through th: funnels of the Mauretania."
..THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES: British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin papcr cditionl, 226. 8d. per a1nu1r.
Notes. Petitions Against Increased Taxation. 'I'here is verl' little to add to what u'e saicl last n.eek under this hearling, exct-,pt that t['re sul]l)ort rvith which both lrctitions are mee'ting is most gratifving. The n'orkmetr's petition is k'ing sisntrl bl thc men cngagerl in ail the great motor far:tories. But it is not onl\. here that it is meeting with the heartiest support; fracti- callv everl qarage throughout thc r:otrntrv is intejresterl irr it, anrl its emplovoes have aplxrurlerl their sisnatures. As to the pretition from autont<;bilists themselr.es, rvc can orrll sav that it is equallv su<.cessful. Martv of orrr reaclers have serrt in their forms alreadr.. Thi,se wh, emplor' < lrivers have aclopterl our su.qgi.stion antl havt' stx'urerl their signaturL.s to the lvorkmen's ytt.tition. Signatrrres are pouring in lrl ev.rr post, and rve woulrl renrinrl our rearle-rs that all the'forms shoulrl lre sent in n()t latcr than Saturrlal l)e\t, L)ctolrcr :oth.
I'ln:re are trvo pointi uhit:h u'r- shrrulrl likt. to briug tll). Oue rt:atler in the inrlustry, whosr) rvorknten are sisrting thc pctition, has himself abstairretl lrrrm signing it because hc feels that as a ntenrl)r'r of the Sru'ictt of I\Iotor Nlanufacturers he t:annot rlo more at tht: tlotnent than ]cavc the mattcr in the harrrls of his rvorkpeople. though he. pcrsonallr, is l'ullr irr svntpathl' lvitl-r the petition. The honorarv s{rcretarirs of tlvo r--lulrs have tolrl us that thtv canir,,t olhcialll suplx)rt the 1x-'tition lrr:cause ther arti lrut surr. u,hctht,i it wrlulrl l,c ril,pr,,r'r,l ,,f lrv llr,'Ntot,rr L'rriorr. thorrgh it appt.ars that the majoritv of their ln{)nll)ers arc si.qnins it in their irrr I ivirlual capacity.
\orv, these objettions are practicallv orr all fours uith each other, artrl we shoul(1 like to exl)lair) at once that there is no suggestion of anl' opposition to the Sor:it'tv of I\lotor IVlanufacturr.rs an(l 'f ra('lers or to the \Iotor Llnion. What rve are cloing anrl rvhat the petiti()ns are intenrletl to r1o is to supplement the efforts of lrtrth organisations. Ollit'iallv. thev t'anrrot take arry public step at present. Tht'ir uitnt-ss.:s hart.!riltt their evirlt:rrr:e lrefore the l{oval (lomrnission. anrl there the matt('r rests, so far as thev art: r'rrrrcernt:rl. till the reconrmenrlations of th,. Rovi[ (")llrnissir)n havc shrlrvn their suggestions to havt' hern arlolrtt.d or rL'jecte(l in the new bill lvhich rvill be p.rescntetl to Parliament.
'l'l-rr:ir attitrrr'le in the matter is perftxttll' logical antl correct. On the othc-r hantl. our position is cquallv r,vell defincrl. We knorv cvervone knolvs lvho has rearl the report that the Ii.or al C,rnrnrissi, rn susst,sts furthcr taxation, anll therefore the automoltile tvorlrl as a whole is ven Tiisell praving to I)arliament through our petitions/ that the lrurrlen of taxatir.rn shall rtot be incr.,esofi-
The Vanderbilt Race. A great ct-rmmotion is be ing rnade over tlre' Varrrlerbilt ltace on Long Island, lrer:ause thc crorvrls of -\t.rv York<:rs rvho went to str it harl not the srrrse to keep out of the rval of cars travellirrg at t:ightv orlrl rniles an hour. If reports arc'to tre lrelit:verl, tht.r, \rere e!'en matl enough to crorvrl tht: < lotrrsi. tt, st:,.i an extent that the rar:ing mar:hines rverc' rlriven in places through a narrow lane r >f peopk:. Wc rvoulrl lrt: the last to apllear to lightlr resarrl thc valrrr'of humarr life, but people rvho are so alrsolutclv orrt of control &S thesc New Yorkers allixlar to lrlve lx'ert really rleservc no svmpathr'. If thcv harl 'wanrlert'rl about oir a railrvav track. thet lvoulrl have ha( I ltr,n(', anr'l rve rnust confess we feel verv littli: [or thtrn in this i nstance.
It is quite evident that the Arrlonrobile Club of Americlr rloes ncyt kncnv how t() nlanulIe a ra('|, 0r rlr'res not trouble alrout cotrrlur:tins it prope.rlr'. It is a pitv that crowds ol spcctatt.rrs shoulrl havc got out of hat:rl in the'wav tht-v di<1, as th<.rt: arc 1r)entv ol foolish people in both hemispheres who have rrot tht: senst' trr rliscriminate lrt:-tlveen orclinarv evervrlav motoring and a motor car race. Properlv condueted, there is no
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