Octoecn (rru, 1906;

THE AI.]TOCAR tt 3ottrtta[ pttbltriheD tn the irrteregts of rl)c nlecbnnicallp propeltcD roflD carriage.


No.57z. Vor. XVII.I SATUIiDAY, CCTORIIR 6ru, 19o6. [PnrcE 3o

(Published Weekly.)

THE AUTOCAR. ,,rrlitltr) ,lrir ing rr(: nlltnl tintes I,.ss tharr thr,sc ol rlrit'- ing at tl'rr iriglrest llossilrlt slleerl ulton the IsL'ot NIurr ('oul'sr. 'l'ltr: trvo great 1;oints * hir'lt nrnl<e it so [rarrl

Regrster.d as a newspape. for transmission in the Unitcd Kingdom.

Entercd as second-class matter in the New york (N.y.) post Office.

ul){r'll the {'urs Ar(' its rorrghrress lttar'tir'alll thr,rtrghout. as tllrre is nrrt ottc ntilt, ll'it. ulti,'h is lrs grrrl as tht. r\'('nrge t'r'tairr rolrrl rrlron 1ltt,nrairrllrn,l; rurrl tlrr'('r)r'uers.






t.\ (; I

t"or!:s: Ttr!: TotTRIST TRoptIl' Rece ,{xrr-rlx\Trr)N PETtrto\s ro Prer-rrlrelr


-. 461-462

.. 463

HoRsE aND TRAM AcctD!:irs

TorrnrsrTnorHvlrEys (illustratcd) ..

.. .. .+63

., 46+-.173

Toutrst Tnoesv Dxrt uns' Exer:nte--ccs (illustrated) . . . . 171-4?8 CoRREspoNDENcE : THE AuroMoBrLFCLrrB'sCERTrFrcAT!r-THE I)[sr

Pronrru-HrxocRoss HrLL LYsro"- HrLL -Tsr Sxrcr-r:ss Spr:r:o Tttlrs-PorIce TAcrIcs-f)EvoNsgrte Htr-rs-ExrRAcrs rRoM TyREs (ilhlstratecl)-ExpBnrrscps wtrtt Srsprny WH!:!:LMosELEy's PERFECT TyREs-Trre Dt:srcv oF C^n RoDrEs (ilhrstrated)-THE TouRtsr TRopHy RacE-LlNFArRNEss rN Corrrr:rtuovs-LonooN To CHESTER-STEAM CARS AND I)usr RArslN(i -TouRtNG Iu ScorreNo-Seunlous TvRE Tnn,tos-TnerNrlr; or DRIVERS-TAXATIoN oF MoroR CIRS-CoNTINENTAL RACES AND TRIALS-ILLrcrr CoMMrssIoNs-CoRsETED -f yRE Coi'!:RS-A P(rLrcE A A. Scour .. .. 479-483 THRoTTGH DEvoN AND CoRNWALL oN A 6 H.p. C^R (conclllded) +tt+-+85 FL^sHEs ,. 486-.187 WrRE WHEELs rv rse Tounrsr TnopHY RAcE (illustrated) . . . . +8tl USEEUL HINTS AND Trps: IcNrrIoN 'f RouBL[:s-A P!:r-:rJl,IAR Occl[t-

'l'llt, r'r,rrrt:rs irr thentselucs rrt't'rl nrrt inil)()s(, i{rell1 stnrin. lrtrl it mrrst lre rt.ntentlrt,rt,rl that to t.n.rirrtlin u iriglr averitgr, irr u lrr,'e tltev arc a1r|roachr:rl at fullspeed. At llrt' lrrsl r)r()nl(,nl the lrrlkes trr,. jlr.unrt',1 crr. lnrl tlrr. r'llr is \tr,'rri)(,(l r()un(l tltt' lrertrl. 'l'lrt' lrrai<r,s llre ro. leu:rr',1, urrrl tlrt' t'rrgine is trccclt:nLtt,rl tr tht'rr1most. Dt,s1:itt thl r iolrnt rrst ol' the lrnrkts it sh,,,Lrlrl lx. lrornt, iu ruirrrl thltt the r'rrr is tal<t rr rottn,l the ('()rncr irt lt lrLr'rxl crrrrlling s1:tt'rl ; it is takt,n jtrst us llst as it curr lrt,rlrivcrr sithoul rul uJ)set. ancl thc strains upon thl car arc terrillr'. \rru'thr largest a.nrl rnost lurtrriouslv sprung (-:a.rs Are rnr',r,mfrrrtable orr thc N{lnx course lLt higl-r speerls. 'l'lre coml;alitivelv snrall anrl light rnerliunr porvererl ciirs u'hich are used in the 'J'ourist'l'ro,ph1' Rar-e art'shocl<irtglr uncomfortablt, at tlx: speL'(ls thev rttairr ot'rr tlrr. mggerl Isla,nrl rtlurls. We onlr' u'ish that those u'hrr, labcrur unr'ler the rlelusiou that the racc is rro test crrtrlrl mukt: a singlr cir<'rrit in the back seat ()f o,nc ol these cars at full sp'eerrl. If tl-rese arm. chair t-ritir's r'oulrl [re inrlur'erl trv risk tht:ir nt:r'ks an<l their conrfirrt ior llte o,ne wiltl f,rrtl miles thtrv rvoultl sigh for their armchairs lrurg before the rlistlrrce war t'om1 >leterl, rrnrl tlris, rlespite tht'flr't tlrat tl-re'l'.'l'. r'ar.q; irrr: n(It urtrler s1:rung arrrl rvo,ulrl be rlclightlLrllv com- frr,rt.rtlrle at nrrlrlerate spe,erls e\'('n (lr) these rrtugh rrra,rls. 1'ht,n lrelorrrl all this. it nrust be rcr.nt,nrlrert'rl thut er-err' ortt:,,t tlit'r'ars s'lrir'h rlirl arrv goorl in tltL: rlr't,lrrr,l 1,.'eir gilert a se\'(:re an(l proturt'terl tt.st in tl-re lslanrl in tlrt, earlv rnornings lt racing speerls.

RENqE-TEE CARE oF Low TENsroN MACN!:ToS . . -, ,. 489 ON rHE RoAD. By Owen John .. .. .tgo THE"GRApHrc"TRopHyCoNTEsr(illustratcd) .. .. .,,. 49r CoNTINENTAL NorEs AND NEws (illustrated) -. tg2-4g3 CLUB DorNGs: CLUB FIxruREs-LrNcs. A.C.--HERTS. CouNTy A.C.-

I)ERay AND I)rsTRrcr A.C.-ltloroR YAcHr CLUE-CRISTAL PaLAc!: A.C.-N.E. L^Ncs. A.C. BRrrtsH MoroR [J()AT CLUts-ScorrrsH .{.C. .. .. t\,.1

..THE AUTOCAR '' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: British Isles, l6s Abro:rd (thjn prper trlition), 22s. 8ti. per alrrrrnr.


The Tourist Trophy Race. Last u'cek in our report oI the rrt'e u,'t,rur'herl liglttlr upon the far't tliat those who, r'riticiserl it as lrt:ing rrr insullicient 1t'st of the tr1l,t'of car tligilrk'rlirl rrot n'ali:r' the truth ()l thtl nratl{'r. -'l'h,,.. shriolrpose lht'rlce orr this sr:ore ('rn n()\'('r havr, rlrivt'rt therlst:lr-es or lrct,n clrilen over the corrrst. in nrrt, of tht' conillr'-tir-rt- vehicles. Personallr', rre havc no ht'sitatiorr u'hatt:r'er irr sarins that onc' circuit :rt rflcinq spt'e(l trit,s r < 'ar \-astl\ mor{' than r.ooo miles of orrlinarl rlrivinu. Inrleetl. this is understating the t:ase, bet'ause the nrlximum stnrins in

'l'lrt're is uuother st'htNrl o'[t o,lrjer'trrrs u lro seent shrx'l<erl at the speerls, attainerl arrrl maintainerl. '['hey sav tliat sonrething rnust l)e rlo,ue trr mlrke it irnPossible for tltt'cars to go at stu'h a ratt: in tltt,rltr'e. artrl ther' tllk r.r,i rirlit'ulous fuel limits anrl hartrlit'aPs. 'l'het' errtirelv miss tl're prrirtt tl-urt if tht'r' iniposc a pt'trol limit u hit'h makrs speerl practir'allr- inryrossil)le ()r anv slsten) o,f crrntrol rr'hich t'uts {lrut :ul\: fast sectirrr rrl tlre race. th,.r uill r,,lr it rt,,,t r,nlv rrt ils s1:,'11i11g irtlt'rt st. l,rrt ,,I its r'llir'itrrct'ls a test. The rttain irltu ol l rar-e is th;rt a ,'lrr shail lre ,lrilerr at much hight'r s1;et:rls tlrlu usual, anrl tlre far'1 that thr 'l'o,rrrist 'l'rt4rhr' ('ars arc so, rlriven rn'er shrN'kirrg rolrls is just s'h:rl makt's thr r-lrce so valtutlrle, ltr:r':tuse it is inrl:r,ssil)lc t() nnl r'olrtr',.1r < 'o,t.t strttctions irt tlter lrce as it rrrru'stanrls. At the risk ol lrcirtq accttserl ol' re1;ctiti, rn \\'tr s:rs ln( r, r'nr lru tlilrt tltt ract is a trtrttt-ttrlolts tesl . atr+l \r't: l<rrrrw ot no ltt'ttrr rvar ol irnlrrtrlirru tht, lrreerl o1'ntotor gtrs thau that justittrtcr] lrl tht' .\tttrrtnolril,' ('lrrl,.7 lurrl krt')\rn as th(' 'l',y/risL'l'r,,;,hr l)r,'. /

Anti-taxation Petitions to Parliament. 'l'he tu'o forms of lrctition u'hich le pulrlisherl as srrpplenrt:rrts last rveek one ftrr siunature lri rvork- men anrl thost, rvhr: r'arn their livirrq lrv the ntotor car attrl kinrlrt'tl irrrlustries. artrl thc other for ()\\'ners of