Srpteusgr Z9aH, r9o6i
THtr AT]TOCAR E Sourttal pubtrsbeD tn the iJIl?::tH r"l ,ff,-{l:chanicattp propelteD roaD carriase'
Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, SDPTEMBER zgrn, tgo6. [Prucr 3o No. 57r.
(Published WeeklY')
Registcrcd as a newspaPer for transmission iD the United Kingdom'
Entcred as second-class matter in thc New York (N'Y') Post Officc'
Norrs:'Igp ANTI'TAxATloN Portttors ro PARLTAMENT-ElronIxo -';;;
M;;;; a^^,^t Rorus exo -fvtts Aeuounno TYFrs .. 127-128 u"lrir".'iinr" in" rrm: 'fo PR!:vtNr FRAcTuRED PETRoL:PIPES "i;i;i;'ii;;;; liitioit"t".tt louLrNG RADIArons-l'o cune r
Fi-r-""i iiui"rlLuBRIcaroRs rot Spntxc SHAcKLEs -ov ERHEAD V^lrirtr-*ir""-Evolle Stettlxc *lrHour rHE HANDT !: " 429 rrii:ii.iii* r..ruv (illustrated)' Sove Nores rxp lurnessroxs -'blttotii'"Rece " | -*,i.T*o""rcins(irtustrrtea) ltriitrt Soue Monr l)ETAlLs oa rHE touRlsr lRoirHY LARstrrru:LLrlEu' irt tool Tounlst Tnopuv RacE " " 4 3 ' f,T;'it?;;;ttiioi'viitt,'st"t"ar " '' " +t6 ri,r"i""tnion llterlxc rr Scataonour;s ' '' 437-434 6;;;; R;;;. Ilv owen Jotrr' " " +3e F;r;; w;;;, s&irei (itlustruted) 44o'44\ i;;'v^;;;;;;cJe ErruIr'tNo ret*s " " 44r i;;.;;;;;;;;^* Courverr oN ^ 6 H P' cAR (corlttlrucd) 442'443
;;;;;;;;r;;;";: Trxertor or lloron caRS -rloroR cAR. HousES ";;"--;;;-iri;rlNc Acr-A HroE'TtANDED AcrIoN' A REPLY-
frX r'"1". *" il *- C in iit s -T t u t t * o r N S c o rr r'- o - E x P E R I E N c E
;;;"S;;;;'b;ne wuepr-TuouLAR FRAMES-'I H F: sK EGNESS
5#;;'Til;i.:c;; ;" RuNNrNo-IIoroR DRIvERS-lNcoN- ii"".-""^r,'ii^iu,ni -ArR-ooolING IN rHE ANTIPoDES-AlR-c-mLED ii;'"$;-R;;;;;;"-a3:z ro rEE GALLoN-IR,S-H MoroR 'siii,,: uli'tiiii, "s"-- w cu"" t,,troN s-MoroR cA R IIE PAI RS- i;;;","s;;;;;;ir -or tu'utir"E cLArM-crIARoEs roR RE- PLACEXENTS .. ..4-+7-.t5r rii 1i7?-ij"n.^xcr-A Tnusr Mrrrsrove (illustrated) .. .. 452 i;; ;;;.;.4;;;111 cen-rounrvc tN Genuexv ' 4s3 FLA.EES " qs+-+sb tiTft".," ^i. c"ri",..,o* on l\loroR C^Rs (continued) ' ' 4\7 ii,i''ii",*i'" iiri,iiii.t"al .r " " +sE ;;;;;;;;;.i;;i;s rr Roro IMP&ovEMENrs " ' 4se 5;;; o;;;i;;;', R."",u, " " 460
British Isles, I6s. Abroad (tbin p'rPer edition)' 22s' Sd per annum'
A full report of the Race for lhe Tourist Trophv is lnserted in everv copy of "The Autocar" as a Special C.rri"-".t. Should anv of our readers fail to -receive Gir- t.pptu-ent thev should notifv the Publishers' iiirr" O 5"t. Lld.,20, Tudor Street, London' E'C'
i Notes. tfrJAntitaxation' Petitions to Parliament' Last week we annoullced that rve were DreParing two o"tition. to Parliament against additionil taxation of ;;;;;:;.;: lth.." petitioirs are inserterl i. this issut of ii""',t-"t',,irt,', .*."irting those copies .p'rsted to sulr- ..rlU"it, in *i,ich "u." t"h" petitio'nJ lre,lrcitrg,fo'rwardetl under separate colver in ortler ttr coml >I1'. u'ith the Post 0ffice rLrulatiuns gt,r'ertrittg regislcrt''l I)('wspapcrs' One of th"esc petirions is 1'r be sigrrerl Itv the *wl)trS
anrl users of nltttor cars, the other by the workmen' clrivers, zrnd all employed in the manufacture ()f motor < :ars anrl their paris, or in their driving and upkeep' Although,
^s *i lraue already slid, we have reason to Irone tf,at tht mtrllstrous /i 1'er I)orse I){Iwt:r ('l:-lusc itulrra"a in tlrt' ,lral't of tfr" riitt $'ill n('t l't' brought i,"fiir- tlr" H,rr.,r*, there is no qttesti'rn rvhltever that ",t,tltionut tlxlttion rtill l,c 1)roprrie'rl, rrttrl rs there is no ,lali,l .eason rvhy motorists iht,irl,l lrc still turther taxed, thev will be rvill adviserl to sign the petition and to ,rlrt'ain as many signatures as they t:anJrom their motor- iiig f.i*"at. "l'hJ same remarki apply to tl-re. petition frr? signature bv those engagetl in the mo'tor industry' il'h"r.'i. no n""cl for us tJrJpcat rt'hlt ue recently saici up,on this vital subject ; the o-nly thing u'e rvish to em- pir,rsise is th:rt the necessity lor the petitiorl is moved even il it is believed that very hcavy taxatlon *iif "ot be proposed, because, as we have said, there is no doubt whatever that additional taxation of somesort rvill be suggesterl, unjustifialrle though it.may be'
We shouitl add that lve are rvell arvare there are many obieclions to atlditional taxatiorl other than those mentic,ilert in the two petitions to Parliament, but we ha've ihoueht it bust tc) ionfine the petitions to the most vital ,rrnrfirents aeainst increased taxation of motor cars, and it'only ."-uii,t for all conr;erned to second our effo'rts irt ri*inn ancl obtaininq as mlr'r)y signatures as possrble t,l it? rre?itions. Whei this is-dorie the forms should be retuinetl to us. All who require additionai forms *ift fr" supplied with them immediatelv..on notifving us of the' number they recluire' Althrtugh...the o*n".r' petition is confined enlirely to automobilists, ancl not io those who are employed in the indtrstry, lve would reminrl private orvneri thar they can help very *"i"iirffy in tittaining signirttrres to the petition which is confined to those in the intlustry. That is to say' ttcv should qet it signed by thcir diivcr or tnc':hattic il thev emnloy either,- anrl, o[ course, the mrrtor l'gent ir"i, *nL*'they huy their petrol and sp.'ares, anrl tl-eir repairman shoui,l be asked to sign, as al1 these men are vii:rllv interesterl in the matter, and derive a Part' or the whole, of their living fr"m the m()t(ir. car'
It is noi rvithout interest to mention at this juncture that it is just ten years ago sitlt'e ottr readers were asked ;; ;ic; a i,etitioni., Parl"iamerrt. It rvas the rrnt' rvhich rn".rn?tintit.,t the House to remo've the then existing restrictions rvhich made it irnpossible to use motor cars ir-tt it country. It is :r matter of historv now that the ,,otlti"" was srrtnted, backed as it was by the persistent ,",i i"""frrfrie *ork'o'f Sir David Salomons ar.rd a small hand of far sighted pionecrs who rvorke'l in season
""a out of seiso'n to make it clear to Parliamentary ^,iinotities that it rvas worse thatr foo'listr' for the iarv to ao,-,tinu" to treat the motor clrr as a traction enqine' I\Ienv of those rvho enjoy their motoring to-'lay scaicely .".tii" that I')ngland iua.t .o hopelessly tlinded -l'y pl": iu,ii." ."a by i'[norance, that she could not and rvould
","i ai."ti*i,iatJ between a mot()r carriage rrnd a' lruge r"-a i"."."tive till less than ten years ago' Altlrough *" hur" advanced since thetr, it is obvious that pre- juclice is not Yet dead.