Srprsvrsr 2:,lro, 19o6;

THE AL]TOCAR 3l Jottrttal publtsbcD in tbe,J:1?:SrH

XI ,*lf.IJsctrarrrcattp pror)eticD uonD cnrriasc.

No. 57o Vor. XVII.I S]\TUIiD,\Y, SDPTEMIJI:-il z:xo, 19o6. fPnrcr 3o

TITE AUTOCAR. ru r,ic'e-prt,sirlent ()l t1're Uniorr, atlvocating int'relsetl taxltion r)r) th,c ul)(lcrstanrlinu that this taxaii,,u, uhit:h,

(Published Weekly. )

Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the Unitcd Kiogdom,

Entered as second-class matter in the New York ( N,y.) post Omce.






NoTES: TrrE {r rar Horse-eowrr proeosll_Tuu frrrerexep

TexlrroN DENTED-A Perrrrot ao PaRLTAMENT rrou Auro_ uoBuISTs AND MoroR \ToRKMEN j9l-39+ Userul Hrxrs eNo Tres: SHRTNKAGE oF RoAD WEE!:LS_A MAKE_

P^ cE

sslrr Tnevalrn tsLADE (illrstrated)-Ioyrrrox Tnousrcs_Tne Crervsruc oF CYLINDE:rj-ENGTNE KNocKrNo ,. 395 Tse Touatsr Tropuy Counse, Ifre evo CoyrouR (illustra-

tions) ..

TEE 1906 Tounrsr Trclrsv Rules Explarveo.. .. .. 3gg-:qq Norps nnou rse Isre oF MaN (illrstrated) .. J99-.1o3 Soxr Motu foualsr 'l'topHv CARs l)EscRrBED (illustrated) +oJ-4o5 CoNTTNENTAL NorEs AND Nrws: Tua MoNr Vcxroux Hrll-crrua


(illustrated)-THE llloroR lroAr Recrrrl er J uvrsv-Tue Auro_ uoarrp Tneoe-Vrntous Crrsses on Mexcrs .1o6-.1og PARAFFTN ls I }loror Fur:r- .. .. 4og VULCANTSED fyRE REpArRs (illustrated)., .. .. 4o9 Tnu Gunuey llloroR fAx .. .. .. 4ro THE PRoBLEM or ArR-cooLrNG Iroreor Exorves (illustrated){ CoRREspoNDEscE : trIoroR Cre Housus evo rre Butloryo Acr_

srr Iltr :ts (':ltt l)e gilthol,(l frlrl his l)r()[)(JSals. \\:01l(l Irlrrirrt rlorrlrle tlre lrresent rltes, shoul{l lre rlelcltecl to lo;rrl inrlrrovrn)ent. \ou . rve har.t, nt.r tloulrt that ('alrtairr (lole rnarlc tlri5 5i11g!-g51ion \\'ith th,t lrcst t_rl flith, lrrrt, as \\'e have poirrtt'rl ()ut nt()re thalr onct. lrefore. there is rruthing rrrorr lil<clv to lrutl tr.r troulrlt, ttuLrt ittten)l)ts to t,entltorisc rrith l)arlianrent. li Ittrtorists ()r iln\ othrr lrorlr ol nren Par]iantent \ otI mllv tloul r]e t,trr tlxlrti,,rr s(r ]rnij lls \ ou grarl us ('ertain lrri', ile(cs, ther shotrlrl knou, l'rorn cx111.1j. rnt'e that tlie chant'es a-re tlt,c\.u,ill get thc rlriulrll taxatiorr, lrrrt witl'rout the priviJeges. 'I'his is u,h., ru c haye alu'als f orrghl against coml)romisc. lt i. one of tho,sc thirrgs u,hit'h is uot r.rudt:rstood nor appre, cieterl. 'l'he thing to r'lo, is to. say tvhat is rvanterl autl trr krqr (ln sa\ini{ it. Of r.ourse, it nrav lre urge(l that (laptrrin Cole grLve his rrrvn olrirriorrs aloire, anrl-rlir_l sl)eilk on ltehalf of the Urrron or his cirunt1 clrrb. As rr niatt,er of fact 1're a1r1- >clrretl as r'e1l',eserrting thl ('oLIlrtv t:lulr, lrut it cloes not matter in rvhat (.al}acit\ he aplrelrretl, he u'as none the less a vir.e-presidel)t oi the Union, antl as su('h was vittorouslv a(1l'ocating ittr'rtltst'tl taxatirlr). \Ve krrolv pcrfectl) \\,ell that the Union rLres not a(lvo('ate an_\'thing of the kind, itrrrl it seenrs ir, I);tv that orre of its vice-presiclents shoulrl al)l):trcntll have arllor.aterl lrefore the Com rnissi{ ),r) a plart rvhich j.s.. niost clistastrrfrrl to th,e rritr ,,l its rlrr1]llrs.

.feeups' fecrrcs--fouerNc rv Itellyo-Srolr-rgrowrso CutrDRE$ AND THE l)oc NursAxcE-SoLDlers es CsrurreuRs_fHE SKEGNESS SpEED TRIALS-A Goyervor IMpRovEMENT_l)LrsrlESS Roeos-UlrlIer_ESs ri CoMpErIrIoNS--frIE Tourrsr'feoeny Recr-Tnerxrlo r2r Drrvoas -Roaosroc 'fyrc RepetRs_Ex- pERTENcE \1,rrrr SrEpNEy SplHe Wseer__{.rR-cooLtNG pETRoL ENGTNES (illustrated)-AccrocNrs ro STEERTNG (icln .luunexr oF OrHEa CoRRESpon-DExcE .. +rs_.tru Flesur:s., .. ., 4r9-.1:r CLUB DorNcs: CLtra lirx'rutrs-'frte ltcrrltsy HILu-crtltu .s-

trated)-IpswrcE ANI) EAsr SuFtsoLK A.C. -Brrrrs.r l\Ior.).. l Cluu, Ilurxlelr R^cus (illustrated), urc. .. 4 . r+ Tsr Rclyu Couurssrov oN NIoroR Crr; (r:rrlliuucCl .. .. .tr5 Sour Queerus ^ND RrpLrES _ ., .. +:6

,.THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Britisb Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper cdition),2:s. 8(1. per aru,rr:r

Noles. The f,l per Horse-power proposal. We lrre not rlithorrt ho;le that tlris ntonstrous l)r{)_ posal u,ill lre n,ithrlrarvn, as u'hat is turrtanrourrt to rr rleniaI has alrt,arlr lrccn pulrlishctl in a paler u.hicl-r is lrelieverl to spt;ak srmi ofiiciailr. It is'ulrll, u.hilc rlist'ttssirrg llre rulrtter. lo lrrlrr in nrin,l th:rl rrr,,l,,rists Itavt' lrrrrtlv tht,nrst:lvcs. ()r rtthcr tht,ir rt.lrresclltlti\ r,s. to thank 1-or thesc lrro;Nrsals to inr.rcas.: tlxatiorr. 'l-ake only one instance lront the t,l.irlrnr.c gir.t,n lrelore the It,,vil C,,n.rnissi,rr. \\ e Ilrrrl tiait,,i,, ( r,lt,. th.e lrresirletrt of the Lirtcolnshire Autom,,lrile (.lrrlr ,rn,l

The Threatened Taxarion Denied. " A sensrrti,rrral stttentel)t i'r1:pearing last neek in thlrt trstrally verv uell irrlorntt.rl arrrl srilrer journrrl Tltr -ltttrttrr" is Tltr l)rrilry Clt totirr./r rnotor contrilrutor's ('rlttrt(,(Ius ntrnn(.r 0l rq:ening n reft,renr.t, t() our ail rr()ur)l'enr(,irt ()f the {.t lttr horst,-1totr'er strg{estio,n. IJe srrr s. " I rlon't lrt'lieve a u orrl ol it." 'l'h]s ;s lr.r;rli, lrLtt l',rr lll \. s rlisirr,lirl, lrrri l r i.t)( r s t{} r)r.ll igttcritnct' ol l'arlilntcnt:rrr' 1;rrilt,rllr' , ., lrillr. irr tlrr. urr,. rlrx,s rrot nffer't tlrt nlrittir in tirc sligirttst -il "' Iti: ttttitrtl rlrlll:lrlr, (,ilti', ' i.; ll slrrrr',' ol tnrtir, it ur::ti,l r|ti'li].,ii , ;,


t i r rli, ltllr l rtrrtltitt- t (|

lreen lii.r i il lrght up,

:'. .-.. ',t c sittrrl. \\'11:Itcvcr : ('onsrrllr:(1 his orlclt . lftol i tlte Irollos:rl. ()ur ,laill rrntrlbtttor rlwclls tr1;o.n tht term taxli- ts that a L.().11. mulsurc coul(.1 havt' ith sur'h ln irrl)()siti.),n, iri the fur'e ol'

tlre fact that taxation is thc lrusiness rrl tht: Cltancelltn' of tht, Hrcltequt'r. \\'cll. u't,ll. an\' ()tl)el' sulrst:rntilt' t.nitv Ire userl to rlest'rilrt: tht' irnpositiorr. so lt:t us r-lsc the trrm fee (l lrir:h, s'hctht,r it (lilferentiutt:s rhe sur-n ()r surl)s yralalrle in some 1x.o1;le's r)lilt(ls. trill rrrr,t r-arv the rlt,lrit in their lrlrnk lrrlrok). l,'t.e js tlrc rv,,r',1 useil in st,r'tion:. srrlr-sectirtn i, artrl sectio,rr .3. sul)-se('ti()u z in the N[otrr ('ar Act, r9o.3. 'I'lrert.l ,,ir, rre talie it thltt r'ortt rlonsrnse in yrluct: ol yrarl ianrerrtart' krrou,lerlgt. is strfl-rcirrrt to shou . if lees sLrr.h as thosc relerrerl i,, r'un ltt' irll'xrsurl hv one Ar.t. thlrt other " ftx,s," thotrgh t:trf ing in illn()ultt. ('An lre legaliscrl l,l. lnother. Whether the dr per h.l). u'as interrrlerl to lie crrllt,r'terJ