
Ssersygrr 15rH, 1906

-IHE ALTTOCAR E 3ottrtta[ pttbtttibeD in tbe *lf:Sr3 o,I ,ff.]Iscbarricaup propetrcD roBD cBrriase.

No. 569. Vor. XVII.I SAI'L]RDAY, SEPTEMBER r5ru, 19o6. fPnrcn 3n


(Published Weekly.)

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N,rr65 , 1r, Lr pER H,JRSL-poirER pRoposAL _THli .I.orrRrST lRorHy RAcE u.oi"i - u,nr.''itn i,". ' ,i rti..r'n,L". do.,rn*i.-,, N,,,.u{'-t'n Frrrrro SeenxrNc I,rucs -HArrlt] -t ro'ugrrs_Ru";i",",, RetrtAToRs.. .. rnr io.i** i^o"rr. r '1'ro tor^,.r 'f ropsr Ti.r, oo'Cn* .'.' |uo-120. l.?_:,5, !r,l_19.(l.C^rs-A CoverHrs.ov or LrenrNc liEAruRrrs. . if,z_iO-r >oM[ ots THE CoMr!:TrNc Caks (illustrated) ., 363-a6; 'IHE louRrsr Tnopnv PtrRoL'fr*..n (iltusiratecij -.. '.'. .. 36? sroNE-THRowtNc CHTLDR!:N. AcrroN Bt, THE MoroR UNIoN.. ,. ioq 'I-unou<;rr Davor exo CoRNwALl. ov A 6 H.p. Cen lillrrstratcd) 37o-37t Corrr^'rNrer NorEs AND Ncws_: Trrr: eruu,^ii.r' -Cru't,iim'truteiil "'

-f'rrr Suerr CAR TRTALS-'IH!: lVonr Vrxroui'Hi;;:;;;;r_ A Nr:w Srx-cvrrrorn Rrcrr (iilustrated) .. ' -- ,-.-'-- .-1" yr-tZt 'frr Prosrev oF AtR-coolrNG pr:rror,Ercrris-1itturtiut"at.. 371_376 A CLUTcH Pruru loornesr (illusrrrted) .. .. -- .. "*'.: .. J76 BuRaERRy's l\[oror Putrrr Srrr-os M;;;; ;i rlr.;;;jil"j.jilir i::f,,", i, rc^ H.r. T.^*_c.",,.,on.i. -r 76 or RuxlrNc-'l uE NovtcE T",, wi;,N;"i-;.;;;"^Ii;;;; non* (iiri,str"i"a) .. .'. .. ,rrrr,

CoRREspo.-DENcE: Cu"ron"'o" U,rr"^ Vu"r""i"-.fri Arro*unrio''o Crus's [IrcurrrcAL PRoFrcttNcy Cetrrrrcerr:_Tn;r.rr,i;

DilvERs-RoADsl DE CorrRrEsl.-Ar

^-c"ni,iNi' Fr,"*oi,' p'il"-, ^ o"

-PRoMpr Sorururrr oF INsuRANcE C"^ru_i"u -Sric]"0r"" Sprro Trrers-I)usrLESS RoADs-n,n-iii.nrri-1.;;;;;;^_ Co-sr or Urxerr - Urrarrr nss rx CoupurruJni _1r"o -d-ilr,, *" ._Tur fr pER H.p. pRorosAr-Tvrri :rnciusin:r_A-ii;;;l; ,u REDE !-A Gooo Lrsr oF CaRS ,A Hi,,r-ir.i" 'A"iir"_ Tennr:n R.eos A*-D EFFECT o".. .I-t.REa _S;;i;i*ij- ,*'cli,,oo CoRRESPoNDENCD ,. .. AIT?iff,; q;;';;-:u'^''u'-uerre'rmr.t,"t"ai' ..' .'. j3;.:S; IHL KoyALCourrssroN ov lloro&Cens (contir[red) .. .. .."igO Fusues.. .. crrr i;irrrc., tii*.ri.re* tilor,,* crun,s'H,,-.".r,*"1itturti.t"a1t7-388


Mmor yecnr Crue-Ar Isnros RErregi;ir".i iii"'" iiti,.ti"l.,af -THr Tnarsveer A.C. -ftnrrrsn Ntoron Biirr -Ciir"_ll1.Lt. LANcs. A.C.-Ross INrLR-cLrrtt Mur,r_truo F,iiu"-o-i.l -' 3s9-ie:

..THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES : British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition),22s. 8d. per amum.

Notes. The f,l per Horse-powgr proposal. f'he a,nnouncement u'|i,'li [vt. nlr,-le llst ut,t,k alrout the inclusion of a monsfl,rus\:rs , rlr hr rrse-l)r,,r.t,r in the draft of the nerv l\{otof{fiill hrts rrcitcrl thc sreatest in_ rlignlrtiolr jp y11,[ruring cirr.les. and nrant. cor#slr,lrrler)ts have written to us rrskirrg u'hat is to be rlorrt: t() I)revcnt ty"! 1gross instal)ce of urrfair taxation l'r,rnr lrrling in cluded in a (io,vernment IJill, u,hich u,orrld ,.,rme LJi,,re a. Housr that in rrll proltalrilitr. ,*.o,ulcl hail the taratior.r ,'Iarrses with rleligl]t. In o,ther rvrlrrls, nllln\-of (]lrr reatlers rcc6gyli5i the ltoipt qlri,.h tr.e l,rouglri rrp I:rst rreek-thet js thc verr.gre-ut imporlxrrr.e of''gettirig the taxation proJr,s, ls m,.,ilii,t,,,l lrt,f.ie the Iiill is'sulrmitterl trr thc Hrr,'.rsc. lrrcspt,r.tir.t. of the tcmpcr ol tl-re House ton'arrls mrr,torirrg (),1.t(),\llr(ls an\.one i,lass of the com_ nrunitl it is necesslr\ tr ht.ilr iri min,l thlrt tht: Bill is a (ioverirment l.lill, an<l therefore it is ol I)aramount ir.llro,rturrce that its n-rain provisiolts shoulrl be fair, lrt:r'urrse there is ei err prolra[rilitl that thel. l,ill become lir\\' \\'hatercr tlrel arL.- Aplrt liom tl-re iridignatiun ex- prc,sserl l)\, ()ur ('orresyrt,lrrlt,rrts at tht, over taiation pro I)()srrls, mtrnv r_rl tl-rent ash \\'hat tl)ey r.:rn r'lo intlivirlually t,r lrring 11r,. injlslir.e lr3flrt. thti I.rt.u[ 6.,r.ernmeni llorr,l. ( )rrr rrrlr i,.r, t. llrern is thal tlrey should write irrrlivirlu:rlll trr the l)resirlcnt trt the Ltn.al (iovernment Iloarrl, Wliitrirlll, S.W.. puintir.,g ,,ut Ii,,w harrlly the hrrrse-llnver l:rratjorr :rt t[rt. ercclssive rate < tf di per horse-po,lvcr u,(),lrl(l l)ear up()n them. ,l.hev slroull ajso m()\'e,tlrr()ugh their t'ount\i t.lutrs. 't.tte ,l.t.f;.n.l. anrt thc N,ftrtrr,r LIni.,, rvill n, i ,l,,ubt forwarrl their protests to thr^ LrN'al (iolcrnment lirarcl, und tl)e S,u:i"ty J M<rtc.lr Manufa(.turers wi'll make it clear to the President horr serious a lrlou' he is c,,,rrteml)lating at a class he is lrt:lievt'rl to bt.frierrrl- the IJritish work'n-ren." It cannot ltt, matle too clear tltat a_n1. s()rt of over taxation upon thc mrrtor r':rr is an attack upon the mo,tor workpeoile, l_.:rll*" an\rhing uhit.h hampers the clel.eiopmenr of tlte m()\'ement rr)eluls thirt Iess cars u.ill be solrl'anrl r.on_ st,quenth'.. leu.t.r 1lt.,,plt. uill he.emplol.ed in .n"king tht'm. 'l'lris is s. eipp1.,11,,.). tl)at 'it'...ms scarcel; no('essar). t() ntentir;n it, lrut in these davs, \yhen so much is hearrl alrout tl.re interests of lalrrnrr, ii ;",,;; necessary 1:] :'1U,".i.: 1he poirrr.. l,er'Arrsc s, lme iegislirrors at least, ll) tnetr irn\tct\. lo-parrrler to ll)e masses. ap1,.ar to forgei ll:.1^an.). art rolrbirrj{ lhem oI u.ork Irri 'rolrlrirrg t'he ctasscs of nlorx.\. ()n(.e again s.t: rnust point oui that 1\1.rre not speaking poliri.alt.. wli"',';*';;',rl to make ct(.Ar ls lhat allv sort r,f legislati0rr Iritse,l uD,tn a mis_ ta.ken belief thai motorist. ,,

" 1,,,,'ll, ,..i,i i,,J'ou". tu*",l

*ith imprrnitr'. uoultl or.rir. res.lt i,t l"r* iun.t for those vinr) arL- u.orkrng for their living in the mantrfacture of ln()1or cars. f'his is no it.lle siatemr:rrt. io-ut."u,t, *" have- lNoofs that intenrling 1",..tu..ii ,,f l"r, ir""" dt*irlerl t. *'ithholrl their irr,iers till ihei -are assurerr that the urtrt.asonalrle taxatiotr propcisaJ.s -ari rrot to be brorrlhti lrelrrre lhr: Housc.

t The Tourist Trophy Race. _ In lcss thau a fortnight, the 19o6 race for the Tourist 'Iroyrhr u-iil lrc over. This event i, unru u".y pr()l)erlv rrrarrlrxl as the most importairt an<l most intcreslirrg. l.hich takt,s place in .,,n,.,iiil.r-*ltn l.itirh autor-noirilism. as it comlines ilt a war lrecrriiar to itself sport an(1 nrechanical der,.elopmelrt. itttn,,!n o"it ; conlparativelr, small lumhei of our ."".I.ri visit the I-sle of i\{an io see thc, race, a v,cr-v large lrroportion of them frrllow it in orrr pages with tt" ,ilJ- ,irupulous ('arr:, al)(l it is to tretp'inem that

"= --,rt-,ttin. our arralrgentents for dcaling rvith the ra.ce. ,I.n ,lay i, pulrlisherl a full list of the comlxrting .u..; nearlv all ttre iearling rlerails are tabulated, ,.-*"ii i. ii"'Ifri.i .,m..st()ns. Apart trom the table, there is an article u nrcn l)olnts rrrrl tht. lrenrl of -design as excmplifierl bf the competing maehines. and soLe ue*"'iit..*rting

--, I
