Scrrrvren Isr, t9o5l

THE AT]TOCAR E Sournat pubtigbeD trr tbe interestg of the mecbsnicatt! propetleD roBD cnrrin0e.


No. 567. Vor. XVII.I SATLTRDAY, SEPTEMBER rsr, 19o6. fPrucr 3o.


(Published Weekly.)

Registered as a ncwspapcr for transmission in thc Unitcd Kingdom'

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NorES: THE RoYAL CoMMIssloN oN lloroR Cets-Cotroes elo -'--Dr"r-Moru*'rRAcKs .. .' .z8g-zgo Usurw glNts rlo Ttes: Testtso e Cotr' By }lar'tts \V Bourdo! 291 iru F*o"""* oF ArR-cooLlNc IlErRoL ENGINES (lllustrared) Ily

Max A. R. IJrunner

INouirnrrr ALcoHoL - fHE \loroR Irpusrtv llreNtlovlllv Helorclprno " " 296 es Orsp"s SEE Us: MoroRTnerpIxc-RoulNcE AND THE MoroR

Crn ou rsB Roep ir" ro u.p. Sulpenp Srx'ct'llrpex Cen (illustratcd) .. .. 3oo-3o4 Exrr-tsrols ro rHE W'oLSELE Y woRKS ' ' 3o4 THE l\{oroR Uvror M ScARaoRoucH " 3o'l i". io".-T.,sure illpcsertct LutsRrcAroR (illustrated) " " 3o5 AN ArD ro TyRE REp^rRs (illustrated) .. . ' - .. 3o5 b-o"i^.tiit N.tEs AND NEws: 'fHE AuvERcNE CuP-MoroR BoAr -- frir"a^o er Evrrx-Osreutr Moron Boet Rocerlr-Tnn PanIs


" 297


in-rm-ttloto* BoATS-ENGTNE RATING-"'fqE Mmru " CulisB ltr*xoupo cu" 3o6'3o8 Conreipox"u"c": Rersrvo rgE I)usr-MATDENEEAD To HENLEY: --'-ei-r*t*ru" Roure -'f ue Tounrsr Ttoeuv couRsE-TYRE f"ire-T^^rnr*o oF DRrvERs-HoRsE-PowER oF CARs-BLEAT-

inEi*" Hrsslxcs or Mrorsttetes'-Excesslvt Rolo Wetenrxo li)uor. SIox^rs-Tue AnntNles Crtcvrr-Pnorosro Soclsrv o" ai"o"o" RESEARcH PRIcE oF PETRoL--'fHr 'foutrsr Taoruv -f"riin" AND ENcLAND Cortnesroo-Tvnr Tnouares-Tvnr Geriuts-H.P. a MATTER or Tasre-Tsr AuToMoBILE CLUB'S lrtri"^*r"^" Ptorrcrrlcv CERTIaTcATE - Suumexv or Orgen CoenrsroNorNcB.. .. " 3o9'3r2 rxu-iJu-nret TRoPHY CARS (illustrated): THp I'lerto cea-Tse ----S.b.a.n. Cen-fue VIcI Crn-Tue Peucror Crn-Tue Arreer-


'lri{ovir Cou"ISsloN oN }loroR CARS . . . .

Eii.".s-iirr,i.iiiteat ...

cir"--'o.irnoi: Crue Ftxrunus-N.E. LANoASHTRE A'c-MoroR -- V^i* Liuu-T"" MtoreNp A.C'-NorrlNGHAMsHrRE A-C'-

ftforo*,nC in ULSTER-MANcHESTER M.C.-BRITIsH MoroR BoAr tiurji"i*r"" AND EAsr Surrorr A.C.-Tue Du Pne Cou"traron-W"ar"LIFF YAcET Crus-Gvxrueue AT STRATFoRD-

oN-AvoN TtsE TowN CARRIAGE CouPerlttos Qurnlrs elo REPLTES. '




320-32 t .. 32r

..THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : British Istes, I6s. Abroad (thin paper editionl,22E' 8d Per atnum


No/es. Commission on Motor Cars We have already rlealt extensively with the report of the l{oval Conimission on Motor Cars. issue<l last month as i comparatively modest blue book of c'ightvtlyo pages. Vot. if . has norv appearerl, and is a mttch bulkier"tome. It contains the mintttt's of the evi(lence taken by the I{oyal Commission, u'ith appendices, in which lrarticulars are given as to the number of cars and m,lt,,r cycles in use, anrl the sums derived from registration and clriving licenses, fines, and so forth. We clo not attempt to summarise its contents. but u,hen we sav that it consists of 7{+ closelr'-printed pages. it will be un(lerstood that it is impossible to more than briefly indicate the wicle field covered. Those n,ho wistr for closer acquaintance with the book can obtain a copv for 6s. rd. It is interesting to note that r22 \vitnesses were examinctl, manl of rvhom \r'ere rccalle(1, an(1 the hearing of their evi(lence occupie(l twentv-nine sittings. During this time the total nurr-rber of questions and replies rvas r4.967.

In rearling the r:virlence, \ve rnust say we have been stnr<''li with the wenkness of the arliuments lgainst automol >ilism introrlucerl bv the majoritv of anti-motor \ritnesses. \\Is rlo Ir()t stlggest thev uere al1 persons of Foor mentalit\ . bLrt it is apl)lrrL'llt thev art' Irot broi,l-nrirrrlecl pe()ple, anrl the maj()rity of them could only hlve given their evi(1ence bet:attse they personally objer'terl t() motor crrs. Another thing that struck u:i \\'as the very teml)erate manner in rvhich the auto- n-robilists' sicle of the question was presented. I'his \rrs a ('haracteristi<: rvhich undoubterlly had its effect rupon the Cotnmissiotters, as they mrtst have seen the rlifference betrveett tlre t'ommonsense statements of the automolrilists and the h1'stericnl prejurlice rvhich so manv of their opponents erhibitetl. 'l'he l')arl of Shreu,slrurl', the Hon. Arthur Stanley, Lord Montagu of lleaulieu, the I{ight Hor.r. Sir J. H. A. l\facdonald, many ol' the leatling members of the industryj the secretary of the N,Iokrr Union, antl the hon. secretaries of many of the provincial clubs, gave evide.nce on behalf oi automobilism. So manv prominent men did their best for the Nelfare of the movement which they have at heart, that it is almost invidious to men- tiori arrv one more particularl\'. Martr of the rvitnesses u ht-, wi'rt' tlot ltomittall) oll the sirle of nlt'torisls offered rlvillence which was entirell favottrable.

From the ligures given in the appendices to Vol. IL, it appears that foithe vear atrtl rlitle months entling Septemirer 3oth last, d86,ooo hacl bee,n received in registrati()r) fees and tlriving licenses. On the_ figures given, rve are able to work out the sum total of the iluties received for carriage licenst:s by the Inland Revenue Department, although these are not given in the ap1x.:nrlii, and it tvoulrl appear tllltler this lrt'arling sonre d7 5,ooo shotrld be arlrlerl. 'f hen lve have ovir dr3,ooo in fines and costs, while it-is.stated that the N'Iotrrr Acts have cost A2t,qoo to administer. In rotrntl figures, exclusive of fines, dr4o,ooo had been paid by motorists to the State simply beca rse they rvere mirtorists. Norv. it is nearll trvelle months sitlce these returns \rerc' macle, so that rve shoulrl be lvell inside thc figure if \1'e sav that for the trvo rears anrl nine nronths ending the 3oth oi this month, atltomo- bilists have paicl more than to the State in registration fees. driving licenses. arltl excise rluties. With the ber.refits to industries an<] tra<les shich the moner' of the motorist mal hale effecterl. tt'e nrake no attempt to tleal. as these are otrtsi,l,- 16g 5r'ope of the Commission. We cotrltl not e)ipu(rt in the report an1 reference to a subject so sordid as the welfare of a neu' national industrv. For this the (lornrnissiorters art' not to blame. as thev are not authorised to touch such rrseful matters.
