JuLY 28rH, 1906.

THE AT]TOCAR Et 3ourtul pubttobeD in tbe itttereets of tbe mecbantcattu propelleD roaD carriagc.


No. 562. Vor. XVII.I SATURDAY, JULY z}ru, t9o6

[Pnrcr 3o


(Published Weekly.)

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Furr Corsuuptrr)N tN 'rH[: 'l'esr Ssop

Ilsenrrr Htlrs ANI) 'frps: Sorrr Nores oN VALvli SrLrrrr; ,rsrr


., rr ]-r r+

Icyrtrox Trurxc. IJvNIARctrsW.Borrrrror.. .. , rri-rrr) 'l'ounrlc lv (;ERMAN\. ., 116 MoroR []NroN Mart er Beru (illustrated) .. tt7-rtg [{oRSE, TRAvwAy, eru Motot Accroaxrs .. ,. ttt) ArrrocARs AND I)usr RarsrNc (illustrated) .. ,2o-t2a Oypn rse Htlls ro A HtLL-cLtMB .. . . .. .. tzr Holreup FoR MoroRrsrs (illustrated) tzz-124 J.P.'s rxo rHE RoyAL CoMMIssloN ov Moroe Cet'lneprrc .. .. 12+ AERoNAUTTcAL Norus. Ily E Ccslr HewxrNs .. L2s ,{ Rux oN A ro B.p. ALLDAyS CAR ,. 125 Corttugrrll NorES aND Nows: Tst Bourocte-sun"Mrn Merrrro

-La Crrcurr ou Lrrrorlr-TsE IIRESCTA Crecurr-Tse lNrur- NATIoNAL Cup AND rH!: Bsloruu A.C.-THE " Mlrtr " Cur Tur PARIs SaLox-F'LyrNG MAcHTNES t26-t28 'l'su ScrNr on rur: Irrss A.C. Opev Hrrl-cLlrrgrlo CoMpLtlrroN . , r28 IN THE HousE oF CoMMoNS .. .. rzg 'fBri UsE on rse Naue I)AIMLER .. .. . . .. ,2g 'l'ools nor Rsperners aND OWNERS lillustrated) .. r3o Moronrrc rN JAeAN ., .. .. .. r3o Soue Nores oN PNEUMATTc l'r'nrs (illustrated).. rjr.r32 ConnrspouoercD : INcolsloenere Dttvtwc eNn f)oNItiy L]RIDGES

-I)ETACHABLE RrM AND 'IyRE-'lHE CoNsrrruttol or rue A.C.G.B.I.-MaNUFAcruRERs AND REpATRS-Vorrutttrr Trrers tr FteNce-Tvru Ptorrcrons-Tuo "Dltrv Nrws " AND MoroR- Isrs-PolrcE rN THE Latr!: I)rsrRrcr: A Wenxtxc-HtLL-cLrMts F'oRMULE-A SrcN or rHE TIMEs (illustrated)-llloroR CARS AND Rcsttvc Honses-Srlreo HoRsE-powER [[oroetro Iv Ivorl (illustrated)-IIEcrrANrc DRrvERs-STEAM Cens-Tuc Soura HARTING ,{ccIDENT THE KIRK TRoPHY-THE BATTL!: oF THE CyLTNDERS: Clus Curtrrtcltes-Suuyeny or orH!:R CoRRE-

SPONDENCE F'resurs .. .. Crus Dorscs (iUustrate(l) AS OTITERS SEE US Soue Querrrs lup Roelrus r 3 3-r38 1 39-r 1r t 4"-t 45 ., r15 ., t46

.,THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : British Isles, I6s. Ahr"arl (thin paper edition), 22s. E(i. pcr annuu,

IYotes. ill-climbing Formulae Last u'eek rve p,ulrlisherl l suggestion lor hill-t:lirnbirrg ('()r-nl)etitions lvhich was principalll lrast'rl r.rl)on fuel cortsttrttption, artrl irrrlit:att,r1 horv sur:h a forntrrla rnight Ite entirlo,rerl in harrrlicaPpiut st{,ar1l (.irrs irr con petition lr.ith petrol cirrs. It is a rnatter rlhit'h slt,rultl be taken up bv the .{utcNrtobile Cllult artrl suoh other t:lubs as are afhliatt.rl to the ltart'nt lrorlr. so that one simple, set, artr'l effective fornula Ior use in ull hill- r:limbing contpetitions nr jsht lle estalrlisht'rl. anrl 'bt the tlse of rvhich a rt:allv irseful oltject in such ri'rnts effected. At ltresent iht real value of hill-clirnbs is in rloubt, and u,ill rernairr :;o ts lo,ng as each club has its own pet fo,rmula, the use ol rvhich prevents {'()mparisons being made in various co,mpetitions. In everv formula horse polver is an impo,rtant factor, and it is essential that so,me delinite metho(l o,f calculating this shoulcl tre arrivecl at j the same, ap,plies, of courie, to any other frrctor in the formula rvhich has to be co,mposed. As inrli<'ative of the variatior.r of horse-p,ower calculated by the formula aclop,teLl at two recent events rve may quote the follol'in_g I " .o h.p. A)ldays, 9.28 ancl ro.o4 ti.p.; r2-r6 h.p. Cl6ment-'l'albot, r5.or5 an(l r6. r h.p. ; 3o- 40 h.l). Daimler, 34.45 and 38.6 h.p.; 8 h.p. Di Dio", 5.zoq anrl 5.7 h.p. ; 22 h.p. Minerva, 2r.3r and 22.8 h.p. ;.r6-zo h.p. 1{or,.er, r8.23 and r9.4 h.p.,, lt niay be tlrought that. the variations are slight, but they amount trr about 7% per cent. in four of- the six cases given, anrl this alone is sufficient to var\.the placings r",f anr r.ars tvhi{rh ma! mlt cach other close in an\. tw() or more competitions. 'l'he defects in present formule are sumciently apparent to need no further co,mment here, but Ie. TaI with profit consider the proposecl fornrula published last rveek.

In su({cstin( that fuel consumption should form a factrrr in the formula for hill-cli-1,i,.,g .on.rpetitions. 'we rlo not lose si{rht of the fact that 'there ire clifti_ c.ulties in carning such formula into operation, but these u,e tlo not re.gard as insurmountabli. We have in mintl a small petrol tank pro.r'icled rvith a grarluaterl scale. flttr,.rl to a side lamp bracket, ancl by *hi"h the fuel cousuntecl rnal be at bnce noted. 'l'he temporarl. conilection to the carburetter could be marle either bv a length r:f flexiltle metai]ic or copper tubing. Thi; small tank -might be fitterl and filled up be'fore the car arrilerl at the startins point. anrl comljctitors coulrl rult their en{r-irres to an\.reasonable extent for- testing 1;urposes, the tink lrcing set yertical and reGllerl on the starting line. Aftei crossing the Iinishins line, engines would be stopped, the"tank adjusterl to the vertical, if necessary, ind the level of the petrol checked ancl noted bv an olhr:ial. It woul(1, of t:ourse. be necessary for the Automobile Clulr to la,v-in a stock of such tanks, which nricht lte loanerl to affiliaterl clubs for competitions, the fict of countr.". clulrs having to provide their ou'n apparatrrs l)einrI likelr to-prove a serious crbstacle to the iiloptio,r ,,f anil scheme for taking fue) consumption into consirleratiori. The inclusion of petrol consumption in the formulr l,oulrl learl to a general improvement in carlrurt_.tters, to obtaining the ma.ximum power o,n a lou, fue.l con_ sumption, an_cl wotrld. among.st o,ther things. encourrrge slrrrlilr!{ rrn thc s$'it,'h.

Rapid Declaration of Results. IIr. I{oebuck has enjoled man\ opportunities o[ sturlving this subject, anrl he maintains i6at not onlv is the fucl consumption factor most important in trilt_ < 'lintbs. but the formula suguestecl poisesses the vert. great arlvantage that in anr. hill-climlt it is possihle to lvork out ancl declare the result of the hanclicap within one minute of the last car climbing the hill. Thii shoulrl prov<-. a lroon to those competin.g as well as to the gen€ral public, for no one likes to be kept waitins a preriod varving frcrn trvo davs to two months before

