furv Zls r., r,)06.

THE AL]TOCAR Et Sournat publiobeD irt tbe interests of tbe mecbBnicallu propetteD roaD cgrris$c.


No.56r. Vor, XVII.I SATURDAY, JULY zrsr, 19o6.

[Pnrcn 3o


(Published Weekly.)

Registerod_ as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kirgdom

Entered as second-class matter in the New York (N Y.) Post Of6c..





CONTENTS. Notrs: Arcosor AND WAR--: rE Ttues tv Htlr-crrnas-Streu

SqurOrrr.. .. 'Ust:nul Hrlrs AND Tr!s: I-o<tst:lllr; Sulrslren l!:RMTNALs-

Sgurexr' SrnrrGs-Aellqr:rtrv Exxeustct) AccuMULAToRS -Sc!:NTrNc [)ettol I-ritt;rgE!rr-(; A \fat_vlr Steu-[,tcurs wrrHour llrrcrrrs Tut rz-r{r u.p. I)tcluvtLra Crn (ilhrstratcd) Trru Yorrssrrr A.C. Srreo TRrals (illustrated) .. Ax ExrneonurylrI Srnrr.s ots ( ()tr_('rr)LrcEs A CENSUS ots I-oNDoN Tternrc ,. Ir rur: House or CoMtro!s MoToR CAR CENSI,S T;;;i; H;;;;'Cir.r. oul 'r*ni.,. ovrr I,urrrrr. tinroc, . : A Htll-crrnstrc ljoeutrLl MorotCen STATIsrlcs 'lre Hrunv EDMUNDS Hu-r-cr-rue (il rrstr.rted) Attoxeuttclr Norrs As (JtHsns Set: us.. 'IsrTriri'siiioni'Ilno'littustratedj .: :. .. .. Or : nt: Rorrr. ll\' ( )\rr :- I('[\ (-oNTINIrrAL Nr)TLs .!t, \[.us (illlrjlr.ll(rl) .. AN EXTRAoRDINATy Ifptsrll I'HE lloroR jrr,r. i",, rln"iir,ir,*,, i,nn,,,.. .: .. .. .Correspoxo!rct: : ALcotrot- elo Ar;nrc.ul,rrrre,(;LAR CrrANcrNC

A;..D .PETRoL Colst,urrtox oN ITANHART)s Iscosstourlre Drrvryc-l-)rrecgAtsLE Rty lir,AN(;!is (illustrirted)-A r*r:rv MoToRING I)elcrn-Tru CoNsrrrurrox ots THr: A.C.(;.8.1.- 'l'ut PenIssrsG or Tr.rss-TtrntrLAR z'a,sr; pensseD Srser I.ceues- I su Pr.rlcrure FrENr) (illustrJte(l) -Trvrlr; or Ilrrl- cLtMas-l)RrvF:Rs-f'rrr flrrrrr.: or rEt CYrIrnrRs : ( LtrB Cetrtrtclre-AeR()r_AUTtcs -MorAr,s FRolr ar Accrorlr - HtLL.cr.rrrnrlG [.i'Ryr,L I fIr :r,)kvy l)]:TREt.s -pollcr:. trleutsrnrrl, lsn l,lorr,nrsr .;tr.{M ('ARs ,* tnr",,t,i,o*..' Frasgts SoME QuLRrEs Ax_D RLpLrEs Clus l)orlt;s (illustnrtccl) REvrE\': "lloroH.s n.nr \Ioroe thrrll,r" .. . ..' Fotrncourlc Ht LL-cr-rMts TrsrrNc 'r'c '; po*i,ri:i;; Srnnn l*ui.nrnn :: .. .. Iocerrttes rN wlr!cH T{ri Ir()LtcE ARE N()iv Irutlr: Cens (illrrj-




7s 76-7q lJo-8 r ur 1l? tJ-l ll-1 Itl 6s li6-87 li8-ttr.1

lt,t t) J

3 -()5


97- tot r o:-I(),1 Io5-r06 t07-\og ro\) I IO r lo rIt-tt:

,.THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : llritish Isles, I6s. Abroad (tbin [)aper e(litioil), ?]s. lltl l)c,1 21111nsn


Notes. and \flar In our issu,e of Irrst reek \\'e (lealt ag-ain \\.ith the sulr_ ljqt.qf the. prolrllrle efTet't of atr.ohoi prorluction upon British agriculture, il it u,,ere ren(lereLi p()ssil)le by itre L.egislatur,e, an(l t)-\' o,rtr (:hemists, to uie this spiiit in place of the or:eans of l)etroi rvhich are to-cla1 fassing through carl)uru)tters in this L'r,rrntrr for tht: propulsioii of autotrtolrikrs of all rles,'r'iItiorrs. Jrr the liaJrir rearl bv i\Ir. Sartrlr,rs S;rcrrct'r. tlti'nrattcr of inrlustiial-wc rni.qht sa,\'proJxrlsir.c'alcohoI was d€alt rvith as touching tl-re agriculturist. \\.ho. in ;r'ierv of irn\. nerv rleltarture, rc(lllires i)rore than alt avcrage anlount of touching. llut, apart from the farm.,r's intert,st. the rres^lect of this sr(fat (lrrrsti()rr l.l-riclt thc Autonrolrile 'Club anrl the Societl of Nlotor Ilantrlaclurers anr]

'I'raclers har-c rrp to tl're prcserrt treaterl so lightl_r cotrplerl rvith lhe sonreultat unpleasant ]essons tarrght us ir-r thc, latc rraval nrrui(Euvres, oblige us to regarrI the n'hoie sulrjcr:t fronr another aurl a particular point of vierv momcnt

I n this ('ountr\ rve have at the prcsen t a lairll strong, well-equippetl. well-trainerl. rvell-olHcercrl. arrrI enthusiastic NIotor Volunteer Cor'ps. rvhose rfforts t() sL-rlc thrir countri'have'beert rect,iverI by the War Ollir:t: rr,ith milrlcr rlouches of colr.l u,tter than is rrsual u'ith volrrntct:r ntovt:nrents. In far:t. so far as \\'ar (.)t1lr't (,n('L)rlftrg(:l1t('r)t Voltrntr"t rs havt' forrrrr l tht,rnstlvt,s g()cs. thc M{)1or lrltssrrl lrnl()ngs1

volutttt,r:L ('()rl)s. \\'hi('h. irr r.tst: ol such a happr,nirrg ;ls \\c Ar(: alroUt trt rlCtail. ls thc, mr;rr: to lte regrett(lrl. I,)r,eri gill of thr. iirluirl frrtl er-uplorerl to proltel th.t cars of tlrr: \1.\'.(1. is sea-lrornt. I)artlv in loreigrr bottorrts. anrl. lhis lrr,irrg so. uc lsl< our rearlt:rs to irtur{int' u'h:rt u'orrlrl lil on.t ol' l Iri'stilt, 1lt,,,t irr lintt' ol'

ol tl-rt' t:arlit.st olx'rali()ns \rlr. llcforr att('m])tiltg t r irsctttt trlrott

()ur ('oasts. thcv uorrlrl anr thirr,' likr straitt r.r't,rr I11 l-\I" ('otll(l s])are intt, tht Irorne rrrnrnrercc. tnrl. rvith pre.sent r.ourlitions oli arrl prr,:ss cvrr\ shil) ol rr'ar tht,r s,,tti,',.,,1 It,,Llirr.q trJ) ()rrr s{.lr tainirrg. thl singierl orrt l'r'trol un(l pt'trtrlt-unr ships rvouLl bc carlr or their J)(]lit,e atteltti( )us. 'I'he stort petrol alailalrlt,in thr- ('orn)trv at arrv tintt r;uicklr l;r,rlissilrult'rl urrrlr,r' thc ullusr.rtl strcss, lr

\\,ith n{) frrrtht'r arlivrls. tht'rt, uorrlrl lrt: all tht. Iirrt lehick's oI otrl Itiqh]r tnrinorl arrrl cminentlv scrvicr:rrlrlt Nlotor Volttntttr ('r,r1l;i lai,l Lr Iik,: iyatrr lc,us,erl hulks nrL'n arrrl r)ll('hilrr-s a,l<.arl lttt,,r.in thc clel t,itr:t, ol tltt, r'orrnl r'r . 1o 1r'lrirr tht,r'rselvt.s for lr l-rich the'r harl given s,, rnrrcit litrre atrrl sltent so rrruch nl()ll(,\. l,rr)nr ()nc lrAti{)nll 1;r'ril to llt)()tlt(,r. rvc ol thr-' }Jritish l,ly'rllirt, Iii,r,_in a IooI s 1:ararIise. r.ull)rc[)arinc anrl unprepaie(1. srr that lhis rrr"gllr'l ol thr: rnotor frrt,l rlru:stion ltr our lr.a,lirr- lrr,.lir'. rrrrl ,,rrr (jr,\r.n)tnr.lI is tr pical ,il tht, l:st. Wl havr rtrrl irrgr{'it.rr tht'iritr ntAlult-r in uhit'h llte,lursliolt \\:ti \\a\y' ()t) rrnr si,l,,, Iige,,r:-lioled. ;rttrl lx'little,l Irr llt,. ('hrf ntarr. uh<.rr it last stoorl upon thC l.grrrrl:r ,,i'lh,e .S,r.|(ti. Shall u,e ever ,(wake rrp,,?

The Times intHrll-clirrr-' lirrrrlr orlr rel){)rts rf thr,Herts (lounty A.('. atrd Srrtrthr:rrr. hill-r'ljrtrl r l'l'lt ..lnttrttt. JuJr 7th. I)ai{es 27 .in(l 35) it will l)e seen that our recerlt suggestioll in this ntatter lras l,terr t(l()l)tr(1, rvitlr mo,st iatisla<.t,rry results. i1s lur\ ()r)c tt a glarroe cun ascertain ho,rv the l)crl()nnan('es ol tht,.,,nt1icting (.itrs (.Ontllaretl rrith errch other. lt rvill lre noterl that the l'inners' times are gir.eu as /'-that is to sar. thet.are rrot cliscloscrl. anrl conserlrrentll arrr stntintental',rlrjrctions to tht. pulrlishirrg ol lhe :rctrrrrl linres accomplished are over- ('ome. 'I'he other (.itrs arc clistinguisherl bl e. lrlus so manv seco,nrls anrl fractions of a seconil. sri that we see lut a gl:rrrce that the s,er.orrrl anrl thirrl cars ir-r the Asto.n ,'lirnlr rrrrt- +1rs. rn,l 5s. r,r's1x.r.tir.eir- lrehinr,l the fastest car, tttrl Srr orr thrrrrrh6rrt the list. As 1.e have Strted lrefrrle, \\'e s3e no olrjectiorr to the open publicatiort rf the timt,s, lrrrt u hile the Arrtonrolrile Clult tlesires tht.se partictrlars to lre kelf private. ollr plan as adopte(l l)y