_THE AgIggAR. B 3ourttal pubtigbeD ltt tbe

::f:: qy H *ALTER srANER.

No. 56o. Vor, X\/II.I SATUF?AY, JULY 1+ru, ryye

[Pntcr 3o.


(Published Weekly.)

Registered as a newspape! for transmission in the United Kin]Cdom.

Ente.ed as sicond. class matter in the New York (N.Y.) Post Of6ce.






Noros : Alcouor AND AGRTCuLTURE .. ..

[.Jserur Hrurs AND'frFs: VaLvE SPRTNG REMovER (ilhtstratcd)-

'I'su Frrrrxc; oF AccEssoRlLS To a CAR-t-iNExpEcrro Srronir Ctrcurrs-ON SrARrrNc roH r Ltscrsv Rul .. . . .. 39 'l so SIuus Serr:ry llurrrns rN Acrrou (illustr.tted) . . .. 40 'I'He SoUTHALL'I'r'nr (iruce (iilustrrted) .. .1. +, (inevD Pnrx CoypARrsoNS . . .. 42 A'fRIp ro Srr rrrr (lnlro PRrx RAcE.. . . 43-45 Ecsous on ruu Crncurr oe re Srerse (ilhlstr:rted).. .. 46-47 TIIE SuN I)RY Acrryrrre Llur . . 47 Corrrrelter Notes euo Nr:ws: 'l uri I)ARrs SAr,oN {o._TRoL (

Per; r:


Snlt:p Evluts Ctrcurr pos ARDENNEs-'I'Hr.r ILoRIo C( C()uRSE-T RtaL FoR Tot,kt-*r; Cers-Tsr: NIorr Crlrs HrL I clrue-Plrlrnrr Ilxcrrr'l'nrlrs-" Tur Mrrrx " Cup A l)outsLE LANDAU (illustrated),. A Gnear Moron Cen PtocrssroN (illustrated) Il rxu House ()F CdvHoNs AccESsrBrLrrY (ill.rstr.lted) Hrrrrv Acetl IIoL,NTATNEERTNc ov e Sulsreu (illustrated) A STMPLE VALVE GEAR (illustrrted) 'I sr E.t.C. Hrcs-rr:rsrou l)rsrRrBUTER (illustrated) AERoN^uTrcALNorEs(illustrated),.

((,kRrsp('NDLr( L : AkL HILr.-cLIv[s I srrt't.? (LrRCortpLTI-

Tt(,Ns H.l'. A NlAtrrR ,,r 'l esrr. HrLL-r LrrrnrNri F'rrnuIr].r . H,)RsL-pr)u LR eNo ljorvILa 'l rulr,, or Hil.u-crrugs[ll.Il.(. ( ens Ixr Asrrrr Htrt.-r rrna (illrr.tratcdl 'l Ytl.s

()N :4 H.p. .{LRloN r)r,RrN(; Scorrrsu Rr:rrrsrrrrr' -frrers SUuvenY rrt. ()TIl:R t'i]kRLSpoNIr[:NCI- ., ,, Fresqt.s 'f HE CLTDDEN'l'ouRtN(; CoNrusr (illustrated) 'I HE AuroMoBtl,E AssootATloN's Pntss I)uurrr_s'rnr rror . .

'l ur Perul:r Fllrcr: F'rxrNc Cono Tvne (illustnrtr l) .. 'l'us lllx,r Puollr lrD Sesgets Motonrlc .. . .

IiorrHcoMrNc HILL-cLIMBS (illustrated) L'LU ts I )orNcs (illlstratcd)


57 5S

5 r1 -(;: (rj-65 6b-67 .67 . 6li , (y) 70-72

,. THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES llritislr Irlcs, l{li 1\i,r arl (thirr }rirItt crlitiorr), 31s. 6,1 f( r arl

/ Notes. I ! r Lr&l-.Jo 'Alcohol and Agriculture. i

Iiront the tirne alcohol fuel rvas lrrst atlvot'Ntttl 1't,r nl()tLlr cars. a grcat rk:al l-ras riglrtlr lrct'n n-rarl. j oi tltu fact that it nor.rltl hc)p agri<'trlturc. 1'l-rt: oppt,tirrrts lt home-nrarlc fucl rrr the tlislrc]ievt'rs irt it hatt']thrt,rvrt colrl u ater on this iclea, arttl fronr titrtt' to t i[nc t he olriniorr of solrtc ()l)u potato gro\\'('r Itas lret:tt i.tivtrt t,i the efft:<'t tl'r:rt it uas impossilrle to sell lntatoesl at zos. lu ton. lntl that the rrf orc thc Ilritislr f ltrntL'r t,l :Is ttlt irrterested in thc rluestion. 'l'hcrc havc I)r:tllt \-arir)r.rs sicle issues, lrtrt this is hou, the matter has storf,l. We are thercfore particularll intercsted to have thd report of a palrer recentl-r' read b1' NIr. Sanders Spencel before thc Hultinu-rlonshirc Cl-raurbcr of Agriculture. 'I'ht: l)al)er is carclulll tltousht out, anrl sketchcs the I)rog-ress u,hic}r has bc-en nracle in the lval of homeprc.rclucerl alcohol in certaitr of our colonies anrl in toreign couutrics. Houelcr, thc great point tvhich rve *'ish to l;rinu up is tlrc stalemerrt bv the author of the papcr of facts uhich clo not al)l)ear to be knoun il the nrotor world at tlte present time. In the first placc. Xlr. Sanrlcrs Sltencer pointecl out that potatoes {)f all sizres-those too small, too large, and to,o ug)y rxcept for pig food-rvere a"s good for the distillation ol alcohol as the best. Indeed, diseased po,tatoes, excel)t Lhose affected with dry rot, would yield as much spirit ;rs the soundest. Then later on he makes the staternent: " lf the potato growers in the Fens can rrlrtain at all times a irrice approaching dr per ton for their injured, overgrowlt, aud diseased I)otatoes, it must lre a good thing for them." Irlservliere in the paper he states that the large potato grolvers ivould be pleased to grow an,v qtrantitl of itotatoes if thcy could realis<: arrlthing approaching 3os. per ton. T'his is not for tl're under-sized, ugl1, or tliseasecl l)otatoe s, but f or thoroughlv sourrrl ones. Norv, what shoulr'l be bclnre in mind is that these statements rve're made befo,rc a g-atheril'ls of agriculturists, nc-rt one of nhom clisputer.l thenr. \o one sai(l it rvas impossible to suplilr l)otrt()cs at tht: prit:e, as the anti-alcoholists rvoulrl havr us Irelielc thel u'oulcl have clone. Instea<] o[ this, the farmers present thankecl NIr. Spencer frtr tht: lrapt'r. arrrl or.re speakrr erpressetl his opinion that i1 the questiorr of homc-matle fuel rvere takerr u1t it rvoul,l resrrIt in the lxrtato gro\\rers Ireing alrle to ntake gooti use o[ potutoes that now \\,ere rvaster]. Last, but t)(]t least., it rvas resolr.erl that a cop,y ol the paper sho,ulrl Irc st'nt to thc Sccrctln of the Chanrlre.r of Agriculturt., :trrtl that tl-re Council Ire askerl to consider ihe n-rattcr rvith a vicu,to discussing it later in thc year. We hoPt: tl-ris u ill lre rlorrc. 'I'here is no sainsar in;4 the fa<'t that the fanner has not becn vt:ry enthusiastic up to thc present time ; in fact. the majoriti of farmers havc lalierr no ir.rterest uhatever in thc clucstion. Anrthing ul-rich has bccn rlone has lreen tlonc lri thc initiative of a i-raurlful of men such as Dr. C)rrnin,lr, NIr. 'I'. Ii. Woodfine, antl Mr. Radford Cooke. L'he efforts of the far'-sightec'l few have not llcen follonetl u1r lrr thc nrajoritl oI motor car ntanu[acturers; in far:t, rve think it is nothirrg short of a rlisgrace to thc Sot'ietr of Nlotor N{anufacturers ancl to the Automobik: Clulr that a national question of this kinrl shoulrl lrc neqlecte(l as it has been. 'fhe onll thing u'hit:h can lrc sairl in their favour is that tlrt: farrners. who shotrlrl lre more intereslecl in it than thel are, havc up to tlrt, l)resent lroen inac--tiVe. an,l \\,r, r.An onlr lrilPe-that as tinte l)rogl'ttssi,'s the auricultural artrl encint.ering intercsts u ill lx' lrlurrlcrl. artrl that Itor.r.rt:-nrarle fut'l rtill lrc I)ut up()n a l)r()pr)r footirrg. IIou'cler, 1hert, allpclars to lre little hopc oI ar)\ llersistent actiorr lreing taken l,) an,v of the eristing strcietirs. Unrloubtedlv rvhat is rvantecl is an organisation rlevotecl uholl,r' ancl solell to the ntatter, r.''*u. .rg-