trurv ZIsr, rr)06.

THE AI-]TOCAR Et 3ournat pubtiobeD itt tbe interests of tbe meclranicallU propetteD roaD carriaoc.


No.56r. Vor, XVII.I SATURDAY, JULY zrsr, 19o6

[Pnrco 3o


(Published Weekly.)

Registerod_ as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kirgdom,

Entered as second-class matter in the New York (N Y.) Post Of6cc.





CONTENTS. NorES : ALcolt{)L AJD WAn . rt'f rues Iv HIlr-crtrtas-Srseu

SHUTOlrr.. .. Userur Htvrs AND Trps: I-oos!:NrNG Surealrno 'I ERMTNALS-

SguerxY Srntlr;s-,{pprrrNrL\. ExHAUST!:D AccuMULAToRs -Scnrrrvc [)nrnol-I-rl<;tuuxtlc I Vervt Stou -Lrours wITHour Nllrcurs THE r2-I6 u.e. l)trcAUvrLLli CAa (illustratcd) 'fuc YorrssrnI A.C. Sreco'fRtALs (illltstrat&l) .. Av Flxrne,rcorrerv Sr.nrus,rF Cot\ctt)r:NcLs A CDysus oF I.()NDoN fnerr.rc .. . . Iu rne House on Couuo^-s Moroe Clr C r:lsus Twr:rve H ou ts' CENsus ots 'fuanrtc t >r'En P u.f N E Y li ri r Dc rl A Htlr-crrystrc F-oRMULA MororCre Sriris.i.. - . .' .' ' Tsr: HrrcieoMunni Hirt-.r,ro (il u:tr.rteJ) .. .'.' .. Atnoreutlclr Nott:s as orurr.isr:i t,i. . .. .' -TneTnot,nii:i,riilrro'tilluitr'rtedi .. .: .. .: ON rHl: Rr)Arr. ll\' { )\rLN l()tr\ (-oNTr\rNrAL Notr:s,rr' Nr:us (illustr,rterl) Ar Exrneonotxrnt lirrsrlr: l'Hr: N{oroR'rri,s i.,, i:""i,is,rn,r,r iinr,,r. . .. .. . : ,Cotnospoxor:rcl : ALcotrot. a:-r) A(;RtcL,l,Ttrkr!,(lclt Crrrvcrvi;

A._D l)r:TRoL CoNsurtpTt(rN o! PANHARDs-lNc()Nstr)rjRAT!: I)RrvlN(i-L)!TAcHAtsLE Rlu l.'t,AN(;ris (illltstrate(l)-,{ NEr; MoroRtNG l)ANcER-'['sE CoNsrlrurtoN oF THE .{,C.(;.lt.l.- Tnu PlntsIrrc oF 'ft RDs-Tr:tsrrlAR z'c.\!; ptDss!:D SrEEt- Fneurs- | na Pu^*crlrRL lilEND (illUstrate(l) -frurlt; oF llrr_r__ cLtMas l)RrVERS-'I'HE IIATTLti ots rHE CYDrxr)!tRs: !LUB Cutrrrtcero -{ER()NAUTIcs Motlr.s rrort l^* Accrrrr:ul- HtLL-cr.tnsrrr; FonvlL r. Trrr :ronur' lrr,rrr.r.s -porri.e. llecrslxrrc, rro ],l,rrrrnrsr .i I l.{M ('ARs rr ( ourr: r rrrirv. - Fr ess ts CLun Dorros (illilstrirlr.Ll) Rt:r'rsw: " Ilorons Ar-D flo-roR l)nrrt^-r; " .. Fontgcour^-c HILL-ct,tntBS Trsrrwc rnr ';i;.o*r,i j.;s"o,ui, Iroiteron :: .. .. Locerrrrr:s rN wulcH aHE I)()LrcL ARE xos Irnrlr; Crns (illrrs-

tril ted)

Pa r; tr

75 76-79 8o-tl r ur

83 liJ ti1 85 86-ti7 83-89


I('I lri I




tlritish Isles, t6s. Abro:r(l (thin pirper cditiol), 2ls. B1l l)rr anlurn hlotes. hol and War

In onr issue of lilst rreek ut,rlealt ag-ain \\.ith the sulr_ j_ec.t. qf the. prolrllrle. effer.'t of alcol-roi J)ro( iu(.ti{r r ul)()r.r British a.qriculturL., if it u.ere retrrlereci lrossilrlc by the L.egislatrrre, irnrl l),\' rrur chcmists, tc, use this spiiit in 1)lace of the rx:earrs of 1rctro1 rvhich arc to-clar itassing through carlrurcltcrs in this ,., 'uutr,\ for tht, pioiiulsioii rrf autonrolrilt,s ot all,,ns. ' In th,. 1,a1rr rcarl liv Nlr. S:rrrrlt,rs Slrerrcr-r. lht, rrrattr-,r,rl in,lirstrial_wt: rnisht sa-r propulsirrr alcol-rol \\.as tlealt rvith as touching tl-rc a.g'rictrlturisl. lvho. in 1, ol anr. ne w rlepartrrrr'. rt'rluirr's rnon: thAn au a\:erlige :uu,-rirnt t,f touching. I3ut, altart from thc farm+rr's irrtert,st. tht: rles-lect of tl'ris glt,at rlrrrstiorr u.hir'h tht .{utonrotrile (llub artrl th<, ol' \,lotor Nlarrrrfuctrrrt,rs arrrl

I'rarlcrs har,c rrlr to the |rcsent treaterl so lightlr cotrphrl u'ith tltc soureultat urrpleasant )t'ssorrs tarrgtrt us in the late iraval ntan(Euvres, oblige us to rcgarrl the *hole subjt:ct lronr another aurl a particrrlar iroint of vic'n'. In this ('oulttr\ rve havc at tho pRtsetlt momcnt a frirly strong, lrcJl urll-tiairrul. rvell-olli ccrctl. a rrtl errthusi astic Nl otor Voltrntc-er Corps. u'hose tfforl s to sertr tht:ir courrtrr have'lteert rect.ivt:rI b1 thc War (fllice llith nrilrlcr rlouchcs of colrl uatcr than is usrral u itlt volrrrrtecr ln()\'olu€nts. In fact. so far as \Var ( )lli('(, (,n('orrrtgenlr:nt goes. ttrc Motor Volurrltrrrs htvt, forrrtrl therrrselvts lllessccl anr()ilgs1 volunltr.r crrrps. u hich. irr r':rs,e of such a hap1,t.r1i111 i1s \\'e rln] nlrorrt to rltltail. is thr rnorr: tr-r lte rt:greltcrl.

l)r'err uill of thr. Ii<lrrirl ftrt,l enrlrlo-rerl to propcl tht irr lorcign rcarlcrs t o cArs of thr Xl.\r.( l. is bottorrrs. arrrl. this lreirrg inragint. u hat u'oulrl lrr, ol'r hostilt,flr',.r in linrt'

:l,r,a-lt( )nre. I)artI-\' s( ). \\'r' tsli ()ur ont' of tht ol uar.

ttt\th.inu lil<r^ lr rlrsct'nl ul)()ll

()ur rariii,st o1rcralions

I itfort: alt{'rll)t iltg ('()oSts. tlit-'r' u 0trlr l strain rvtn rrt'rve. artrl 1)rcss {)\:er\ shill of \\'ar the\ coul(l sl)ar(: intr, thr. serviL'r, of ho[rlins- ^ up ,,ur s":i Irorne contntercc. anr], \\'ith pre,sent (.on(litions ()l) tairring. thr'pt'trol lLrrrl pt,troleun) shil)s rvrlulrl lre r.arlr singlerl orrt tor tht,ir polite attelttions. 1'he stort.rii' llclrol availalrk,in thr.r'orrntn at artv tinrc lrorrlri (lui('kl\ Irt, rlissilrallrl rrrr,l,.r' th,, unt.tsr;tl stress, lil)(1. \vith n{) Iurthlr arriyills. tlrt,rt, uoulrl lrc all the lint, vt'hirrlcs rrf orrr highlr trairrer l anrl entinentl\. s()rvic(,ill)l(, Ilotor Volrrntrtr '(iorps Iairl lrv like u'ater-lr,qgetl hrrlks nrt.rr rlrrrl rnur'hin('s a rlearl lt'ltt,r in thc dcl ,.rrt:t, of thc ('{ )rntt rr . 1o trlrin t hrnrsr:ll,s fr-rr u'l-rich ther hatl given s, rurrci-r time arrrl onc n:ttionlLl 1:r,ril to art< livt. in a fool s lrararlise so that this rtr:gktr'l ol t learling lrorlit,s arrrl our rcst. \\;r. llrvt. not lr tht' rluestiorr \\'ls \\'tv lx:littL:rl lrr tht, ('l agr:rrrla rrf th.e Sor tlllllr sl){Itt s() ruttCh nton(lr. litortr rther. u'r of th<-'llritish Er,rlrirl . urrlrrt:];arinu alrl unpreplLrecl. he nrotor fueJ qtlrstion trr orrr

()rr1r'111111r.111 is trtricel ol tht, l(,rr th.' ,rirr rrrrrirrer in l lrich

()lr ()nc sirlt', pigeorr-holed, rrnrl uht'n it l:rst stoorl upon the Sl'urll rve eler " wake up " ?

The Times in rll-cl irn h lironr lrrr rel)(,rts cl tht,rlerls ('rtuntt'A.('. ancl Srrtrtherrr. hill-r'lirnlr ('l'ltr .ltr,tor:rrt, Julr' 7th, I)afjes 27 a.rr.rl 35) it rvill lre seen that our recent suggestion in this mltter has l,rt,rr atlopterl. with most iitisfa<'tor1 results. as ln\.{)tre at a glartrre ('ln ascertain lrcrlorrnlrtct:s rr,l tht,, r.r,rn1;,cting (.lrr.s ('()nlllaletl u,ith elrch otlrer. It \\';ll l)e note(l that the u.itrners, times arc gi\ren ils.r-thtt is to sar. tht,r. are rtot clisclosecl. flnrl r'r)r)sc, lltrr)llr lrrr srl)tirirelrtal nl ,it.ctjons to lht. Prrl,lislrirrg rrl tlrt, :rr.trrrrl linlHs llc(.omirlishcd rre o\.er- ('ome. 'I'he other ('ilrs are rlistinguisheri bv e. plus st, manv st'r'rurrls anrl fractions ()f a secolt('I, so that \.ve see :lt a gliurce that the s,ts('on(l anr'l thirri cars in the Aston clinrlr u'r're +75s. lrnrl 5s. rt,slrt'r.tilelr, lrehinrl the fastest ,'ar. anrl s,l ult tltrlllghollt the list. As rve have statecl lref*re, \\e s:'c rr,, ,,1 ,.iecti.n to the open publication ,rf the lrm,,s, l,rrt rrhiir the Automrilrile Club clesires partictrlars trr lre kept prir.ate. our plan as adopte(l l)v