UNE 24TH, r9o5.
THtr AUTOCAR B 3ournal pubtiebeD tn tbe irrterests of tbe nrecltnrricnll! prottctteD ronD cBt't tllt-]tl
No. 5o5. Vor. XIV.I SATUI{DAY, JUNE zlrtr' r9o5'
[PuIcr 3tr
THE AUTOCAR. ,'lLrs it is a m(,sl terliotts {'l)('rlrti(}ll. l't ''lttlsr l[rt 1'otttt ,,l alct ssil,itil r attrl gellL'rxl cilsr { 1l tltl<ittg 'l"rr tt lttt' I
(Published WeeklY. )
Registered as a newsPaPer for transmission in the United Kingdom' Entered as second-class matter at the New York (N V ) Post office'
NorES : GEAR RATIoS-LEssoNs rnou Jerrx-Tar GoRl)oN BENNETT
Usrrur Iltxts AND TIPS : Dnrvtlc HoMr: ox rHE RIM-IiEEPING TAIL
"' ll2l-822
Leups Artcsr -Wgrn Stnrxpgo NITHour SP'{RES-'fAR PAVING 8?3
THE RACE il|EETING AT BExHILL (illtrstr:rted) .. THE 14 H.P. CLrMA\ CAR (illustrated) .. ... A TRIP oN " NAPTER MAJoR " THE FRENcH ELIMTN^TIN(i TRIALS (illustrate(l) CASUAL coMnENTs ... Asour tHs Iinrxcn Erturlrttxc Ttters "
821-826 827-828 ... 829 830-838 ... 819 ... 3+0
CornrsponDexcs: To Arr,aY THE AGIT^TIoN-BALL oR RoLI'ER i'
PLAIN BEARTNGS-GENTI-EMANLY lnstlscrs or Motonlsrs-Ix THE (;ooD OLD I)AYS -THE ADVANTAGEs or Pltuurtlc Tvnrs Tse Srtoxv E\IIAUST Nulselcn-AnurtRATloN-INcoNSIDERATE DRtvlNc : A Succrstro:-PuNcruRE Nlrtenllrs-Pot'tcE E!lDENcE-ANoTHER NIoror Pepen-UNAUTHoRtsED CortlETITIoNTHE DAILY PREss AND NIoroR AccIDENTs-THR SUPPLY ol' Dnlvgns-SuuueRY oP orHER CoRREsPoNDENoE 8'1I-34+
Wrne Wnners FoR MoroR CARs (illustrated)-THE DE DtoN Coxrect
MAKaR lillustrated) SoME a)URRIES AND REPI-IES Fless t s... CLUB l)olNGS: Cr.up F'txtunrs-ScorrIsH A'C-Lf,IoEsrzRSHlFE
... ll15 ... E46 347-349
A.C.- LADIES' A.C.-IJtnxsntnr A C'-Tnr Rur'Es FoR Ct osED
Covpertrtols -TtlE llRlrlsH MoroR BoAT CLUB-PRoPosED AssoclATIoN roR NoRTHUMnERLAND-'l'HE HEREFoRDSHTRE I C'
-LrNcol,NsHrRe A.C.- \'oRKSHIRE A (1.-Norrs. A C " s50 ll52 SpoRT : As VItiwED BY TllE DAILY PRt ss ' 852
..THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Brirish lsles, I6s. Abroad (tbio paper editionl, 22s 8d per annuur t.r, Ratios l/o/es.
re erLrt'tittg the lrlLt'k"axle alrpears to-.havtr lreen losl ,gi,t ,,i nli-t.,t thc ,lesigrl llas ina<le' 'l'he axle mrr l'e lrrt' tx,'elletlt,,',,,, st.,,,rg. u'ell-marle' lrttt lr n()st lggravatirtg rttte tt'hetl u,,r.i 1.,,,.. perfi rrl'e trr talte it I Iotltr f.,i'r"1,ltii'or rtttetlal. What lrrotrght thc mlttt'r Irt,,nrittetrtll tLt ttllr t'ttrrrs1r.11r[1'11['s trlitlrl- tles lhe flt't il,lt a rr,'ti car ht rtas ,'rrlurirrg is nrrttlc l'itll ciglit ,,,,ti,,,,"1 grnrs. A{ t rrrrlirtg lo tlr" ucigllt ':I l'txll tlr' ,,ir,,,'. ,.lii,'t,',1, :ttt,l tlle i',rrtrltry irr r'lri.lr it tv"rtl'l l"' ntairtlt trseti. Srr lar as ttc kttrrtv, six is the largL'st nttnrl,c'r ol altcrtrltlive gtlrrs rrhi''h ert "lTcrctl lri :trt1' makcr. lrttt ttearll all gir,'t\\') gtars. rrlle [t)r a hilll t'rrttntr\ atttl tt'ttc i,,r a flat, th'rtrgh solllu givc atl itttcr- mlrlilttt otte.
At the mometlt l e sttlrllose there is l'lo main uertir'ttlar of a t'ar u'hir:h i.s less rtsuallv ktrott tl thltl !,cal rrLti,,. Vert lcrr'()\\'llers cotllrl tt'll rolt rthat uas ih" g",,.i,,g of iheir car, rltrtl verv fett'makers t'otlltl tell rl,,u ulhat u'as the gearirlg of atrv otht'r make t:'f ,'ar'Iha,r their rrrvtl. 'Iiie nlatter is, therefore, rvorlh rrttt,rrtion, Irecartse a little frrrther itlfort.ttltirttt rrtr the irrl , j,','t rvoultl lre tlot ottlr of helll to lrttrchasers of ,'eri. l,rr1 u'oltltl also ltssi,st nrarllrfA('ttlrers in sc'ttlirlg mrrre rle{lttiteli thlll tht'v have rlotle thc lrest ratitr for a partit'rtlir lrttrllrrse. llesitles this. the,-.rlttesti"rl ,,1 g..'aiirrg is vcri' nitt,'h ntistrrt,lerstriotl. 'l'ill. lrtople ha,i. u,'tiialll usetl tl're t'rr rvitl-r a lott' gear thev arc apt to intagine that it is a I'erl mttch mrrre -satisfactorv t'rrrnlrrotDis-e tharl it is. Orr the other harltl, nll thost ruho halt' harl experierl<'e ol lroth high anrl lorv gtars hrrve lrrrtg sitt,'t ,:,,ntg ttl tht-'r'otlclusiott that so lotrq as lhc t'ir has r llrst slret'rl rr 1'rit'h rlill take it trp arrl thirrg it is far lretter to have it over-il-earetl otr tht: f,,uri'l-r sltee*l thatt ttttder-gerrt:tl. ttot l rcclttlse.thcv. rvnnt t., g,,:rriv faster rvhetl nrnrrirrg on the Ievel, lrut sinrplv
,,n lt,',',,titrt ol'the I'ltt't that it is so mttt'h nlore pleasatrt to rlrile at a fair spet:rl lillt the erlgirle rtlllllillg r'r)lllforlalrly. as it rloes rt'ith a morlt'ratelv. high gear' tharl t,r hnvL it lrustlirtg attfl.t for rlear lil'e, as it nrtlst il the tr)l) speetl is tL,r l,riv. \\'e Ireerl hartlli slv thc ir"1,1,r'n,.iliun.l is the gt'ar ul-rich enllrles rrnr t" rttri u"ll i,,, the top spet'rl. antl at the same time is ttot totr l'righ lo ertalrle ntirr'lerate hills trr lre tregotialetl u itlio'trt ,'liarrgirrg rlorvtt, lrttt llis is 11.t altogetht'r irttlisperlsltlrle' 1,",'aiit,i t'harrgirtg rlott tt is nltlch lt:ss olrjet'tiotrllrle' il irrrleetl it is-.olrjt't'tiotlalrlc at all, thart the irril:rliorr ,,f ltt etrgitre rvhi.]r is raciltg ftlr t.r r grc'at .l lr rlIi1 111
A coLrespotttlt'ttt hAs raistrl lr \'ol'\ itltert:stittg rprcstiort. attil,,,t. *'hit'h ls ttrrrthv ol slrt'r'iltl 'rtt,'ttliltt. i uls l,r,,trqht rtp lrr his errrlttirr ls to the gears u hich rrere rrserl ltltotr the cers tt hit'll totlk -1rart itt the rt:t'tttt Scottisl'r rt'lill,ilitl trials. \\'t tleerl hlrrllr sar thlrt so far as t'hairt-rlrivttl ('Ars lrc t'otl('ertterl the nlltttr'r is rrot ol the slnte intportattt'e, lret'Attse it is so easv toIl1 rrcu' sprockets if ii is rlesirt'rl to rlter the geei. ()rr tlrtr oiher harrtl, u'itl-r a gelrr tlrivetl car it is alnrost inrpossilrle to tnilkr: tht cllarlgirlg ol' lhe g('Ar lr \'('r\ eait mltter, llecntlse evert rlitl'r tht'I'tlosl act'essilrlt'it i; a hear'1' jolr to lrtrt in a l)ew gearr. tthilc ott sonle
,,f its rtrrrrriug. I
Lessons fro#Japan. \\'e rlo tt()l J)l'()fess to lrt'ttaval exl)erts. lrttt tve lrclicve \fc:lre right irl savirrg that thc.lritli.tts t)l'thrrst: lrest rlrrllil'icrl to jLulge are fnirlr settlt'tl irr regarrl to the ri'r't'rtt nai'al viclorr of Jalrarr irl the Straits ol lio'rel. So flr ns it is possilrle nith tht'ilrftrrtltatirttl xt J)rtscllt availllrle. there a;rpears tct lrtr tlo rlortlrt that the irnlrorlattce o'1'the torpcrlo lroat ttns tlcnlorlstraterl irl lu nrost trnmistakahle lnullr)er. lt mtlst rtot Lre