JUNE IorH, r9o5.

THT AI.]TOCAR El Sournal pubtisbeD in tbe interegtg of tbe meclranicatlp propelleD roaD carriage.


No. 5o3. Vor. XIV.I


fPnico 3o

THE AL]TOCAR, arlvarrlages irr its estalrlishrnetrt. lret'a-ttse it I-ras lreen thoroughl-r introrluced to its reaclers atrcl to the u'orld,

(Published Weekly.)

Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kingdom. Entered as second-class matter at the New York (N.Y.) Post Office.



lir rneans ti 7'ltr -lutorttr. \Iost ttett i)al)ers halc to. tight their u ar into ret'ogttitiott. ltut -llutttt' '1'rutti,n has, as it rvcre, automaticallv goue into the harrrls o[ everr reader tl' 7'ltc -!rrt.rtrto' f or ol'er three ttirtttths.. an,li',,nse,1uerrlli it l-ras lreen recognised throltghout the u orlrl of r)l( )t( )rs as the paper tlenling u'ith the trtili tarian aspet't ol the motrrr.




NorBs: "Moron TnectroN"-THE Moror Cen Rgcurerloxs-


Usrrur Htrrs AND Trps: Bunsr Coveas-Snonr Cracurrrnc AT THE


--. 763-76+

SwlrcH-A DEFEcrtyE Srvrrcn-DrstrucrroN oF Itsur.erloN sv OrL--lLooDrNG tsr Clnaunsrrrn... ... 765 Krnc Alronso XIII. es e MoroRrsr lillustrated)... 766-767 Tqs SourH HARTTNG HrLL-cLrMB ... -.. 767 THE HrrcHoN CHANGE-SpEED GEARS (i lustrated)... ... ... 76ts.770 OccAsIoNAL Gossre. By"The Autocrat" ... ... ... 770 ELTMTNATTNG TRrAL NorEs (illustrated) 771-771 A Sreau R^crNG CAR lillustrated) ... ... 771 THE 1905 RENAULT RAoTNG CAR (illustrated) ... ... 775-776 Tsr Mesrer PATENT SPRTNG WHEEL (illusrrated)-MoroR LAw lN

All our rearlers l'ho are interesterl in the sulrjet't rvill nrr cloLrlrt contirrue t1'reir acqllail)tance vith.llrttor'' 'l'rrtrtir,tt. \Ve conlitlentlr ask their hearti co ol)eration rrot onlv iir ttris rlar, lrttt also ttt intro,'lttt irrg the ne\v l)rl)er tir their frieri,ls u'h, art' Iikt]-r trr lrei'c,me rusers of lrttsirtess motl)rs. ln so rLring thel ll,ill rot onlr lre ext,:irrling tt.r Lts arr aqrprecialrle servit:e, u'hit'h ru e shall highlr value. lrrrt ttrt'r u ill also l-re hclping. frrru'arrl the motor trat'tion mr)\'emcnt as a u hole. It is ntost importrnt that this lllovement shcrtrkl lie spread as ralritllr as lrossilrle, lre<'nrrse the greater anrl u,irler it l,ecomes tht' Iess Iikelil-rtrorl uill there be of Parlia nrertt plssirtg untlult repressile Jegisl;rtir,n u hen tht time comes flr lhe l)arliarnerrtarr rliscrrssion cll the l)test:llt Ar't rlith a vit-rl t,, its rimurrlrncnt arrtl con- tirrrrancc in a ;r,rssilrlv reviserl f,rrnr. It should be lrorrre in nrirrrl that that time is orrli eighteen nronths hettce.


A TIME REcoRDrNc Cauena (illustrated)

A TRIAL or rHE 8-I0 H.p. Huuucr

Ir rst Houss oF CoMLoNs


... 778

.., ... 779

779 780

STopprNc TESTS, Moron CARS u. floRSES-ENTRTES roR rHe Sourn

HARTTNG HrrL-crruu... ...

... 730


THa AGITATToN-STANDARDtsATtoN-PERsEcurIoN or EN(iLrsH Moronrsrs rn Iinrncr-RelrentlrtyTnrers-Tnrel errBn CovpLETtoN-THE Ngrv ColreerrrroN RuLEs-SILENcEn TnreLsBALL BEARTNcs tsoR CARS (illustrated)-ANorgsa Moton Peprr-I\IoroRs rN NEw ZEALAND-A WrND SHTELD (illustrated) - SUMMARY or CoRRbspoNDENcE ... 781-731 Fusnrs... ..- 735-786 SoME REPLTES lro Qurnres .., 737 Crua Dorrcs AND FryruRE Lrsr..- ... 788-790

..THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. British Isles, l6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annuur

/ Notes. ,/^ " Motor Traction." For the last three months s'e have clealt rr ith the subject of mert'atttile mot()rs anrl mert'atrlile ni(,t('rittg generally in the lorm of a suppJement. This suyrlrle- menf has reacherl l stage at u'hich it is impossilrle longer to inclur'le it in the pages of the l)arent joLtnral. Yestercia,v. thereforc, -lIotutr'l'ractiol commencetl rts existence as an inrlependent paper, specialising rvholly Lrpon the motor for lusiness anrl inclustrial purl"loses. Probably no pal)er has ever enjoyed such exceptional

JLrrlgirrg lronr the ralri<l stritles nrarle ln' the pleasuralrll sirlr: of nroloring rlurirrg the past year or tuo tfierc is evcrr rcas()r) t() lrelieve ll-rat there is lrefore tlrc Lrtilitarilrt nrotor-eslreciallr n()\\'sonrr of the fornter restr jr'l ions hat'e lreert rcntoVr r I lrI tltc Lor'lrl $,1,1'aa,,tnt;rtt ljoartl regtrlutiorrs-il ('Arr(r i,t lel,irl rlri'elolrnrent in tlrt,near frrtrrrt,. srrch lts can scarr'elt lle corrt.eir.ed evetl lrl its rltost zeAlrrtrs lt,lr',rltrtrs. \\ e venturc to sav that it u ill Le this aspt,r't of the motor mot,enrent uhicl-r lill ueigh more l'reavilr than arrv other uith thc Legislalrrre in lhc recorrsirlcratiorr oI the \Lrtrrr (]ar Act ol rgo.3. [t rvill lre tl're aim ()f ()ur nervlv lltdgetl r;flslrring, -ll tfitr 7' t'rt.r.titttt, lo ventilate thoroLrghl.n' aJl nratters affectilg this sf,.,,I thc lltr)\'entent. ancl rve trlr tt1,',rry'rr. lr,.lrrtr , y'-,,|,.rltiott rll (,llr rearlrrs tO lLi, I

irr this ry6rk. I

The /Motor Car hegulations. \o rlotrlrt tht,nrljoritr ,,f ,,trr rcilrlrrs hlve llenrserl' thr l,arlianrntur\ rul)'_rrts irr the daill l)lll)ers. so that therc i. n,r ner,l l,tr S(s lt give a detailtrl report ol'the lcngtl-rr ,lisr'ussi,,lr y',n the nrotor reuulations $,hich [r,rrl 1111r's irr tht'VLl,'use ()f (-]omntons on 'lltursrlar, afterni,,,rr last s eek. Alrpropriate)r' ertough. tl-re troulrlL. \\'lls comurertcerl lrv tl're mentlrer for ()rkrrer arrrl ,shetlarrr]-the tu,o lor:alities *.hich are as' little affer'terl lri nlotor ('ars ts All\ c()ustituen('\'in the Ilritish lslis. l,'or reAsons rvhlch rve ,l,r nrjt prof ess to t.rpluin. NI r. Was, rn has lreen otre , rf the lritterest enemie:; of the motrtr car. Arrrl ret, lrcrhaps it is ntrt rliffit'trlt to a('('()unt for this hostilitr', lor as a nrle a man is preju<licerl in proyrortion to his ignorar)ce! or rather in an iur,erse ratio to his knoivledge. It is rt'allr'