M^y 27rH, 1905.
TTilE AI.]TOCAR B 3ournal publtsheD in tbe interests of tlle mecbantcattp propelteD roaD carrlage.
No. 5or. Vor. XIV.I
[Pnrcr 3D...*
TIIE AUTOOAR. exhaust had to be silenced, but onl1 by wasting power. I n the near f uture, if the results of the l,'rench
(Published Weekly.,l
Registercd as a newspaper for trdmission in the United Kingdom. Entered as scond-class matter at the New York (N.Y.) Post Office-
Notps : Srrrxcrks-A SuesrrruTE roR PETRoL-MTSLEADTNG CoN-
Usprur Hrrts axo Tlrs: Cuoxso Cattunertens-AN ExrRAORDIN.
ARy KNooK-Mrsrr Rerarr-Trcarplr RrNG-SpARxlNG Pruc Tnouarus-A BEARTNG
NG uP AND Ulportc N
Fuer EcoNouy r THE MoroR CAR n Cer Dnrvrxc. ero Boat Ersr alrloN, STocKHoLM
tsy Irric W UTS... Walford
STet plnorslttox Tse THE EuvrlatrncBertrss Cens AND THarR Dtrvets lltu.ii"tt""i' OccAsroNAr, Autocrat Tnp Isrs or Gossre. By " The Man Irurulxlttrc Tnrars Counsr (illustratior)
()N THE Ro^D (By OWEN loHN)
MoroRrsrsr-RoAp H-ocs et Soug Vrrws oN TrrE ISLE oF
Nrgurtssry ALARMTNG Ptosprc;ttvs xp Blecx Snrrp-Msnprr LeNp
M^N Couasr...
Loxoox ro 1,000 IUTLES AGAINST Guescow TrME (illustratedr Tue Etcrrs
Trrers Coxrrlexrar Norrs AND NEws (illustrated) : STLENcER TRTALS-
706 707
708 709 7r0 ?IT
713 7t+
Gonool-Br IN FRANCEaNNETT Cup Neurnelrserrors-ENGLTsH MoaoRrsrs QUITR GERM^N-'fur Cueller Moron Boet Rlce
_ -Tse Mryeli-stooerey MATcH ...
Connrsrolorrce: ADvANTAGES or PNBUMATTc Tvnes-Tar Utl- yenslu Lrcnts IIrLL-TyRts Tnousrrs rt rns Scorrrss Tnrers
... -... 717_7tg
-FAN AND Raprerox AaRANGEMTNT-THE poLrcE etp l)nrvr:ns, Ltcexscs-AngrtRATIoN-CL^sstFlcATIoN oF SpEED'l'RTALS- CARBURETTERs-f)E DroN Cars-Honrs a. Bclrs-Sser:p _ Ixorclrons erp rxere Uses ... 7lg-722 FLAsHES... ... zz3-725 Soue Qurnlrs ND l.i.EpLrES ... 226 Crus Dortcs: Tse Frruy RAcES oN THE SANr)s-'fHE Moron LlNrox
Mesr-H[trex A.C,-HensronrrsrrrRE A.C.-OxFoRt) A,C. rlrLL- cltyu-WolvrnsANtproN AND I)rsrttct prttol Construprrox -f rsrs-NortrncHAMSHtRE A.C.
- Heil.r.onr)sHrRE A,C. - THE
LADTES'A C.-lrurxsuncs Moronrlc Crus-Cuuu Frxrorrs ZZZ-7Z| A Bunxrxo lnrgurrv-ll rse Housr ot. Courrors ... jTg A Moron Cln Pxrulrarrc Collrstox Ilurrcn-A Nsrv D0sr pes-
vsrrrve -Tnels-A rle^-rrc lvloroa l.to^T TRrp ..
... 730
The Industrial Vohicle Supplement, '.Motor Traction,,' is insorted in each copy.
..THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES. tsrrrrsb Isles, t6s. Abroad (thiD paper edition), Z2s. 8d. per annuur.
j l/otes. / I Silencers. I I Orr prge 7 r 7 \\'e pulrlish th" rcsrrlt( ,,f lhe silerrcer trials rvhich have been carried out in{France. }Ve call special attention to the rnatter, because the result rvhich has been obtained is, at first sight, most astonishing. It will be seen that it has been ascertained bv actual experiment that a silencer can be devised which is not onl1,' effer:tive so, far as muming the noise of the exhaust is concerned, but one which also adds to the t--fficiencv of the engine. Hitherto, the silencer has been regarrled as a necessan, evil; the noise of the experiments are borne out in general practit:e, a properly designed silencer ivill slightly increase the porver of the engine to which it is fitted. 'l'hese expcriments were carried out bv the French Automobile Club, in its Iaborator_\', arrd in matry respects they are the rnost striking rvhich have been obtained since the notable experiments to ascertain the efliciency of transmission gears rvere maclc several years ago. 'I'l'rese earlv experiments dicl a great deal to turn the attention o'f tlesigners to the alrsolute necessitr for effit'ierrt gears, and it, is prohahle that the si[errcer experiments will have/an equallr intportant result. A Substitute forVPetrol.
Fllservhere in this issue (page r47.,llotot' T'rrtctirtn,) lve commen(-'e to report the rliscussion opened bi' Dr. Orrnarrrl,r lrefore the Societr of Motor Manufacturers arrrl'l'rarlers at the Hotel Cecil last l.ridar.. Nou, the oltject of the society rn discussing thc possilrilities of alcohol fuel uas to I'rncl out as far as might be the at:tual facts concerning it; therefore, those who lrelieye in, antl those s,ho clo uot believe in, alcohol [rlr nrotor fuel rvere at lea.st equall," representt:cl. I n fact, it u'ould irrolralrll'be u'ithin the nrark to sav that the sceptics w(,r(, \'erv mur-.h in the majoritr. li). sce ptics rve rlo uot ner:essarilv mean opponents of alcohol, but simltlr those lvho art-' not convinced that it is a practir:al fucl u'hich stanrls anl chance of competing u'ith petrol, even if the Excise restrit:tiorrs coultl br rentovt-rl. Dr. L)rnrartdr''s point rvas to shorl that tht: fuel question \\'as one u'hir:h should be investigaterl Irl martulat'turers. ancl in this he rvas perfectlv successlul.
()ther speakcrs arguerl that alr.ohol r:oukl never be succerssful. arrr'l their arguments u,ill be replierl to b1 I)r. ()y6211j1 in clue course, because it rvas impossible in thc tirne'availalrle for him to repl1. to them on lirirlav night. 'l'he president of lhe societr,, Mr. Strakt'r. nrade it clrrite clear that the inrlustrv was interested in the question, and we think this is as it should [rc. It is ntu<:h too expensive a matter for its r:omplete investigatiorr to be untlertaken by anv single 6rm. because a great deal of expcrimentil work h-'as to br: rlone. .\t thr: same timc, therc are members of the soc'ietv rvho knorv more alrout the subjer:t than thev have been credited rvith knou,ing, and who have sonre vcrv valuablc data which uoull no doubt be of a.ssistance. It lvas stated in the course of the cliscus- sion lrl more than one member of the Departmental Comnrissirrrr orr Irrrlrrslrial Alr.ohol that thelr positiorr u'a.s rrerrtral. 'l'hev rlid not consicler thev had evidence to shou that alcohol fuel rvas lvanted fo. .noto.
anrl thcr- said in effet't that if the society woulcl provide them rvith evideur:e showir.rg that they could- use it satisfar'torily, they, ns a commission, wbuld go further rnto thc matter. lr is adnrittedll, a question of looking ahead.
'fhe subject has an industrial as well as a national aspect. It is most important that the industrr. should