M^Y 6rH, 1905.
THE AI.]TOCAR it 3ournal pubtiobeD lrt tbe tttterestg of tbe mecbstttcaltU propel[eD roaD carriage.
No. 498. Vor. XIV.I
SATURDAY, n{AY 6rH, rgo5
[Pnrcr 3n
TIIE AI-|TOCAR. but that they u,ere encouraged by the law and those charged u'ith the administration of it to work their fell
(Published Weekly.)
Rcgistered as a newspape( for truuissioa ir thc Unitcd Kiugdom. Enter.d as second-class matter at the New York (N.Y,) Post Office.
ror rur Clua-SpARE PARTS
Userur Hrrrs exp Trps r Penucetrllrrv ots INNER Tuses-To Cune
... 6I.t-6I4
CoLD BAcK SEATS-ONE Corl ron Trvo.cvlrNDERs (illustrat"d) ,.. 6f5 TsE RTcHARD-lJaAsrER CoNTAcr BR!:AKER (illustrated) ... 616 occAsroNAL Gossrp By " THE AurocRAT " .,. ,.. ... 617 Loxoox to CoveNTRy oN Top SPEED (illustrated) ... ... 613 Tur Pusrrc AND MoroR CARS -., 619 'Isr Sronece or PETRoL rN lluLK (illustrate(l) .,. ... 620 Ax Elecrno'uacNETtc CLUTCH (illustrated) .. ... ... 6?I Casull Conuenrs, ay A. J. WILSoN: NEGLEcT ots SMALL THINcs-
Motor Boarrxc-Mutuar Ilsunercr-Tsrr-rllr Nuvasn Pretes ... ..- 622 THE 8-II H.P. TaREE-oYLINDE
Scnreus(illustrated) ... r Parseno-TqE SAFETY oF GLASS 623
A LARGE F-oun-cvuruprn PETRoL ENGTNE Tse Fontgcourxc Scottrsx RELrAtsrLrry tiliiistraie,l)' TRr^Ls (with
Corrrupxrau Nores axo NEws: TouRING Tnllls-Swttzunuerp
'" 624
Map ofRoute) 625
AND THE Goepox-Bexuptr Cup-THE Mrpttsxnlleer Moton BoAT I{AcE-MEyax o. Slposrsy AND EDGE,,, ..- .- 626-627 QUERTES AND REPLTES ... ... 628 Conresporpexcs: FIow AccrDENTs ARE CAUSED-BIG CARS aND
Lrrrrr Cens oN THE RoAD-THB MARKYATE ACCIDENT: SENsATToNALIsM-ADVANTAGEs oF PNEUMATIC'fyRrs-CrRcuMvENTIoN oF PoLrcE TR^ps-I)ANGERous Spors--A Srceu Cen CHALLENGE -Scnoors oF MoroRINc-AN OBSTINATE ENGINE-A SoLUTIoN -THE SHow QUESTToN-ISLE or MeN Moror Acr-Sarlsrnc- ronv Tvnp EXPERTENCE5 629-632 F-LASHES ... 633 635 Ct-uH Dorrcs (illustrate(i) : I-r:lcrsrerssrnp A.C.-PereesoRoucs exo
Cou NTrES A.C.-LADr ES'A C.-FI ERTFoRDsHT RE A.C.-BLAcxHEATH A.C.-SussEx CouNTy A.C.-wARwrcKSHrRE A.C.-LINcoLNSHIRn A.C -EDTNBURGH MoroRrNG Crus-Yonxsnrrn A C.-ScorrIss A.C (Wusrrnx SEcrIoN)-NoRwooo Morot CLUB-THE IIRITISH Motoa Borr Cru s .-. 636-637 Suserxsrox oF GoRDoN-BENNETT I)RrVERS... ... -.. 637 CARBURETTERs: DrscussroN oN MR. MERvyN O'GoRMAN's PAPER 63u-6.10
The lnilustrial vohlolo SupDloment, " Motor Tr8otion," ls insertod in osch copy.
..THE AUTOCAR'' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Eritisb Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annum lYotes./I
Motorists and the ComingYElection. It would lrc idle to ignore the fact that at the present tinre a great deal is being done to excite prejudice against motoring. On the strengtl'r of recent fatal accidents, and despite the fact that in the majoritv of instances the motorists have been exonerated fronr all blame, many papers, both London and provincial ,
rleeds. No one cau regret more thart rve do that there should lre a ferv reckless motorists driving about the country, but as we have pointed out dozens of times, it is not right that attempts should be made to lead the pulrlic to believe thet the vast majoritv of automolrilists have no thought for the rvelfare or the safetlof others.
'l'h.e -ltttocur has no politics, and we have no intentio'n of introclut'ing politics into its pages, but as it is gencrallr _stated that a general eleition is likely to trke place before very long, it behoves the Auto- rnobile Club to give special ittentio,n to the matter, and to seek the co-operation of all motorists in so doing. Whether the opinion is iustified or not we clo rrot profess to sa),, but there ii an opinion abroad that the present Opposition will be in power in the next Parlian.rent, and further, that that party is likely to be harder upon motorists than the party now in power. 'I'his idea is particularly prevalent in certain districts rvhere the anti-motor feeling is very strong, t\. op?onents of automobilism stating plainly thit rvhen the present Act comes up for c5n6rmation or revision in r9o6, the restrictions it embodies rvill be greatll' strengtl.renecl. It is impossible to sav whether lhi: opirrion is correct or ;ot; \4.e meiely give it for rvhat it is rvorth, but the point is that the m5tor car plays a very important part in every election, and every motorist mrlst ascertain for himself that the par- liamentary-canrlidate for rvhom he is voting, and in rvhose service he inter.rrls to, place his car oi the day of the election, is not antagonistip to motors. but holdi a reasonable attitu(le towaids l6ent anrl their users.
Important Vork for the{Club. IL is
-not -enough, however, for the nrotorist rnerely to satisfy himself o,n this point. l'here are plenty oi e.qtimable gentlemen rvho rvould give an assurince ihat they.were not.opposed to motors, but who might norre the less vote in favour of restrictions lvhich riould be of tire most o,bjectionable character. They would not intentionally break their pletlge, and it is 'quite likely that they rvould innocentll' consent to more or lesi repressive regulatiorrs urtrlei the impression that those rc.gulations were quite harmless, andlhat their motoring friends l,ould not mind them in the least. The onl| wa), to prever)t mistakes of this sort is for the Auto_ rnobile Club to rlraft a form rvhich the motorist must get his member, or would-be member, to sign, before placing his car at his disposal. The pap"er should contain a declaration to the effect that the^candidate, if elected, would not vote for any further restrictions, and these restrictions should be specificall_v mentioned. If the candidate cannot see his rval. to sisn the declara_ tion, that should end the niatter, and rt cars should Ire placed at his disposal.
are publishing articles rvhich, taken by themselves, rvorrld lead one to the conclusion that motorists tvere the most criminallv reckless and inconsiderate body oi persons on the face of the earth. and not onlv so.
It may be urged, and probablv rvill be urged by some., that such .a llroc_eeding is'subordinating part), nolitics to motorins. \Ve adnrit that it is ft.' hui