APRrr- I5rH, 1905.

ThilE AL]TOCAR Et Jountnr pubrigbeD in tbe

::1:::r:? ::;?:[.:liJ:,_:'',, properreD roaD carriase.

No.+95. Vor. XIV.I


[Pnrcr 3o

THE AUTOCAR. Irt.tu,t'en the coLrrst: arrrl tny other knou,n road i.s to liken it to that ltctu,een \i,.e anrl La 'I'urbie, rlescertrl-

(Published Weekly.)

Registered as a ncwspaper for transmission in the United Kingdom. Enlered as second-class matter at the New York (N.y.) post Office.






Nores: Tsa GonpoN-Bnxrrtr Counse-Tsn ITRENCH AND ENGLTsH

IiLIMTNATTNG 'll*rar,s -Trre CAUSE oF AccrDENTs-BRrrrsH Auro- cRAFr ... 515-516 USEFUL HINTS AND Trps: CHANGE SPEED Geen Corxrcrrots-

SeUEAKTNG Srrrlcs-LRlxrrc CyrrNpen Jotnrs-Wuv Geens CovE Our or Mrss-Tse UsE oF THE SpARE AccrrMULATon- PRESERVING Orr Hor-rs asoM DrRT ... 517 THE 16 H.p. ALBToN CAR (illustrated) ... 5I8-5I9 ON THE RoAD: THE HrcHwAy Lpecue-Tug Trnrrrtro Honsey


MAN-lNNocE\T SUFFER FoR ran Gurtty-RarLwAys AND THE Moton Cer-l\Ir. I-ouc ... 520 Tne Cenroor: Mn. T. W. STAPT.EE-I.rRTH ... ... .,, 521 REr.rAtsrLrry CoNTEsr rN AusraALrA (illustrated) ... ... ... 522-521 Cesuru CoMvsurs: ConurectAu Eursnpnrse-A I)rr ADVENTURE-

Tse Gr:*rlrxess ots'rHE STRoNG -A Scorv Succr:srrox ... ..- 525 CoTTTNENTAL Nores lro Nsrvs: Tae Moxeco [[eerrxo (illrs-

... 526 530


CLAssrs rN ColrerttTrols AND RAcEs

THE ScorrrsH REr,r^tsrLrry Trrer-A SuccEssFUL AppRAL ... ... 5i1 CoRrrEspoNDE\cE : FAREWF:LL To A VtsTERAN-Culnctuc rnolr a


DyN{Mo-MoroRrN(; AccrDENTs AND THEIR Causps-Moronruc ^ND SMoKTNG-LITAXAGE r{ Srror,e Tuse Tvnrs-Elcr,rsg axp lioRErcN CARs-llEI,ArRS-THE TouRrsr Tnopuv-Tse ApvaN- TAGEs oF THE PNEUMATTc TvRE-THE Suow Qursrrol-Tue Scsoou or MoroRlNo-ADvrcE rN SELECTIoN or Cans-Tse AurocARS oF I905-THE ANTr-MoroR MovEMENT--IIADrAToRs- MoroR C^R:fnerrrc ou ras Bnrcnror RoeD 535-531] AurorrollrLE DEpors AND Flne lxsunexcs (illrrstrated) ... ... ... 5i9 ENGLAND u. FRANCE... ... ... 539 Solre Tounrsr TropsY Tests ... ... ... 540 Occ^sroNAr, Gosslp. By "The Autocrat" ... ... ... 5+I !'r,AsHEs... ... 542-511 CLUB DoTNGS: Kext A.C.-HERTFoRDSHTRE A.C.- UNTTED RuN To

AsHtsy-DE.LA ZoucH-Sussnx A C,-WanwrcxsHrRE A.C. ... ... 545 OUERTES AND REPLTES ... ... 516 'i'se Seurcrror or e Moron Cen: ENcrxran's AcrroN AGArNsr A

MoroR CAR Co....

THE RoADS lupnoveurxr AssocrATroN

-.. ... 547

-.. 54u ll'ilh each co|! of 't'l'ltc /trlocar" this uceh is issred o cailoon-"Mt. 7'

lV. Sl apl ee - l.' ill h, S ol ic il or -G ene ral t o A ut omo b ilism,"

The Industrial Vehiclo SupFlement, "Motor Traction," is alto inserled in each copy.

..THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES. l3rrtish Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annum.

A/otes. r/ '' The Gordon-Bennett Course. It would appear from a letter jusl ret'eivt-'rl fronr x, well-kno\\'r) English autr-rrnobilif, ult,, urites us fronr (llermont l-errancl, an(l who h{s jrrst nrecle Irimsell particularly conversant with the Attvergue Cin:uit, the route over rvhich the crrs \\'ill compete in the I'rench elimin,ating trials, that these trials, and the (lordonllenr.rett race \yhich rvill follolv them, l'ill be a severe ordeal for those concernerl. He u'rites us that he has now be€n over the circuit ten times, driving his 9o h.p. Mercedes, and the best comparison he can make ing lrr, tbe zigzag roacl clirect on Monte Carlo and Ileaulieu to Nice. mauv times over. 1'he turnings art: all bankerl the u,rong ir,ar', anrl the roa.rl is in ha.n,r places rrot a 1{oLtte \atiorrale, but can only be co,m, plred to a seconcl-rate English lane, rvhere'passing is; rlrsolutel_y impossible. 'l'he surface is abomin,able, ind tl're rlescent to Clern-ro,nt a sort of glazed slide, dou,n rvliich one slithers all crr.t,r the roarl. He points o,ut that ur-rder the circurnstances it seems harr'llr.fair tc, ask the foreign clubs each to pav for a portiorr of tht, expen,se or

- the organisa.tio.n. IIe sar.s that Jer-ratzr..

u'ho is at Clermont Ferrarrrl rvith him,-shnres hls vieris tbsolutelr'. FIe expresses grave fear that the French elinrinating trials rvill be but a repetition of tht, IJorrleaux sei'tiorr of the fatal Iraris-Nlarlrirl ra<.e ol l9?.i.- - If they are, the race itself u,ill probablv bt, irrrhirllep bv the authorities. Cannot bur Fr'ench fricnds frrrl a better and safer eourse hefnrg l1 j5 frrr, lete? I / i_J The French and EnglishEliminating Trials.

AIthough there are trverrtr--four entries for the Iirerrch elirninatins tri:rls fronr irhi,.h the three cars to reprcselrt lirance in the race itself rvill be selected. there lre onlv ten rlifferent makes. Not onlv is this a vastlr' Iarqer total thal anv other countl, can shoq. lrrrt, at the same time. it ii a goorl eviilence of the rffort rvhieh sorne of the larger French firms are rnaking to score in the event, as Panhards, Richard- Ilnrsier. Balard-Cl6ment, Darracq, Renault. De Dietrich. an,l- Hotchkiss all have ihree cars apiece. Althorrsh unlikelv. it is possible that one make will rlone represent France. hecause il the three first ears in the eliminatins trials are of one make thev will be selr.r'terl. It $'ill ho remembere,l that the Freneh svstem of selection is different from that which our Automol-iile Cltrb adop,ted last r.ear. Irr France, the eliminating trials ivere simplv a iace. an.l the first three r-ars in rvere the national champions. and that rvas the end of the matter. The makeri of cars rvhich finishecl hehind the three plaeerl machipes mav have felt chagrined. ancl some of them certainlv d.id'suffer reallr hrrrl lines. hecause the performance'of their vehiclei was intrinsicallv as good as that of the first trio. ITowever. there was no had hlood' over the affair. as everyone recoqnised. inelrrding the disappointed eom_ petitors. th,rt the ordeal was one of speerl. anrl thal there corrld be no better rvav of settling who shoulrl fisht for France. C)ur trials in the Isle of N{an u,ert, ,liffe:rent. To this rlav, scarcelr hrlf a rlozerr peoplt. krro*, rvhieh cars made the fastest time. Therj knol lhrt three t'ere selected. lnd ther. also knorv.'from :r stlttenrent made hv the ,{r.rtonrohile Cltrh. thrt the selec tions rlirl not constitr.rte the ftstest three. We hopt, rhrt this r.err the French s\ stem rvill Ire rdopteil. 'l'here seems to be .r, great rleal of arrxietv to cop\ Frnttce itt sonrr (lulrters. nrr,l nlthorrgh u-e u orrld he the last to 1rll'66.1" a q'holesale copving of the French or Anv other example, we think, so far as the