PRIr, 8TH, 1905
THE AT]TOCAR B Sournat pubtisbcD itt tbe fntereste of tbe meclrarricattt propellcD roaD carrtage.
No.494. Vor. XIV.I
[Pruco 3o.
TI]E AUTOCAR. able to do quite thirty nriles on the gallon, so as t() lre on the safe side. 'I'hev clo not seem to realise
(Published Weekly.)
Registcred as a newspaper lor transmission in the United Kingdom. Entercd as second-class matter at the New York (N.Y,) Post Office.
the fact that, all other things being equai, the car u'hich burrrs the most fuel, so long as it has just enough to finish, is the one rvhich rvill win. The petrol supplies the effort, and if less effort be used (the loss of porver in transmission being equal) the speed must be slorver, and, therefore, the safe ancl sure thirty miles to the gallon car will be hopelessly d:feated by the one rvhich consumes more fuel up to the extreme limit necessarv to rvin the race.
coNrENrs. P^cE
NorEs : THE Tounrst TRoPHY--AMATEUR Dnlvrns-TgnaATENINc f,ETTERS ... ...
Ussnul Hrtrs AND TIps: MAIN PoINTS To RsususEt rvHsN DltvtNc
... 485-487
- CLTANTNG AcETyr-ENE Buntens-Loox ro rHE RIMS ... .-. 487 THE 8 H.p. AND I2 H.p CLFMtsNT-T^l.Bor C^RS (illustrat d) .'. 488-489 CARFFULNFSS coNsrRUr:D INTo Rr:cxLEssNESS ... ... 189 LoND^N To Ltvnneool elo Becx-A LAI)Y DRIVER'S JoURNF.Y
(ill ustrated) A RuN o{ a 24 H.p. De DIETFIcH Occ^sroNAL Gossrp. Bv 'Th- Arrtocrat " ... ... A Nerv Tvre or Moron Bo^T lillustrated) FARTWELT- To e VrrrnrN By H. C. L. fHE 7 H p, DIxI IAR (rllustrated)... THr R.aps rN Rrcrtt Penx SysrrMs or CnrrnoL rx t ens. By F Strickland (il)ustrated) ... ... A REMTRKARLE Tntr ox e Srrru (-rn (illurtrat.d ... ... fHa MERcrDas Vecxcro Coltacr BREAKPRs i lustrate.l) EL*(TRIC AurouonrTes-JiTTINGs oN TBE VFHTCLTS AT OLYMPIA Coxrrnewrer Nor rs enn Ntwc: TH!: MoN^co MEETING (illustrated)-
490 490 49I 492 493 494 494 495 496 497 498
Orrrclrl ppocnevvs-Tsr GoRDor-RFN\ETT Cup-THE Rrcnlnp-Bnlstgn EI.TMtNATING TRI^L CARs-GoFDoN-B'NNETT Cup PRELTMtNARtTs Tx" Cont161 Auvr:FcN" Counsr-Grnvel IINTRTES FoR rHc G.B.- Trr LoIR!:T TouRINo Tnter.sVorrunrrrr TRI^LS-THE A.C.F. Slrrncen Tntrrs-THt Coecasurr DERs' STRIKE 500 502 co"irill6i,,iiiiii , Tre anu^ni^nr"'n" rr" Prrurirrc 'Tvne-
Motontlc lto Snorrrc-TyRE EFFIctENcIFs-INcoNSIDERATE Drtvtrc-Cenrtrtcerrn Dtlvrns Drxcrnous Tnaut.tlr s lt wtssroN-supER-M^Rp-ErroRTroNArr Cnrncrs-DrlnI-B uslY Moroa Tntaus-A FR,NcH Dntvrn's IMpostrtoN-THE CIPcuuvENTro\ oF PoLrce Ttrrs AN E^RI-y STEAv VFHIcLE (illustratedl-THE Corr Ilrrt, AND THE Moroa-RrrrrtvE Cnsr oF HrGH AND Lorv-rowpnrn C^Rs-THE Suow Quesrlon- Moron HoRNs ..- 507-507 ITLA.HEs-lLt-usrRATroNS oF NIoroR BoATs... ... 508-509 CLUB DotNGS... ... ... ... 5I0 Tgc lrrpentrr Tvne-Ttte STHENos Cannunrtrn:n-THE BINKs
CeRnunrrtan ( soME Qu!:RrES lro Rrpt-rns: ['[oroRING IN CAPE TolvN-STFAM
Cen-Fnrrcr Tr:rvs-Tae XENIA CARBUFETTTn-Tne PRrcE or Pr:rroL Frrrrrc Peperrtr []urrrn to Locouortlr-Holse I,owER-ExHAUST vAt vE Sctrtrc rrp A(rroNtATrc AIR VALVELerxv Wesarps 'WHAT Is A Lorc WHr:rr-sest: ?-Geen RrMrnY 5I2 A Moron TRrp r! SourH Arnrcl Tur Srarr-rv STLENcEk (illustrated) 513 SoMa liEcENT P^rENrs. By L, \&' Walford... ... .., 514
Tho Industrlal Section (pf,ges 53 to 84) ls insorted separately in ovory copy ol "T, o Autoc8r" this wsek.
... 51I
This means that the competitors rvill design everything. so far as thev can, with a vierv to consuming the full allou,ance of fuel ancl no more. Some of them. of course, rvill overclo it ancl be stranderl, perhap u'ithin sigl.rt o[ the winnirls post. The very fact that sonte of the best machines mav be beaten almost on the post lrecause thev have buined a little too much fuel is one of the most urrsatisfactorv fextrues of the competitiorr, because. as le hnve saial hefore. smallness of petrol consumption is not a verl grcat virtrle.
Horvever. this is the easiest and sinrplest way in rvhich to make it impossiltle for cars of the monstrositr' ortler to be used. To our mind. the real interest in the competition rvill be in the earlier circuits, say up to threequarter distance. rvhen the real runnins merits of the cars will be appnrent and the actual results not affecterl bv the ftrel ]imit. As this is so. it is to be hoperl that special precautions uill be taken to carefullv record the times ir-r each circuit, because it is so obvious that the winning car rvill not necessarilv be the best, or even u'ithin a consideraltle distance of the lresl, car taking part in the event.
Iintries have norv grou,n from thirtv eight to fortv, fir'e. the latest being a N{inerva enterecl Irv the Hon. C. S. Rolls, a Bristol car Irr' \Ir. W. \f .' Appleton, a Scout bv Mr. J. Percv Dean. tuo Darra('qs bv N{r. A. I{arv'linson, and rve also hear. unofficial'1r,. that trvo Rover cars have been enterecl bv the makers. At the p.y'r.nt rate of proqress. it I,roks rs though sixtv errfries flt Ieast u ill be sectrred.
YAmateur Drivers.
..THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES. British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annum.
^A/o/es. The Tourist Trophy. Last iveek. in referring to this race, 1\'e pointed out that, although the fuel limit is one gallon to each twentr'-five miles. it is bv no means certain that the most economical car-thit is to sa\'. the one rvhich can do its thirty miles to the gallon-rvill rvin. This we find has caused considerable mvstification to some of onr readers. Thev sa)'if a car einnot clo trrenty-five miles to the gallon, it will be stranderl before the finish for want of fuel, so that it seems much rviser that the machines taking part in the race should be
'I'here is one thing at rvhich we are rather surprised in regard to the Tourist Trophv. and that is, up to tl-re present not a single private orvner appears to have entererl his car. Ever,v car has been enterecl bv the maker or seller. We are somervhat surprised at this, because the competition rvill be r niost interesting one in every wa-y, and. owing to the allowance of fuel being limited to a gallon for everv twentv-five miles, it is impossible for anv racins monsters to take part in it. so that the average flmateur ueed not feel th:rt it is too riskv an unrlertaking for him. So far as the great speed events are c,:nr,erned, a man must be verr rich "r.s rl'ell as exceedinglv plueky and skilftrl to take 2c1i',e part in the events. The eliminatine trials, not to mention Gordon-Bennett races, are onlv for exceptional motorists, br,* there are hundreds of hishl\.-skilled anrateurs who shr'.:ld delight in a contest like the Tourist Trophv, in which there are all the