THE AL]TOCAR B Journar pubrtsbeD in tbe
::i:fftt::t;f,'I.:f:#:t,,, propeucD roaD carria6e.
No. 4gz. Vor. XIV.I SATURDAY, MARCH z5TH, r905
[Pnrce 3o
(Published Weekly.)
Registered as a newspaper for transmission itr the Unitcd Kingdom. Entered as second-class matte! at the New york (N.y.) polt Omce.
Noras : Rerresrr,rry TRIALS-ADVANTAGEs ro MANUFICTURERS_THE AGRTcuLTURAL llrrr Suorv 40_4lg fTsErUL HrNrs AND Trps: Trvyoneay REAR LTcHTS_OVER I-UaRr- cATtoN-FoR Becrxrens _ REMeDyTNG fnn E"i. i.J_i_E ... 4I9 Tgr Ilrero Revrrur AND aHE Drsrlr,LrNc INDUSTRy ... ... 420-422 Tse WorsrEy RACER FoR I9O5 GoRDoN_BENNETT (illustration ) ... 4ZI Tna Covsrrny HUMBER I0 H.p, CAR (illus(rated) .,. . ... .., 423 TrrE 8 H.p. AND 12 H.p. CLEMENT_TALBor CARS (illustrate(l) _.. 421_425 Coxrrretter.N-ores exo Nrm (illustrated)i Tae Meprrennllrex Ii r E N rs-A H r L L-c L r M r, r N o T,
", - i" " C6i+ o"r, i. r?"u r; "s " *, * " _
VotTuRETTE TRTALs ... occAsroNAL Gossrp ay ,, f r",tu.o"o^r,,-iro, t,tn*,"ur^r,o* . :; Tse AcrtcutrunAL H^LL SH()w (illustrated report) 428_437 Clsuel Covurxrs. By A. J, Wilson... ... 438 CoaRE.spoNDENcE : REL^Trva Cosr oF HrGH ,ND Low_porvrnr:o Cans
-ALcoBoL es e Furr roa trrorons__iir;r;-;;;;;;'w;,_r"rn_ uNroN FoR Moron Dnrvrns_r-r.-i_o.^ip'ti't"il3Jo'*1"s*,r,", SrEEL-'THE puacH^sE o" Fo^ocn -c1.ilii"ti[u""rn. l::l:l T-ll:-pRorEcrroN a_c^rrsr Mortniir._bi'*i-eo, "^" r xrALS_ r HoucHTLEssNEss_ RELreerLrry Tnrers ... ... 4:lg 442 fjLAsH Bs Tsr Furune o","r Er.cru,c;;"o;;",r;.' ny'i. c 'ctnnru"." lit tT A Nrw MerHop oF CoNsrRUcTrNc NoN-sKrD BANDs (illustrated) .,. 447
Coulrny GARAGaS enp Rprelr SxoPs ..
... ... ... 44g rlifferenr to reliability trials. Ir may be urged_and probalrlr uill [rc..trrge, I -lrr mlrrl , on'the stiingth ol thrs. rhar relirlriiitv trials_ jhoulrl'no Iorrger be hEl,l, r* the makers rLr rrot rvant them antl sev.;;i),hve per cent. of the users rlr not r.rriurl whether they aiehelil or not. If these tu'o asp,ects of the quest;n,i iu".. the onlr lNrssilrle. points of vie$, that coul<l lre taten, ,* .toriif be irrt:linetl to enclorse this opinion, Liit th"." ur. others rvhich rleserr.e consirleration, ancL these are so important thlt rve mlinrairr reliaLrility trials are still rlesirable, if not absolutel_r necessrrl , providecl a more satisla('tur\ s1 slenr of n,ar-ki,t.q,,.atr Ii. ivolve,l. ln all past reliahilitv trials, trivial items, such, for eranrlrle. as a foul spirking plug. have caused cars to occul)) p)ar:es in their class ntuc'h belorv their aveiage merit. I t is also lelt that relialrilitr. tri,ils are ,,,.,i. learlinu lrecrrrsr sPer:ial machines aie enierecl, rvhich Are nat tarrlt representatir.e of the ordinarv car turne(l ,,uI t)-\' thr s.llne manufacturer. This has onlr ocr:urrirl irr verr. feu, instanr:e.. ir,it it ir'""""'rf "ii,; thinss u,hir.h tenrl to rol) reiiahiliiv irials of their irrlluence irr tht: eres of the nutonrulril"',vorlj, although it r'oulrl lre oveicome
- bv the t.ial -,nachln;; ht;;
selec'terl lrv the clulr ancl sealerl at th" ;;.k.; or clepoti Perhap,s tire mosr \.al.urble f"ntii..-nf 'reiiairility trials is .the knos Ie.,l(e -\\,hich the particiyranl"s tirenrselves garr.r. uhreh krrorr.ledge nearl_v alu,avs results in some improlemerrt beins mide in i car. 't,, .,*h class the competltors. alter the first dav or l\ro. get to know e\rctll rhe capacirr. and capabilit;e, "f'tte other cars ln the same clnss. nncl the o,bservers anrl drivers pick up almost innumerable hints of the gLeatest value, iar_ ticularlr'- rvhen it is remember,:cl thai i,,r' ;i,;. cases out .f ter.r the ohsen,ers themselves ;;"
THE ISLE or Mar FnBrp ron Moror IlAcrNG_MoDEST REeuTREMENTS 449 SoME QuERrEs arp Rerllr:s: Honse power_Wlpin or Car Trecxs SrrsrcrNG ArR lNLar_coxriir rinraxr*'t"iru,_"_ A uroM^rrc Arrec n rr r:xr ""* o, - i >lon' i^I"o"u.".ioii]s.o" o_ HousES FoR prr.norsurr_.GnANTTNG oF a,-;ii.;;st'Ll,,rn"r,"_ EAU DE CurvRE-Frr:n<.r: Clurcrr... ... ... ... 450 .\ C_orrrNurxter. MoroR TouH rx CePe CoroNy_Tqr: Tounrsr Tnorsr Recr-Tr nn: Errr,rrxcuts_A 3OO s.p. I)rrnoL goAT ... 45I SoME REcENT PATENrs. Ily E. W. Walford (illustrated) .. ... ... 152
Wtth esch copy of ..The eutocar', thls_week is issued as I supplomont
No. B ol the Comm€rclst Vehlcto lecuon.
.. THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES : llritisb Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 2Zs. 8d. per annum.
j Nofes. Reliability Trials. , I:t't:l). ttc hnvc ("tttl sottteu'hat extr:rrsilcll irrto the ,lcsrritl)tlrt) l'f h,,l,lirrg relialrilitl trials. Last tveek ru'e lrtrlrlisherl a srnall selection fr.ont the oltiniorrs ou the ,su.f rjer.t l,hich ue hrrl re<rciverl I'r,,,i., t,;ili.;r; automo_ Irilisls all over the (:ourltr\. .{ short tinre Dreviouslv \\'H (:t\ e n r'enslts ,,f I lr,. ntarttrfncttrrers, tn,l selleri. opirrions on the sarne sulrjcct. We neecl hniiiiu ."_ina orrr rearlers that lroth seitions, ri.e.. the ,,;";'.;i ;h; ,I1k:.:,1::, nsainsr, rrtirbilitr t.ialr. 1.hat is to say, tne maJont-r of each section are either opposetl or in-
attacherl to one or other of the eompeting fiims.
".,;i,,; engineers
Advantages to Manufacturers. Sorne rn:rnuh(trrrers n:rintain that the trouble anrl :-*ll.ll:.,.,f rrrtering rr relirbilitv rrirl is roo high " pric" lo 1r1r' l1r1 srrlh li1ln\\.1-,lSe_31 ther or their.staff'may olrtairr rlrrrirrg the tri.rls. ' This, f,n*.u"., Ir a point oi u,hich. opinions nra\ ver\,_ well differ. W"
"oir tnly sav that the re.fining efiect of the reliabilitv t.iui" on rnony cars has lreerr nrost appareltt. Makers have not reaiise,l irr uhat l,lrticuiir point their ca. fett sho.t r,I the r,thers in its till thev have seen them mnnins together rlav after clav uni]er the .a_e condi tions. C)ne lerv ' significant f""i ,t,i.t"'.eems to frave heerr lost-siqht of bv both f."ai..r, and users rs rnat lrvo ot the most successful manufacturing com- panies irr these islarrrls have been
"nn.;.ilni'-o.,d suc_
eessful .performers irr the clul, reli;biiilv- trials; in fact. _it is not too much to sr.r. that it,.;, ."putotion has largelv been nrarle throrr.qh itr.
performances of their
"n,-rr;.t"nitr.,a ,"g.ii;,
"a.,, ,.ea. afte. vear. iheu hrrr"
trot.a.lrvers rlorre so u.ell as has heerr o*p."t"a. Ui iir.;i position has alwar.s been hish .n.,ugh i; ;h;* that. so llrg as trials r"ere persistecl i,il f ,,"f. "
eliminate sterlirrg merit'arrrl relinhilitv.
"nrf a no.t
It.mrl u.ith eqrral tnrth he urged thflt it rvas not the resrrlt o.f reliahilitr. trials so mrich ll, it* g"na pnints