TIJE AL]TOCAR B Sournat pubttobeD in tbe tnterests of thc meclranrcattrg propcllcD roaD carriage.
No. 49r. Vor. XIV.I SATURDAY, MARCH rSru, r9o5
[PHrcn 3o
TIIE AUTOCAR. in the trials. I,'urther examination shou,s that in manv cases reiiability trials influerrce the purchase of thi:
(Published Weeily.)
legistered as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kingdom. Entcred as second-class matter at the New York (N.Y.) Post Omce.
Notus: Rrrterrrrry Tnrar-s-Tnr HrGtswAy PRorEcrroN LEAGUE- qror MoroR OMNTBUS CoupaNrss.., .,. 383-385 IJ-yrur Hrnrs ero Trps: ATTENTToN To IJRAKES erp Drtlrls-
ELrcrrrcer MATTERS...
... 3S5
Iirst car. 'I'hey give conlir_lence to the u'r_rulcl-lte automobilist rvho leels that he does not knorv a great dea.l about the subject, so that he makes up hiJ mind to take a car which does rvell in the class ln rvhich he is interested. In other words, if he cannot go above d3oo he follows verl closelr thc pcrl ormanris of the cars. uithin this category, and selects either the gold medal car or one rvhich performerl crerlitably, and"was only beaten oll some trivial points br the rviuner. Second and subsequer-rt purchises se"ni to be rnade entirelr, u,ithout regard to reliabilitr trials or their results. 'l'he first iar sen'es to introtluce the orvner to the automobile rvorld. He finds out rvhat the cars of other 1;rivate olvners in his rlistrict are doi,tg, and ru hen. he lruls a second car he generallv folloivs his ou,n. ju-rlgrnent. backed br, tl-re experiertce and atlvice of his friends.
THE 8 H.p, AND I2 H.p. CreMerr--felsor CARS (illustrated) ... 386-389 Occesrorer Gossrp. By "THE AurocRAT ... 389 RrrresrLrry Tnrers: Pnrvere MoroRrsrs' VrEws ... 390-393 Ox tsr Roep. By Owen John ,.. ... .,. 39.+ Mn. Joxx Flercnraves AND Hrs 90 x,r. Narrrn (illustrated) ... ... 395 A NEw CorL TREMRLER (illustrarcd) : ... ... 396 THE ANTr-MoroR MoVEMENT ... 397 Coxrrxprrtr NorEs AND NEus (illustrate(l): A MoRE PRQMrsrNc
Ourloox-TssMoNAco MEETTNT; A CoecHlurrDLRs' STRTKENou-sxrpprnc Tlnn'fnrets-'lHg Gonpol-Brrlutr liace-Flravy Orl Tntars ... 398-400 A MoToR Frsnrxc Yewr (illustratioil s)... ... 400 Connrseolnr-lcr: AN AuATEUR's IMyBESstoNS oF THE SHow-
Sorrps u, PNEUMATtas-To Crncuuvsxr Por,rcr: TR^ps- BENzot, AND ALcoHoL-DANcf, Rous Tnaulrres (iltustrated)-THE Loc^LE or THE SHow-A ItEcoRD rN Rr:perns Brrrrsn Srzrr-, rrc.-Tsg ALLEN STEERTNG LocK-ExpERrrNcEs-STIAM LARs rN CoM, p&TrrroN-THE DrtHr-lloure! TnteLs ... ... 40I-404 FLASHES-THE GAExwAR or llenooe's Cup-Hu\TsMEN A!r) AuTo-
MoBrLrsrs-A ColrMEBcrAL TnevrlEr's (
Nor-surplrlc DEVrcrs roR illoron Cers
PRoposED MoroR RAcrNc er Srrcrrss (lllusrratcd)
^R (lllustration) .. 405-4Oz i08.409
... 4I0
Tur Nrw SAUNDERs-N^prEn I etrnca-Tse Moror Urrot ,.. ... 4I0 Soue Qurnrrs AND REpLrEs : Penerrrr BuRN!:R To Locouorrrr-
Mrsrlntlc TRouRLas- OBTAtNtNG Drrvr:ns LIcensts LEAkNTNG ro l)ntve-CreerrNG RADrAroRs-[Ioron Cen tsoR lNDt^ .-. -1IT Sove Rrcerr PATENTs. By E. W. Wallord ... ... .,, 4I2 Tsu Tssrlxo or Pernol DNGTNES. By Dugal,l Clerk 4I3-4I5 Tsg BnrrrsH Euprnl TReoes' ALLTANCE ... 4I5 Atcouol as e Furl roR MoroRs. By Dr. Orurandy ,.. 416 The Induslri8l Section (pages 13 to 24) Is ltrs€rted sopsrately in overy coDy of "The Autoc8r" this wesk.
Brrlislr'Isles, l6s. Abroad (thir) paper edirion), zzs. Ed. per anDurr.
. peopie rvho har,e stur lie<l the sulrject had a general idea that matters stoocl as here briefl), set forth, but there rvas little or no eviderrce to ljrove the actuai value of reliabilitr trials. Thanks. lioruer"r, to our readers. it is nou, possible to gftuge the exact influence o.f trials trprrn the lrrospectivel,t,i.-haser. At the same time. this is not rhe onlt. benefit of reliabilitv trials. Certaiu rrseful artrl valuable points are al,ua1.. b.nught trp. anrl il the elernerrt oI uirr.ertaintv coulj be orier_ ('()rne tht re is rro qtrestiorr that motorists would set an exce.edingll high value upon them, and their influence rv,ruld [-rr ver.r greatlr extended. The abso]ute ur.rcer- taintv of thc relialrilitv trial is shou,n bv the fact that rvheri tu.irr r.ars of a n.,ake
"r" .,tt"i.,t',;;\ -;;er obtain an equal sr.ore. 'l'his fact uas mentic,ne,i repeaterllv in the letters rve have rer:eived, and it seerns ttr'have d'one rnore than anrthing else to prejudice the trials in the nrrnrls of nrotorists. 'l'here is no sporting interest in a reliabilitr trial, but no one u.ould obiei't to that if the elemerit of Itrck coul.l be ou.r.n-l. lt is plain thaj as things starrd the automobile rvorlcl is not iatis_ fiecl u'ith the existing form of reliabilitr trial. At the sanre .time.. it is. sJreaking collectir.ell:, keener upon re.liabilirv than arrlhirrg.eise. lt rr.arris the reliabilitl. trial. but not one in which real reliabilitv is sa.crifiet to trivialities. Can such a trial be organisecl ? If it t'arr...uey'elieve it u.ill have the srppoit of the auto- rnobilqrftorlrl at Iarge.
Notes. Reliability Trials. 1'I.re questiorr rrf rvhether reliabilitr trials shall or shall not be helrl this r ear rvill shortlv become an acllte one. Recentlr. therefore, we requested our readers to give us their opinions olr the matter. anrl orr other pages we publish a ferr of the replies \\'e hale receiveil. We have gone through them all most carefullr'. and rve frnd that as nearlv is lrossil,le one quarter are nlore or less irr favour of'relia6ilitv trials. l3r: being in favour, \\'e mean that the u'riters hale lteen influencecl in their selection of cars br the performances of the machines
The Highway, Protecrion League. .()rt Ira{e 39-{we summarise brieflr the proceetlings rr[ a meeling at\Varuick which rvas called tn organis"e a. count) association to protect the putriic against the reckless rlriving of motor cars. It will be" seen from the reltort that, although rpire a number of motorists made a lroint of beinu -1rre.-ent, thev r,vere hopelesslv outnumbered by people u'ho were not dis- lrosed to listelt to reason; ther refuserl to aclmit that there rvas anv such thing as 'reckless clriving except b1. motorists. - The meetiig ignored the other side of the question entirelr'. Nou'. it is rlrrite ea.:\. to o\.er- rate the importance of a little gathering in an obscure