THE AL]TOCAR B Journar pubrisr,eD in tbe::i:J:l?:rj?:,1.:?lxJ::", pro*rr.o roaD carriase.
No. 49o. Vor. XIV.I SATLTRDAY, MAITCH rrru r9(]5
[Pnrcr 3o.
(Published Weekly.)
Rc3istercd as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kingdom. Entered as sccond-class matter at the New york (N.y.) po; Office.
Nores: Tcc Most Itrsnrsrl^-c EvEr-T oF 1905_BRrTtsH STEEL 349-350 Ussrur, Hrtrs eto Trps: Ho\v To OvERHAUL A CAR (continue,l) ... 35I Ro[s-Royce AuroMoBrLEs (illustrated) ]52_153 Txr Moron LIlroN or GnBet Bnrrerx An-D IRELAND ... 353 PRlcrrcAL HrNTs oN CHooslNc e Moron Clr ... ,.. 354 'fHE 24 H.p, ITALA C^R,illustrated) ... ... 355 THE ARGYLL Clneunstrrn (illustrated 356 3s7 CmUAL CoMMENTs, By A. J. Wilsoo .., ... ... .-. 357 A Nsrv Mernou or Culncrlo Accuuularons (illustrated) ,.. 358-359 THE Auroc^Rs oF I9O5: SupplE\rexrlny Lrsr ... 360-36I A Novrr. NoN-sKrDDlNG CoNTRTvANcE (illustrated) ... ... ... ... j(rI Occesroler Gossrp, By ,,THE AurocRAT ... 3b2 BEARING Mrrer, Alroys (illustrated) ... ... .., ... 363 BY PRTVATE TRE^Ty... ... ,.. 364 MoroHNG rN F'rJt (illustrations) ... ... ... 364 Tvns Ssoes (illustrated)-THE pereh Srupnx TIRE_THE Srltrey
Sreeu Cen rt Dayroxa coupnessrov. By B. w. warori tirr"r,.","Jl :.: ;:: ..: ... ::: Notegr,B Crn Fnarunrs lr Or.ylrpte; A RETRosrEcT... .,, 367-363 CoRREspoNDENcE: pRAcrrcAL ExpenrrNcrs_paorEcrroN AGAINST
Motonrsrs-BeuzoL-SoLrDs ?. pNEUMATTcs-psrnou AND Manlxe Wonx-THE Loc^LE or tgB SHorv_Cosr oF RuNNTNG A MoToR CAR Fresxrs-Nrw srreu uoron rrr^. nno,*r'"o*';n*;;* ... :i?:i: Clus Dorucs: llRrcHToN L^DrES' A,C,_ScorrrsH A C._sHrrrrrrp txn Drsrnrct A.C.-Sourx Welrs lxo MoNMourrr A.C._ Bucxsrlrn A.C.-IRrsH A.C._MANcHEsl.rn e.C._Nonrn_resr
LANcASHIRE A,C. Tse Trstrrc or pErRoL ,nornor. ny o,,gol,l ai".U f,iir,.r."i"af ir-r'rl THE CRUsADE tclrust Motonrsrs ... ... 37g QuERIEs llo Reprrrs ALcoHoL
^s A F,EL "o* uoro*.. ny n.. o....Jy ... ... ll?-lii
.. THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES : British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per annum.
Notes. The Most InterTbsting Event of I90S. Unquestionahlv.Jthe most interesting er.errl of the rvear \r'tll be the Tor,rri:it Trophr. orgarrised b1. the lArrtomobile Clulr. Thrs. as most of orrr readers arc arvare, is a race u,hicir rvill take place in the Isle oI N[an in. September, ancl rvhich ivill i >e ,..tii"t.J
to touring. ctrs-, rvhile the limitations as to ih; ;;;;; ot luet alloled to each competing car are strch that tto racing monsters can possilrly T,. ,.*,1.- Cars of modera.te'po\r'er must l)e emltloi.erl, Irer.ause an or.rr- engined vbhicle rvould simply consume- its iuet supl,ly
";;.i; lrefore it l.rad completed the ,Cistance. It would, trf course, for a time, make higher speerl than the less I)o\\'erful. cars, _ l)ut it u,oulcl 5e strindecl long before the linish, an(l the..touring machines \\ ould'pass it rrne lrv one. 'l'he distance u,ill be from r5o to 2So miles, anrl the event, as arranged, lvill combine the atllarrtages of a reliabilitv trial inrl a race.
\\je consicler it a pitv iro nther limitation than that rif mere fuel coulcl been arrauge,C. becanse fuel econonl\-, . tr-ithin reasonable limits, is the Iast thing about u,hich a motorist neecl trouirle himself. Hii total experrrlitLrre in the course of a vear u.ill scarcelv ire affer:terl u,herher his fuel consumption fr. ii"oiii, miies or thirtv miles ro the gallon. We admii th;t ;ll other circumita,..,."s i,eirg
"'quat, fo* .,c-lrr.u.1rtion is e distirrct ad.vantlge, lreciuse'it means that the engine an(l mechrnr:m AS a u.hole is more effiL.ient, ancl'ihis carries *,ith it certain advantages upon tvhich we need not clu,ell. 'fhese advantages,-hou,&er, are small com- lrarerl u'ith other and muc6 more impoitant considera- We entirelv agree rvith the iclea of restricting the race to cars oi moiderate pol"a.,
"r,l tf,a reason \\.e object to the fuel restrictiori is ltecause ii is almost 1.::,!:'.ri,.r to res^ult irr..good cars nrnnir.rg out of petrol \\rthrr a verv feu.rniles, or it mav be ei=,, a feu,iarcls, .f-the rvinniirg lo;t, .The beJ;.;; ;ii;;ht l,rissii,iv l*se llre creciit of finishirrg first merelv l,ecause of it,s failing to run quite_rornu.,[.miles on r'g"ri"il o,f petrol ::r:"-. other, and possibl.v, in orher re"spects, inierior
_. The club has come to the conclusion that the fuel limit is the onll' one rvhich u,oulcl rvork uli ,or-,nd i,, 1, jil]:ll::"rt illr: L,ecause the rimitarion or eng;ne (lrnteDsrons $'oulcl have resulted irr the building" of engines to rur.r at ur.rdul-v high speeds- \\fu aclmit it rvoulcl have been verv itimcitt ira..J to make and cnforc'e rules rvhich ivould prevei.,1- n.'ln"f,rsion of engines iruilt more or less i*ctusiueiy - tor ' the race, arrd l,hich would therefore be.,,n it unaufy f.igfi :t,,:.1.1r,.,-., ,? tg qet a..!ig! .power out of very small rlrnrensrons, lrrrt the difficulties are not insuferable, anr'r it is to lte re.grettecl that thev have not been l'aced.
As ,l i., quite a large proportion of the com_ J)etlng hrms must build special cars for the race, as thel' have no cars at presint rvith engines-lJ smatt as to nln trventy-five milcs to the gall*on. A notatrle rnstan('e ot thls is the Daimler. -We should perhap: aclrl. that restrictions as to, rveight, Uotf, rnu* ancl f::lrryl.: ..L?,'., |"", inrposect.'so 'tt "t'""-i."Jt errveight rragrlltres u'rll be lrossible. The cars must have com. ronar)le DorCtes, ancl carry_ a full load of trvo persons (driver ald olrserver) ancl'ballasf. .+*fiirc 6to lbs. in :ur, so lhat ever). possilrle precaution see-ms to have neer) raxen to errstrre that only bond_fide touring cars can be used. Thus the rac'e rvill, 'as the clulr intends it shoulcl, encourage the consiruction of r)r(rrnarv tourrng < 'ars rather than the designing and lrrrilding of veh-icles in which .r.iri""a-.p.""d is the only consideration.