THE AL]TOSAR B 3ournal pubtisheD in tbe lnterdstg of tbe mecbanicaltp propelteD roaD carriage.


No. 486. Vor. XIV.I SATURDAY, ITIiBRUARY rrrH, r9o5. [Pnlcr 3o

TITE AUTOCARI ( )rr the arerl coal.etl with its la1,er of 'I'harnes nrud artrl solt soap it rvas impossible to stand, so that the severitr

(Published Weekly. )

ol the test clrrnot be impugnerl

Registeled as a newspaper for transmission in the United Kingdom. Entered as second-class matter at the New york (N.y.) post Oi6ce.







Notes : Tss PALAcE NoN-sxrDDrNG DEMoNSTRATToNS-THE GonpoN_ Berxerr Cur-Tue Moron Oulluus-Srow Frxrsu ... I6I_Igj PRAcarcAL Htrrs or CHoosrNG e Moton Can. ey i,ieut. W. G. Windharr... ... rtr ji"i. Ii ri ilnowns Footuoinr sranrsa rittrsiratrji i:. .1* ii: IHE RyKNIELT) CARS AND Var lillustrart,d) .-. 1.. rsa_rni Usrrur Hrnts axp Trps i How ro oVERHAUL e Cin,iiluitratJJl ..." iia Nou-sxrpprrc Tnrers lt rne cRysrAL t

^rrcp iitlu.iir^t.Jj--"... I89_r90

To Oryvrra rRoM THE Loxpot Trnurlrr ... ' ..,---' ._' ,,. ... I9r Tsp Bnrrrss Evprar Moron TRADES,ALLTANc", i Nrr*'irsdiierr;; i9i Two Npw Brssror-Huugun Cens lillustiited)--'... .- :,:-"--... rgz-tg3 Occesroxer Gosstp. tsy ,,The Autocrat,, ... ... '... ... ... I94 THE 20 H.p. Bnorncnuo5p-CnocHER CAR lillustrateJl ... ,., 195-106 Tae Npw DuRyEA PowER DRUM... ,.. ;d; Txe Nonuex C-nvero Geen_riliustrarerl) .:. ::. ::. l:: .:. i;i (.]oNTTNENTAL NorBs AND News: Tnr Cul Soturron_Tne Gnrei ExHratrroN Ecotovrcar Tnelsurssrons-Tns Our;Rpex or Ssows fH" co*rox-rjJnnr* or""r.rrr" "' ... ::: :.. :.. .'.:7ff Conarsponpprcr: STAGNATToN rN l)EsrGN-Bu;in"'Srconr-r^.,

CARS-THE FaENcH PRoposALs A SourH Arnrcer Ixvsnron_ Uxrox ron MoroR CAR DirvERs-SMALL Cens rx ruJ Ixprru TRIALs-DELHT-BoMBAy TRTALs-eovsnrrisuENT r. -S"o^r_ Tneuaren CorL AND WrpE CoNTAcr-CoueiNED I.-oo.*i*.

Toor-eox ... ... cnvJr-u Fiiec'i euibcap buow's.^.i"r,"i. sy H. if.

Souo o. Pxpuuerrc Tvnes. By H. J. Bath :.. ... .-. .,, 206 SoME oF THE NEw CARs AT Oriuprf ... .. ,., ZOz A LIGHT Srreu Drrrveny VAN (illustrated) ... ... 208 FLASHES AND " THE AurocAR', Dr^R\' ..- 2Og-2It Atcosol As A MoroR F-uer, By Dr. Ormandy ... ... 2tz Soue Quenrrs lrp REplres: Sil,rxcrrs-WitroN CAR-CHANGTNG a


".lii" 1l'-231

Cansunetrrr-HAND STARTING or Iixcrxr-MrsFrRrNG--OvER- uglrltc-CxAIx on Geln-ItsunANcL AGATNST FRosr_FIERcE Crurcn-Bnrxrs AND SxrDDrNc- BlrarcB Wcrosr-Tne Soaues Geet-Tynrs- RE-ENGINTNG e Cen- Nol-sxros-Wrrrn_ooorrtc -Nuusen Pretes-On Nrw Cens-CrurcH LEATtsER_SETTTNG OE TIMIN(i GEAR-LoSS oF I)owER-DRtvr:ns, I-essoxs-A _ Novrce's Quenrrs Tsr Nsw Yonx Moron Sgow '' :13'214 1ue amo,oari-r a;;; R;;;;.,;;;" roiers... :.. :.: '... ... ?rll THE Ocropus flyDR^uLrc CLUTCH (illustrated) .._ ._. ZIZ THE WoLsELEy Prtnor Vex Srrrr^rm CvrrNirr,"Jliriiiii"t.,Jl

^n,, ctru ooincs -.. ... ... 2]r3

MoroR tTNtoN LeceL ero Lecrsrartvr Drrr:nce Fut; ... ... zzo Motons elp Mororrxc-RevrEw ..- ... 2ZO Socrrty or AuroMoarlE MECHANTC DRryERs ... ..- z2l


British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. ps1 ..r,,,r,

1 Notes. The Palace{Non-skidding Demonsrrarions. We think it is to be regretted that with so large an(l varied a selection of non-skidding devices upJn the ma.rket the proprietors of all, or rnost of them, did not take steps. to, enter for the d#nonstrati<_rns arranged irr connectiorr u'ith the recent tn.stal I)alace Shorr. The provision macle for testing applinnces on the cemented slope leading from the steps of the firervork terr_ace to the grand fountain basin proved as severe a trial as could possibly be desired, foi anv clevice which would hold a car up on the slip section would most assuredly

-prove absolutely efficient upon the greasiest section of road discoverable in the Unitert Idngdom.

'I'he cars took the prepared area on a fairly steelr {rarle, so that the rvork required of the various devicei ,.r'as nruch rl)ore severe than at the club trials last year rt the.Locomolrile garage in South Kensington. There tht slip area was on the level, and the cars did. not lttain ar.r1'th-ing like the speed at which they took the srense on Thursrlav last week. As the conditions of the t'alace r.lemonstrations took no account of the rrrrrnlrer of u'heels to rvhich the non-skids should be attur:hed. it sas eviclent from the beginning that the cars uhich hacl all four wheels equipped wo-uld make the lrcst shou,, and this was borne out by the ultimate results. Neglect of this precaution i; a measure accolrnts for some of the devices falling short in their actual performances of what might have- been expectecl of them.

ln -entering such contrivauces in anv future trials, it ivoulcl be well for the entrants to en[age skilful and fearless drivers to rlemonstrate them, f-or"it was evident to every- orrlooker at the Crystal palace that two, if not more, of the devices sufferei in demonstration from the unskilfulness or timiditv of drivers. On such a surface as lvas there prepared, it rvas quite obvious that to ensure something like immunitv from side-slip one at least of the front wheels shotrid be furnished with a nor.r-skidding dev]cg, otherwise in the full lock turning test the car could do no other than continue in a righT line, notwithstanding the fact that the steering wtr&ls rvere locked hard over to one side. The rvheel.-s simplr, skated straight on. the car being altogether irresponsive to the angle at which they were set. We again repeat that rvith such excellent arrangements for'ievere and searchingztests it is to be.regretted that fuller advantage ru'as not

/aken of the lrrovision made at the palace Shoi.. The bordon-Bennett Cup. __ Bv the attitur'les assumecl on the pa.rt of the German. Iinglish. Italian. anrl tselgian Automobile Clubs, our (lallic friends, as represenied b_v the Automobile Club of France. llncl themselr-es to some exten,t impa.led (rJ)()n the homs of a dilemma. In his orvn powerful organ. the clonor of the cup has expressecl his extreme rlisapproval of the one-sirled a"a selfish position av,)\redl\ arrognted br the French club on behalf and at the rlictu.tion of the French industry, and he has staterl in so r)lan\. u,ords that the disabilities which the lirerrch borlr.'no*, seek to i;p;;;;p;. roreig, competitors l,ere rrel'er r:ontemplatdrt bv f,im for oile single instant. At the time he-offered'his celebrated troltl-rv to the lirerrch elub. he, lteing an Anglo-Saxon. rlas clearlv urrrler the impression ihat it "would be acr:eptecl and arlnrinistered in a sltortsmanlike manner. lt r:oulrl never hale occurred to him that a bo,rlv of gortlerlen chargerl with the -conduct of a great spoiting elent rlould lllou'themselves to be s5 swaved bi sorrlirl influences fronr outside that ther. *orid ,."i l,r rleprite their opp,rrlgnts of anvthing iike fair play ettrl erltral chances in sr.rch a sporting "contest.