THT AI-]TOCAR I3ournal publisbeD tn tlle interegte of tbe mecbanicallp propelleD roaD carrtage.
No. 485. Vor. XIV.I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4rH, r9o5. [PnrcE 3D.
(Published Weekly.)
Rcgistcrcd m a ncwspaper for trosmision in thc Unitcd Kiogdom. Ent rcd s *cond-class mattcr at thc Ncw Yotk (N.Y.) Post Office.
Norrs: Tus AurocARs or I9O5-THE Gonpox-Bsxxrrr Rece-Txe
MARTNE MoroR ... !..
Runer Exclrxp rN 1904 (illustration) ... USTFUL HrNts AND Trps: How ro OVERH^UL e Cln (illustrated) ANTt-sKtDS Occesroxeu Gossrp. By ,,THE AurocRAT " (illustrared)... THE Auroc^Rs oF 1905 Tsr DsrHr-Bouney Moron Tnrers (illustrated) Moron Cer ExHrBrrroN Ix Bousey A Rexrlrscrlcr oF THts DELHT-BoxBAy RourE TtsE 20 H p. BRoTHERHooD-CRocrER C^R (illustrated) \lly'rxfin Moronrrc, By Archibald Ford
... r44 ... r45 ... 146 .,. t17 r,t8-I53 I54-r55 .. r55 ... r55 r56-r59
Txi Cnysrer Pelecr Sxow; DEScRrprrvE REpoRT or rHE IJx r60
HrBrrs (illustrated)
... 16I-169
Txr Nrrrre METAL To Mrrer Crurcs (illustrated)
Coxrlrrxrer NoTES AND Nsws: TspGRANDpRTxAN OPEN RACE... 16g Connrspoxouxce: Nox"sxrps-TnrAls AT OLyuprA Sxow-DE DroN
... 16g
Ceas-Tgr ANNUAL AuroMosrrr Snow-Cosr or Runxrrc I Crn-Tss Derur-Bousry Rur-Moronruc rN CALTToRNTA illus_ trated)-UNrox ron Moton Can Dnlvrrs-ADVERTTSEMENT o. Sronr-A REpATRER'S Coxllertt-Loxc Nox.srop penronu-. ANGES-STAGNATToN rN DESTGN-Bnrtrss Sterr ron Moron Cens ... t7o_t73 FLAsHES aND"THE AurocAR " Dtany .,, t71_175 Crus Dorrcs: MANcHEsTER A.C.-SourH \,ty'ALEs AND MoNMourts - A.C.-NorrrrcH^MsHrRE A C.-yoRKsHrREA.C.-SourHERN M.C.
Txe AutoxonrrE CLUts RaLIABrLrry TRIALS-I2 H.p, Stoperey Ctn
SorE QuaRrEs AND llEpLrEs: Tynrs-Wurrr STEAM CAR_NoN_SxrDs
... t76
... ... lzz
-M tsrr nrlc-CnENA RD-WALcKER Ctrs_SLrrptlc Clurcn_ Loss or Powan-Tnr Soluss GaAR-STEAM CAR BorLERs ... l7g Motons rxp Loxoox Tnerrrc... ... t79.tg1 Au?oMoRrLE lluru^L pRorEcTroN Assocr^TroN ... -.. Ino ,.THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES :
British tsles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per anr)url
/ / Notes. The l,utocars of lg0S. Last year, in our first issue in February, *.e publisher.l a special section of 7'\rc Autocar rvhich gave .'.ornpi.i. list of the motor vehicies for the 1.eir. To_dav we repeat this feature. That is to sny, iue ,.e giving the name and powerof each car, number of cylin"ders,'bore and stroke, revolutions per minute, form of transmis_ sion, number of sJreeds, number of seats, *eiet t unladen with standard bodr. price, and the name of"the maker or seller.
All the cars are broadly classified according to price, so that, given the name -of the car, all ttre ,%ader tas to do is to turn to,,The Autocars of r9o5,; when he will find the leading particulars referred to of practically every car upon the market. To make the list still more useful, a number is set against each car referring to an index, in which the names and addressee of the manufacturers or sellers of the difierent ca.r* are given.
We have received so many enquiries for particularr similar to those which are given in this guide 'hat rve know, even without the afpreciations oiwhich we have been the recipients since we published the list last year, that it will be most useful and interesting to gur readers. ln fact, the number of Th.e Awtomr f.or , Iiebruary 6th, in which " The Autocars of rgo4" appeared, now changes hands at rs. or rs. 6d- per cop), so useful has it been found. We do not claim that the list.-is absolutely complete, but we have done our best t/make it so; 'no trouble has been spared to ensure a/curac1,.
Thebordon-Bennett Race. The differences of opinion between France and thc other nations interested in the Gordon-Bennett race are far from being settled. First, we have the,English protest and the tr'rench acknowledgment of it, ard reiteration of their determination to telescope the Gordon-Bennett race into the newly-instituted -Grand Prix event. Now we have the withdrawal of the German Automob,ile Club from the Gordon-Bennett race unless it is run as a sepa.rate event, while this is complicated bv the Mercedes people themselves ex- pressing their rvillingness to mn in the Grand prix. Of course, thel t'annot take part in t.he Gordon-Bennett itself rvithout the consent of the German Club. If the French idea rvas to rvreck the Gordon-Bennett ra.ce they- have certainlv gone a good way towards effecting it already. Ilorvever, we db not think they desire t6 rvreck it, but rather, as rve have said before, io decrease its importance. 'l'herefore, as their proposition of running the Grand Prix and the Gordoi-Binnett ract has been so unf4vourably received it appears to us that a rery satisfactorJ' middle course mighl be arranged. - By all means let the French hold the Grand prix, but not on the same day as t,he Gordon-Rennett race. Instead of that, let it be held on the date of the French eliminating trials. These eliminating trials will take place over the same course as the Goidon-Bennett race this year, but rvhether that was so or not rvotrid not materially affect the matter. If the Grand prix was. held simultaneously rvith the eliminating trials not one of the interesterl nations rvould have t[e least protest to offer. France need no lo,nger limit her competitors to the first fifteen in the eliminating, because erery car taking part in the eliminating trials, even if there rvere dorrlrle the number, would rr:present France. If it were so rvished the French couid still arr:mge that onlv.the first fifteen out of the competing Fren8h cars should be included in tabulatirrg the^resuits of the race, but. this really would not -itter; the foreign entries-six. to England, six to Germany, and so on_ colld remain as at present. 'lhe greit a.dvantage of thrs arrangemerrt u.ould be tha,t it would overcome all