THE AUTOCAR E 3ournat publtgbeD in tbe intereste of tlre mecbanicallu propelleD roaD carriage


No. 4Bz. Vor. XIV.I SATURDAY, JANUARY r4rH, r9o5. [Pnrco 3n


(Published Weekly.)

Registcred as a newspaper for trmsmission in the United Kingdom. Entercd as secood-class matter at the New york (N,Y.) Post Of6ce.






Notss: Arconor es I Fuur FoR MoroRS-THB Sarrry or Arconor

FUEL-THE DATE or rHE Suows ... UsEruL HrNTS exp Trrs: To Avoro SLrDE-sLrp DoWNHTLL-

NEUTRALTSTNG SprLT AcrD FRoM BATTERTES-To CLrAN AcETyrrur BunNrns-Kuocxrrc rN GEARS-ON Iluyrlc Leups-A BHorsl CgarI-CLEANTNG Cans-Srenrrlo rsp Ilncrnr rx Corp V/EATHUR ... ... A Two-srnoxs Mantrr Moron (illustrated) ... ALcoHoL AS A FUEL FoR MoroR CARS. INTERVTEW wrTH DR.

ORMANDY,.. ... MY AuNT's'l'ouR TaB 7 u.p. THBEB-CYLINDER Veuxgeru CAR (illustrated) THE DELHr-IloMBAy RELrABrr.rry TRTALs RAcING oN tae Sarps OccASIoNAL Gosslp. By "THE AuTocRAT" ... Tgs Ixvexrror or rsn ScHrw PRopELLER ... .. Sour Quenrrs AND RErLTES : Ilrer Vatvrs-NoN sxlps-PolrrNc rN CARTURETTER-RADraaoRS-Hor ExHAUsr Ptra, Bunlrnc or PLATTNUM Porxrs Cnecruo Cyrrtpens-TrrES oN sETTSPARATTtN FoR CyLTNDERs-Sorrp aNp PNEUITATTc Tvnes-Sru.STARTTNG ots A PETRoL M,,ton-Reprecrxc Dry Berr'rnrrsRexewu or Lrcsxsrs-Lrxruc up I Clurcn Fnou Suow ro SuMuaR: A TouR Rrrerep av trrr Can (illus,

trated) A NEw TypE or RADlaroR (illustrated) CoxtrupNrer, Norrs eryo Nervs: Tse GRAND PRrr-TountNc Trtels

-Tnu McprrprnANEAN Morolt BoAT I{ACE .. .. RTVIERA Gossrp-Honsr Accroexrs-A RuN ox raB Nsw Cuenenp-

Warcxex Cex ... Corrrspolognce : NoN sxrps-BRrrtsH AuroMogrlB Ilpusrny-

MoToRrNc rN -Pnlctrcar SourH AFRrca-E\pERrltNcEs wrrn a Srrelr Crr Dxrrrrrlcrs .Trru alp l{oAD CARS or. THE F'uruxn-Cosr oF RuNNTNG e Cen-Ds DroN Cens-A New Pepr:n -Txp PnoPosrrroN FoR THE 1905 GoRDoN-BENNETT THr Euprns SPRTNG wHEEL (illustrated) Tue Gonoor. BTNNETT RAcE ENTRTES roR THE GoRDoN-BuNxetr Tntars ... ... Fresxus rru rHE " AurocAR " Drent ... SoME RECENT Parerrs. By E. W. Werroro (illustrated) INDUSTRIAL CoMMITTEE BUSINESS; THE I9O5 RELIABILITY TRTALS-

Moror Uxrox Worx-Moron'Busps ron l-oNDoN ... J usTrcE FoR Moronrsrs-GexERAr. IDENTrFrcATrox Menxs



37 38-.10


13 +1 45 45 46 47






55-59 60-6r

6I 6I 62-64


66 67

..THE AUTOCAR " SUBSCRIPTION RATES: British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), Z2s. 8d. per annu

/ dt.otol as a(u Ilotes. el for Motor Cars.

ftr another column to-dav we publish an interview wjth Dr. Ormancly upon this most important subject. Motorists shoulcl tre exceedingly grateful to Dr. Ormaudy and to Messrs. J. Crrisfield anrl Sons, Ltd., for the disinterested work the)' are cloing in this matter.

- Ther shoulcl also appreciate the plain un- technical language in which Dr. Ormanrlr, has stated some of the arguments in favour of a home-procluced fuel. Unfortunatelv. motorists at larse rlo not take sumcient interest in'this subject. Thev'are happ1, ancl rvell satis6ed rvith petrol and the excelleni -results obtained from its use, so that comparative'lv few of them iuterest themselves in the fuel-question from a patriotic point of view. 'l'hey agree it would b,e verl' line to have a home-proilut:erl fuel, anrl that is practi cally the end of the matter. At the same time, it is equal)r'certain that unless n rnore patriotic vierv is taken of the question the rnovenrent will llot make the progress it shoulcl. 'l'he ul-role questiou of the Excise arrangenrents $'ith re{arrl to ali:ohol is looked upon as a rn\ster\ br nranr. urrrl there is a too general dislrosiiion t,r ieuar,l-the Ercise regulations a.i somethine alnrost sacrerl. u'hich carrnot possibll be altereci. As a nratter ol fact. the onll rerl rlilliculti- is one of vestecl lrrlerests. ancl the alrvars more than cliffrcnlt matter of lrrirrginu before lhe pr',,i,,-, lruthoriLics'h Aruuments a-s u lll r:on'r'ince thenr tl-urt the alte ration of existing reguliltions. or perhalrs u'e shoulrl sav the making ol ne\\ ones" u i]l create a rrcu, honre inrlustrr'.

It canrrot be tcro clcar[] urrrlerstr.rt.rrl b1 all that the manufacture of alr:ohol for inrlustrirl puriroses rvill necessitate \\,hat is l)racti('all\- a rrerv home inrlustry. It Ius notl-rins \\'hatever to rLr rvith the rlistillers, rvho are making alcohol irr rvhisk-r'. 1'here are. it seems, about r5o lirms nraking alcohol for rlrinking purposes aurl onlr sir making rlenaturerl or ntethllaterl spirit for' inrlustrial uses. \et these r.5o lirnrs are. irr the majoritr of r:ases. r'omlratting the iuggesteC alterations oi thi larv u'hich u'ill niake it prossilrle t() procure morleratelr cheap rletrrturerl or urrrlrirrkahle alcohol for indus trial uses. It is rrronstrous that the irtrlustrial progress of the countn shoulrl lre hanrpererl ltl a hanrlful of overcapitaliserl an,l in too niau\ cases non-progressive distillers ol rlrink, rvho have rnarle huge fortunes, ancl rvho mav corrtiuue to mrke them so far as the upholders of inrluitrial ak:ohol are concernerl. All that ls asker'l b1,those rvho u'ish it to lre nrarle possible for alcohol to be userl for heat. light. anrl l)ower purp,oses is that the u,hiskv rlistillers rvill rernember that their veste<l interests i.e not attar:kerl in arv rvar', anri that. therefrrrs. 15", sh,,rrlrl rlrstrirr lronr iirrerltrirrs in a question thich. ai u'e har,e sairl. is no ('oncern of theirs.

The Safety of Alcohol Fuel. Another point in falour of alr-ohol fuel rvhich is not b1 an,r means generalll realisecl is its safety. The question of a safe liqtrirl fuel is one ol national importance. not crnlt for use ashore ltut fclr marine work. Everyone rviih anl knorvlerlge of the subject believes that there is a great future for the small high-speecl boat for naval work rlriven bv internal combustion engines. The possibilities of these small vessels are alreadv realised in olficial quarters, and, a.s is well known. the submarines are all primarily dependent npon intemal comlrustion engines for their motive power. At the l)resent moment. the internal combustion engine is of sreat importance to the naval authorities. but it will unquestionablv be of far greater importance in the near future. when small, fast. and silent scout boats are recoqniserl. as thev soon will be. as necessarv equipments to be carrierl in numbers on all the larger lar vessels. Therefore a liquid fuel rvhich can be safelv carried upon shipboard is of the utmost rrational importance, and alcohol is the fuel. lrecause it