

THE AI-]TOCAR g Sourrul uubttsbcD tn tbe tnteregts of tbe meclranicalt! propcllcD roaD curriaga


No. 48r. Vor. XtV.l SATUIIDAY, IANUARY 7ru, go

-- [PnIclr -1t > ) I


(Published Weekly.)

Registered as a newspaper for tlansmission in the United Kingdom' Entercd as second-class matter at the New York (N.Y.) Post Of6ce'





rvorlcl, but rve have long been convitlced that one of its rnost . valuable assets .-is its universally admitted im- partiality aucl freedorn from bias. Every possible pre- caution is taker.r to maintain this attitude' We do not expect, and net,er have expected, -to please .everybody or to obtain a reputation fbr consistency in,the eyes of every carping critic tvho comes aloug. We do,.however, ,..k to retai"n the cor.rli<leuce of all automobilists who are rvorthy the name, ancl we can boast a reputatior for consiitency amongst motorists of this type. This is the ideal rve strive for to the utmost'



Gonoox-BrxNerr Recg-Sront AND ADVERTTSING ... ' Userui HINrs AND TIPS: AccuMULAToR CHARGING, nv H' M' 'WYATT-ANTt-FReszIxc Mlxtungs llow A CH^NGE Sptup Grex WoRKS (illustratcd) ... THE GoRDoN-BENxutt Cup FoR 1905, BY RoGER H. IjULLER A 5.000 MILES TRIAL TRIP (illustrated) ... :fHE r2 H.p. Two-cyI"INDaR Stpouuuv CAR (illustrated) Tne Drrnr-BouaAY RELIAtsILITY TRIAL M;d Ve;;t;a

"'o* Ht^u" Tnerrrc-Nrw TARE LIMIT arp Rtcu-

LATIONS c"*iinri"^t llotri axp''News: Txr Rsvlvar or IiAcING-THE

Gnaxo Pnrx fse euvetiNE Gonpox-BuuNetr RacE CouasE (illustratcd) " "' Rtvrena Gosstp eo*"ii""nri".r: cosr ots Rurrrxc A C^R-DE Dtox Crns- -- Si"in"t Iioncrrrulxsss-CAUSEs oF F'AILUITE IN CIRS-IM-

"*6"i"rnr" rn I905-PREvENTIoN of SrDE-sLrP-Moton Dnlvrns' Uxrox-C)erxrons oN THE PARIS SHoW-THE Pnorosttrol ror THE 1905 GonPor-BerxErt... Txe Tneu AND RoAD Cens or tue FuruRE, BY A CLARK "' "' FLASHES AND "I'HB AurocAR" DIARY a;;-D;ii"; , A c"r, r()R SrBAM Crn Orvrpns-AuroMorrrlE cLUB

oF CEYLoN sour o-umrss AND IIEPLTES: Cnecrco CYLTNDERs-REPlrcrxc Dnv --'E^iit*ir"-penarrlr BuRupns-Lrvs Axrss erp Baexts-

l,tiirmrNc-plnaFtsrN EoR Cvrrrorns-A SourH AFRTcAN IN-

"irnii"*-s"o*.rno erp Soortxc or PLUG-BREA(Ice o-r Irlrl v^iu" s"ix"""s-Tunottre Coxtnor-Rrpatnlxc C-nlcxsp w^1i"-,^.xsts-ovERHEATING oF ENGINE-rNcREAsrNG PowER s""" " iritiini Petunrs (illustrated), BY E w' wALrcaD : AN

Acrtvrtxe LAMP IMPRovEMENT- A SucrloN-oPERATED LrovERNoR :e -iL"" TnloesueN's VAN-A CARBuRETTBR FoR ALcoHoL MIxtunrs... .. A PRESTED AccuMULAToR TEST (illustrated) ,..




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:THE AUTOCAR" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: British Isles, I6s. Abroad (thin paper edition), 22s. 8d. per.annum'

The Autocar. ^l/o/es. '-fo-day is our 6rst issue itl I9o5, and also the hrst df a n"i" volume Volume XIV. It is a source of constant gratihcation to us that we retain the readers *t o U.gin to subscribe to Th,e Au,tocar upon - its establishinent in r89.5. 'I'hev, ancl all who made their acquaintance w\th Thc Autocar and automobilism in the early days, know our policy so well that it is scarcely necessaiy to refer to it so far as they are concerned. At the sime time, in adclition to these valued friends of many years' standing, we are continually secu_ring newer read-ers, who have come into the automobile wcrld comparatively late, and who do not profess to be so wellup in many matters which are well known to older motorists, and this is our reason fpr talking a little about ourselves. No one thing accounts for the strength and influence of The Awtocar in the automobile

At the present time a report is current to the effect that i motor paper has been established by a group of firms in the motor car and kindred btrsinesses' tve clo not believe it for an instant, but as such a report is witlelv circulated, it is perhaps well to-state that no one directll or indirectly cbnr.recled rvith the corrduct of The Awtocbr holds anv shares in a motor businessl consequentl-v the papei has alwavs been free to speak f.urt.r"l, and as ii thought; it his never had to mould its potiq. to suit that of anv firm or group of firms whais,o,ever rvhich may be connected rvith the motor industrv. It has done, and rvill continue to do, all in its porver for the best interests of atttomobilism and the ir-rstmction and etttertairlment of atttomobilists, l)ut it will never lend itself to aly practice of the " truckling " order, ttor do an-v- other act which will in any rvi.y lessen the confidence of its readers. As we have 'alreadv hinted, this will no doubt be regardecl as an unnecessary proclamatio'n by the majoritl of our readers, but in vierv of the report we meiitiori above we think it well to reiterate our firm de/ermination to keep The Arotocor upon the highest py'ssible plarre of jorrrnalistic moralitv. { Looking Ahead.

r 9o.5 bids fair to Ite orle of the most irrterestitrg veai. in the annals of autornol-rilism. I'his refers not bnly to everrts at home. but also to those which will takl place abroarl. A feature of the home events will unquestionalrly be long-clistatrce trials for individual ca.i, .u,., entireh' uncler club observatiot-t. The first of these events was rurt quite recently, and the second

-a 5,ooo miles trial-was started on the first working day of the new year. Other trials of a similar nature are expected to take place from time to time throughout the reir. In addition to these long-distance trials of singie cars, rve shall also have qeneral reliability' trials, anr-l these will be the leading club fixture for the current twelve months. Last year, it will be remem- berecl that the onlv reliabilit,v trials promoted by the Automobile Club were those for cars costing less than d'zoo. I'his vear the commencing limit will probably be set at dz<,o for the chassis right up to the most costlv vehicle made. Another entirely.new event will be the tourist trophv competition. This to all intents and purposes rvill be a race between lighq fouring-cars' but with a fuel limit, and it should be exceedingly interesting and most instmctive, as everything is lleing done rvhich experience can suggest to make the com- petition take such a form that the designing, making.